I've grown before using Ocean Forest and DynoGro, I had no problems they were bushy and green with no deficiencies. This is my first living soil attempt with dry amendments only. I didn't do anything all by myself either, the soil is mixed by Dirtcraft Organics
Dirtcraft Living Soils. I didn't even want to mix my own soil because I wanted to rely on a professional's premixed soil. So it's not like I'm or was overconfident with any of my attempts.
This is the problem I'm having. I reached out to someone who has years of living soil experience (and seems to be growing very well on his youtube channel) and he told me that the plants were overfertilized and overwatered. Now I'm being told they're hungry and underwatered. This is the source of my confusion.
Soil is mixed by Dirtcraft Organics.
Dirtcraft Living Soils
I think if nothing works, I'll just start from scratch with Ocean Forest and DynoGro nutrients since that's what worked for me previously. I didn't play music to them but I might have yelled them here and there. Not sure if they're heartbroken.
I'm reading that after cleaning the probes with distilled water, letting them dry is what kills the pH pens. I think people wet a piece of cotton and stick that inside the probes for longevity and to keep it calibrated, as much as it's possible. I'm not too worried if they won't last, I'm worried they won't be correct. I think I'm going to add general hydroponics ph liquid as a comparison to the cheapo pen.
Thanks for all the answers. Another day that plants didn't move an inch. Waiting for the pH pen. Let's see what's going to happen.