My first grow has begun

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Well I've suspected this one for a while, today it is clear. Here are pictures of my tallest, best looking plant. Figures. Well I guess I gotta do what I gotta do, but that sucks. This one is way bigger then all the other. The good news is this is the only one that looks like this. Hopefully the others are all female. Later all.




Damn bro, that sux! Well, you can always let them grow a little more in veg, do some LST and maybe get a bigger yield. At least the rest are promising!
Well I think I'm going to go 5 of 6 female. Here are pictures.

I'm going to switch them to flowering nutes when I water them on Friday. They are starting to show nice bud sites and the cabinets seems to be working really well. On the lighting I switched out 8 of the blue bulbs and added 8 red bulbs. I could definately see a difference in brightness.

The pictures are of each plant front and top views and then a couple of them in the grow cabinet. Have a good one.










Hey yorker ! How goes it ? I have followed your grow a little of and on , and you have answered a couple of my questions on other threads ( THANKS ) . I have a post on " introduce yourself " , it discribes my new grow i'm about to partake in .the lights i'm gonna use ARE 2 - 48" fluro's one on each side , and a 24" from the top . I'm not sure what bulbs to get ,they are T12 type . I want to get the right lumens for my space ( 4sq ft. closet ) . What are you using ? thanks for any help . Your grow looks great keep it up man !!!!!:D
Crap. My tallest plant sprouted nuts and he's gone. Yesterday they all looked female. This morning I see this on the tallest plant. Do I need to destroy it?

theyorker said:
Crap. My tallest plant sprouted nuts and he's gone. Yesterday they all looked female. This morning I see this on the tallest plant. Do I need to destroy it?
It's a hermie. :eek: Hey man i wouldn't destroy it i would just pluck the balls off when ya see them. We did it with one of our White Widow he/she's 3 or 4 grows ago and turned out fine. Had a few seeds but the bud was great. ;)
Thanks TBG. Do I have to watch out for this for the rest of the grow or just now? There are maybe 6 of these suckers and I want to keep the plant so I'm going to do what you suggested.
theyorker said:
Thanks TBG. Do I have to watch out for this for the rest of the grow or just now? There are maybe 6 of these suckers and I want to keep the plant so I'm going to do what you suggested.
Yes you will have to check it everyday for balls. What ya wanna do is keep them bad boys from popping open. If they pop you can expect seeds.
Well things are growing well. I got Reverse for the hermie and it seems to have worked. I went 5 for 6 on females. Here are a bunch of updated pictures. If you are interested in seeing what topping a plant does, check out the pics of the two plants side by side. One was topped, one wasn't. Also some nice closeups of the bud site forming and all the plants in the closet. Have a good one. Later.:smoke1:












Whats going on theyorker. Man the ladies are coming right along and looking great but then again i don't expect anything less from ya. ;) Your doing a great job my friend and your plants are proof of that. Keep up the great work and you will be smoking before long. :aok:
very nice plant and work people siad cfl are not good but my dad told me that was the way to go on the stone age so i am following his steps
Well it seems like they have stopped growing height, but are starting to put on alot of white pistels and buds are starting to form. I wasn't happy with the way they were growing, so of course I had to mess with em a little. I read a thread on adding 3% hydrogen peroxide to the plants to help stimulate the roots by giving them extra oxygen. Also the soil had never been flushed so I flushed 2 gallons of water with 3 oz of HP mixed in. I'm hoping that this will "clean" the soil a little and add some oxygen to help the roots. I suspect that they are getting some heat stress and dry air stress. When the lights are on during the day, the temps are upwards of 90 and the air is very dry. So hopefully the extra water will pick up the humidity in the closet for a day.




nice plants and under cfl very nice now can you give me some help with my babys theres some rusty spots chec this pics and tell me what you think





I would post those pictures in the sick plant forum. Describe your setup (lights, nutes, watering regime) and tell the age of the plant with as much info as you can think of. The plants look OK, but definately could look better.
HydrO PasSiOn said:
Lookin Very Goooood Keep It Up Bro

Thanks Hydro :smoke1: I've been checking in on your grow, although I don't follow hydro grows as closely since I am a dirt grower and I get envious of your huge buds!!

Here are some updated pics. I changed all of the lights in the cabinet to red. You can see the before and after pics. I'm having a problem with one of the plants leaves curling. I took some closeups of her. This is the one that hermed early on, although I have seen no nut sacks since spraying with Reverse. I suspect the issue is humidity being to low, but I would like some confirmation on that. Hope you are all having a great weekend. Later.








those plants look very nice whats the trick i am growing under cfl too tell me please any help will be apriciate npeace out
Well this sucks. I no longer have sensimelia buds. I have seeds in my buds. I suspected I had a problem when I saw all those beautiful hairs turning from their virgin white color to that nasty rust color. Here are pictures. The frustrating thing is, I really don't know how the pollen got in the chamber. Also, I have plants that are currently vegging in the lower part of the chamber and it is light tight. Do I have to worry about those plants also? Dang this bites.







Sorry to hear about that but don't let it go to waste just know that you can't clone them but you can still smoke them because alot of bagseed exist because of this delima. IMHO!

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