My first grow has begun

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I started Low Stress Training on one of the plants yesterday. First pic is from yesterday and second pic is from this morning. Also, I can see where the plant is forming another stem. I'm going to do this on a few more of the plants.

The nutes were exactly what the plants needed. I looked this morning and there is lots of healthy green growth going on. The one on steriods is showing sex and I got a pic, but it is a little blurry. This has me worried. I've heard a lot of people say it's the strongest best looking plants that are male, and I've heard that males usually show sex first. So far this one is 2 for 2.



theyorker said:
This has me worried. I've heard a lot of people say it's the strongest best looking plants that are male, and I've heard that males usually show sex first. So far this one is 2 for 2.

Lets hope that this isn't true for all our sakes. They are looking great so far though! ;)
Wow...HUGE growth over the weekend and I definately did NOT overdo it on the nutes!!!:yay: Lots of nice green bushy growth. I think they are starting to show alternating nodes. On all the sets of leaves there is a new set of leaves that are coming in right at the stalk of the plant.

The 1st and 2nd pic are the same plant. The first was taken 4 days ago when I did LST on the plant. The 2nd is this morning. WOW! I'm going to do another tie down on this plant later this week. I'm planning to veg this one for another 2-3 months.

Third pic is the plant on steriods. I LST'd her today.

Fourth is a group pic of the four that I'm going to start to flower very soon.

Fifth pic is a group shot of the 8 that will veg while the other 4 are flowering. If you look in the back right you will see the two ******* of the group. Last 2 are close ups of the *******. They are growing but are the stubiest, shortest, ugly little ***** I've ever seen. We'll see what happens with them I guess.

I'm going to make a change to my grow space. I'm getting rid of the container and will hang the lights and install some type of curtain to prevent light from getting to the flower chamber. This will give me more space to flower the plants. Later peeps.







I think they are starting to show alternating nodes. On all the sets of leaves there is a new set of leaves that are coming in right at the stalk of the plant.
what you are describeing is "secondary growth"..I would guess that you have some ways to go before you will see alternateing nodes.
:eek: Here are pics. I have 7 plants that are White Widow and I can tell which are which because the White Widows are getting some secondary leaves coming in at every node. I'll try and get some pictures of the growth later.

I have 6 of them in 10" pots and will put them on 12/12 lighting starting on Day 40. The other six are going to veg for another 15 weeks or so while the other flower and cure. You can see the two chambers in the last picture.

When I gave them the dose of nutes I noticed that the "tea" color of the water tinged the perlite to a brownish color. After they were watered 4 days ago I noticed the tinge was still there. Today the perlite is pretty white, so I will give them nutes next time I water. The get watered every 4 days with lake water.

So far the plants look like they are growing very healthy and strong. I took 3 of the plants that are going to veg long term out of their pots and sort of agitated the roots with an exacto knife:eek: I hope I didn't stress them out too much, but I want to make sure they don't get root bound. I'll see how these 3 respond before I do it to the other 3.

Please offer any comments or opinions as to overall health and development of the plants. This is my first grow and I'm using all flourescents growing from seeds. I've seen some grows at 32 days look like a jungle. I'm not sure, are my plants "lagging" in some way? They look very healthy and strong to me and even the stalks are starting to harden up, but hey what do I know?:confused2: Thanks for looking in. Later all.










They look good but I wouldn't flower them yet, let 'em veg for a couple more weeks atleast in my opinion. :confused2:
Looking good mang. Like NGT said you should veg them for a few more weeks or until they mature. ;)
Well here are updated pics. I've been watering every 4 days, but today is only day 2 and the pots feel light so I'm going to water tommorrow. They got watered with lake water and Flora Nova 600ppm 2 days ago. The LST is going good I think. I've found that as I bend I can sort of twist the stalk a little bit and the stalk is starting to get really fat on a few of them and it has the look of rope. I feel like I'm abusing the plants sort of. Look at the last 2 pictures. The leaves are all flipped. I hope I'm not killing em! Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks for looking in. Later.








Just a quick update. Gave them a good watering today, no nutes. The plants are all starting to show alternating nodes. I'm going to start flowering 6 plants on Monday, 2 plants are uncut, 2 were topped today and 2 have undergone some LST.

The other six are starting to get very bushy. I'm going to have a jungle going by the time I can finally flower these plants.

As for overall growth, I remain very pleased. The plants are all very compact and healthy, and the growth is very strong. The plants are growing their 7th nodes. Temp gets into mid 80's during day, but I am in a tropical climate so I don't think that hurts them. At night it gets down into the low 70's.

I'm pleased with the lighting results so far. Today I ran the closet at full power for the first time. It is REALLY bright inside the closet and it is EVERYWHERE. Today I put 6 red bulbs into the closet so the plants are getting red light for the first time also. Over the next 4 weeks I will gradually change out 24 of the 32 bulbs with red light and I'll stay with that for the rest of flowering.

Well I will post some pictures on Monday. Have a great weekend and thanks for checking in.
looking good man ill be watchin this grow keep us updated and pics we love them!!
Well here are some pictures as of this morning. They are all showing alternating nodes, however I am reluctant to begin flowering because they are not that tall yet. The tallest one is 8" and there is one that is 4". I'd like the plants to get to 3' tall so I guess I have to wait longer.

The first 3 pictures are of my flower chamber and the six plants I will begin to flower soon. The next 3 pictures are side, top and close up of the tallest plant. The next 3 are side, top and close up of my uncut White Widow. The last 3 pictures are in my veg chamber and show the six plants that are undergoing LST. Look close at the last picture and you will see a really FAT stem. These are going to veg another 12 -14 weeks. I don't know how I'm going to do that, but I'm sure it'll be fun! :cool2:

That's it. Comments are always welcome. Thanks for checking in. Later.












healthy li'l bushes yorker..BUT...from the pictures posted, at least the ones that "profile" .. I don't see an alternateing node in the bunch. I see "secondary" growth at the nodes.,
but notice these nodes are not directly across from each other, "alternating"..;)
Thanks Hick. I didn't know 7-8 weeks was required for vegging. Long time:mad:
hey man , i'm looking to build a cabinet alot like yours . i have a metal cabinet 30" x 22" x 5'6" split into two halves . bottom for budding " flowering " top for starters and vegging . do i need all this lighting you have? it looks like alot . and are these floresants the same as any old light . i have alot of 4' ers in my garage . not too on the up and up with watage and aal the terms you guys mentioned earlier . any help would be appreciated ?
Well they are all showing alternating nodes. Here are some close ups. Anyone see any tell tale signs of male or female? The last picture is specially for Hick :p . All the plants have nodes like that one, but only within the last 2 days. Thanks for keeping me from flowering them too soon. Later all.





Well I switched the lights to 12/12 Friday night and here are pics of them as of this morning. Take a look at the left plant in the 2nd to the last picture. That is the ugliest things I have ever seen, but it continues to grow so what the heck, I have the space. Anyone have any experiences with really ugly plants and if they produced ANY decent weed?

Also, they are starting to show sex. I'm pretty sure 2 of them are female and 2 others are starting to show, but it's still to early to tell. The tallest one is 11" and the shortest is 7" (except the runt which is about 4").

Anyone know how long it takes a White Widow to flower? Later all.





Hey theyorker, I am on my first grow--white widow--and I am just starting week 3 of flower. I vegged for 4o days on 24/0. Mine were pretty tall, but I didnt do the LST thing. Anyways mine all showed their sex between day 7 and 14 of flower. At first it was really hard to tell what was what, then after a while it becomes OBVIOUS. I had one hermie in the bunch and that was the only one that was a little tricky. My plants all have flowers now, lots of them, so I'd say within a week or so your females should all have some small flowers. JMO since I'm new to growing, but just wanted to chime in because I'm about 1-2 weeks ahead of you in the process also with ww. Good luck!

Thanks for the info's good to know that my grow is on track. Do you have a grow journal going?
No grow journal for me, theyorker. I had to post picture of my hermie and it took me all day to figure it out! So I'd go nuts if I had to do that on a regular basis. I recently had someone email me some cool optical illusions which I was going to post here just for fun. But again I had to change their size in order to post them and got frustrated and gave up. So anyway posting pictures is not my strong suit--I'm sort of a techno-moron, so I had to pass on the grow journal. But there are a number of ww grow journals that I followed. Frank Petersons was one and there were some others too. Check em out. ;)
Another thing I meant to point out to you: I germinated all my seeds on the same day. They are the same strain and were/are subjected to the exact same conditions and enviroment. But the variation in size is amazing. Some of mine are tall with these huge buds and others are small and just starting to flower. I guess they're like kids, they all grow at their own pace. Interesting.

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