Island Of Misfits

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They are admitting my dad to the hospital again been here all day. CHF is the culprit this time. They want to push diuretics to push out the fluids. He should be here a day or two.
I’m sorry to hear you dad is sick.
My dad is getting older too. I’m afraid he may be getting Alzheimer’s …

And yes I hate those things too. Wasp don’t hurt this long, or bad. And they are not nearly as aggressive.
I’m going to get them with some diesel fuel though. Don’t tell the EPA 😂
I got my tractor saddle bagged on top of a yellow jacket nest once.
Tore into it with the tractor, and everything.
There was a trail of clothes leading from the tractor, to the house.
I ran into the bathroom, removed my underwear, and jumped in the shower.
When I got out of the shower, there were three yellow jackets flying around the bathroom.
I have many times, gotten into yellow jackets, but they got me good that time.
Wow you got me beat there. Last time I got popped with Yellowjackets I was about 11 years old. 25 years ago.
It’s funny really. I bushhog, work food plots. Cut meadows and fields etc. and I haven’t been stung by more than a honey bee since. Until now😂 honeybees don’t hurt at all.
Good morning venerable brothers and sisters!

Another gaugus day starting at 53F and predicted to reach 90F.

Well shit! I dropped my upper plate and broke a couple front teeth. The last time I broke teeth was in high school eating a forearm shiver to the chops without a teeth guard. About $1500 and a week or so to replace, so looks like I will be greeting my A-Team members tomorrow for lunch with a broken smiley.

A bad day for the fat boy, as I also lost my Kindle carrying it in my jacket pocket when Miss Layla and I visited Fernhill dog park. I went back and looked, but it was long gone so I ordered another one for $150 that is due this morning. Caching, caching, $.............................
I got my tractor saddle bagged on top of a yellow jacket nest once.
Tore into it with the tractor, and everything.
There was a trail of clothes leading from the tractor, to the house.
I ran into the bathroom, removed my underwear, and jumped in the shower.
When I got out of the shower, there were three yellow jackets flying around the bathroom.
I have many times, gotten into yellow jackets, but they got me good that time.
Good morning venerable brothers and sisters!View attachment 361299View attachment 361300

Another gaugus day starting at 53F and predicted to reach 90F.

Well shit! I dropped my upper plate and broke a couple front teeth. The last time I broke teeth was in high school eating a forearm shiver to the chops without a teeth guard. About $1500 and a week or so to replace, so looks like I will be greeting my A-Team members tomorrow for lunch with a broken smiley.

A bad day for the fat boy, as I also lost my Kindle carrying it in my jacket pocket when Miss Layla and I visited Fernhill dog park. I went back and looked, but it was long gone so I ordered another one for $150 that is due this morning. Caching, caching, $.............................
Sounds like if it was raining female sexual orifices, you'd get hit in the head with a male sexual appendage. I've had that kind of luck.

Cleaned that up well, didn't I?
Deep thought for the day! Is it really arthritis, or early onset rigor mortis?
That would explain my hands after four hours of holding on to a steering wheel during yesterday's foray. I thought it was God's way of taking my mind off of my screaming spine.

Good morning (?) Misfits.
Ok The Dr called me from the VA hospital they are releasing him. I drove my Happy ass to the VAHospital to find out they don’t know what the hell I am talking about. I need to be high to deal with these asses.
And Im Not even a little 💨
Trying to get a dozen Semara eggs, supposed to be the smallest chicken in the world. Cocky looking things.
Nice thunderstorm moved through this evening. We sure needed the rain.
I’m planning on running chickens through the incubators for two months. Can get 6 runs in two months. Should get around 120 birds out of that. If I can sell 100 hens come spring I’ll gross $2000, takes $30 a week to feed that many birds. Six months, 24 weeks to maturity. Cost me about $500 to feed em from hatch to sale. Would net a cool $1500 bucks.
Hard to get 100 hens, mostly cockerels when they hatch. If I run all three incubators I could expect 180 hatched. Give or take.


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