Island Of Misfits

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About to wind it down. Took the missus and two boys out and eased through the trails this evening. Storms have us cooled down nicely. The woods are starting to look like a forest again. We were forced to clear cut old growth hardwoods about 2011. It hurt to see the woods I grew up in, knew like the back of my hand just cut clear to the property lines.

My favorite dog is buried down there, and now since the cut I can’t find it.

By the time my boys get some size the trees will be bigger. And hopefully they will see it as I once did. Full canopy, nice and dark and cooler than the fields.
Found a handful of arrowheads over the years. And three graves. Natural stones. No headstone. Just piled up, three side by side. We’ve found old brown medicine bottles before too.
We all have probably buried a loved dog or cat.
Imagine burying your own kin. That would be a real tough hole to dig.
It’s fitting to me when it’s a dog. It was my love, why should I not prepare the final resting place?
Society gets further away and more detached from what’s natural in life.
Quail hatching in three or four days.
Then I’ll run three incubators wide open till November.
Was overlooking my “used parts” area and I have enough t post and enough second hand chain link fencing to build a 12x30 chicken coop. Thinking of using pvc bent into hoops like the homemade hot houses, for the upper sides and the roof. Stretch 2 inch chicken wire over the top and I have space for 100 birds.
Surprised I have not had issues with coyotes, fox or raccoons yet.

I can always buy a thermal scope for pest control. And right it off as an expense. 😀. Gotta sell a lotta birds to pay for a $5k scope🤣. Says the guy that disassembled and cleaned a 35-40 year old Bushnell scope and stuck it right back on the rifle. I ain’t buying no thermal. I wish though. I can’t even get no nookie from mama dog

They got a term for a dog like me.
Broke Dîck dog. 🤔
Yet another gaugus day starting at 60F and predicted to reach 96F.................


Lunch out with A-Team turned out good, but with additional steps. Chens Dynasty II failed to open at 11:00AM as advertised and around 11:45AM we walked over to Captains Choice for seafood instead.

Food was passible and company was excellent catching up on everyone. Everyone was in a good space and reasonable health. We made plans to chauffer a missing player that doesn't drive or answer the phone anymore to the next one, as well as invite a younger associate who is recovering from a triple bypass and an aneurism.
Morning boys and girls,

A nice long weekend is upon us. So happy to be out of the office for a few days, super busy lately.

This weekend will be outdoor work, Grilling, playing guitar, family time and of course smoking some homegrown.

Hope you all have a great weekend.
Quail hatching in three or four days.
Then I’ll run three incubators wide open till November.
Was overlooking my “used parts” area and I have enough t post and enough second hand chain link fencing to build a 12x30 chicken coop. Thinking of using pvc bent into hoops like the homemade hot houses, for the upper sides and the roof. Stretch 2 inch chicken wire over the top and I have space for 100 birds.
Surprised I have not had issues with coyotes, fox or raccoons yet.

I can always buy a thermal scope for pest control. And right it off as an expense. 😀. Gotta sell a lotta birds to pay for a $5k scope🤣. Says the guy that disassembled and cleaned a 35-40 year old Bushnell scope and stuck it right back on the rifle. I ain’t buying no thermal. I wish though. I can’t even get no nookie from mama dog

They got a term for a dog like me.
Broke Dîck dog. 🤔
Think I’ll fry some fatback later. Got a guy coming to buy quail eggs and a turkey this evening. Went to see the wife’s grandma today. Got home and iced my back. Now stretching. Nerve is hurting today. I hope I make it to next year before I have to do something with this back. I need to get my bills paid off, and sign up for short term disability insurance first. I think that’s what’s causing my anxiety which in turn worries me about my heart. Mentally I don’t feel bad, but it puts a tightness in my chest and makes me have to breath harder.
A good day of f.uckin around so far.

Took my lady out for lunch. Cut the grass and trimmed some limbs off a tree. played the axe for a bit..vaped up some Chem91...Feeling groovy.
My favorite kind of day. Enjoy f’ing off while it lasts.

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