Island Of Misfits

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Went to the vegan festival not on purpose but went to see a guy I know playing there for the afternoon. All they had was vegan food and craft beer. I’m not much into craft beer but after three of them I ordered the collard green egg rolls and sweet potato fries.
they were actually really good and I’m gonna try to recreate the egg rolls at home. While I was there I bought these crazy shrooms for supper tonight. I’ve only cooked with portobellos but these turned out really good kinda chewy and delicious. Stir fried them.
Oh I forgot The night climb was scary
I was on loan to the PD from the FD
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I with a retired NYFD friend went into the city and spent the night at his old firehouse .
I forget the house # but it was the house that Firefighter Ford died in the "Fathers Day Fire".
We got involved in making dinner , and I went on a call .
Over 20 years ago
said something about using the $ to buy the group a coffee maker:rolleyes:
I wondered who sent that....

Dang he told me that we were getting a group drone to share weed. Now I find out we are getting a Mr coffee? Just ain’t right…
Damn it Hopper....screwed up is good though!
The worst part was after getting to the top way the heck up there
The instructors said OK now we climb back down the other side.
Facing down not backwards. LOL they did not say there was a small elevator , wanted to see who would cave. BESTARDS
laughed at all of us.
I'm sitting here on a stool on solid earth - and it still makes me dizzy to even look at that pic. 😵‍💫
I'm a little nervous about my interview tomorrow. I've been doing Government work over 25yrs. Working for the same company either as a Sub when I owed my own business and now as a PM.
But change can be a good thing and I'm hoping they offer me what I'm asking and everything feels right in the interview. Also means no more traveling and I'm 10 minutes from the office.
If so I will be giving my 2 weeks notice next Monday when I return from my vacation.

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