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May 17, 2008
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it is a seed i found in a sack and i germinated it indoors in the paper towel. planted it on may 12 at like 3pm. its like 4 or 5 inches. anything i should start doin to it?

Right now all you gotta do is watch it grow and water it when needed. Make sure it gets plenty of sunlight. You may want to start some more cause if your only plant is a male you'll be bummed and it will increase your chances of growing at least 1 or 2 to maturity. Just my opinion. Good luck.
you only had that one seed though right? you kjeepin it outdoors NOW? or is it still inside?
Looks like the seed shell is still stuck on the top of the plant. Take some tweezers and gently remove the shell if i am seeing it rite. And like they said place it outside in the sun if you dont plan on growing with lights indoors. Slim
personally,i'd just leave it indoors by a window during the day,then at night i'd put it under a flourescent.let it get a couple nodes on it b-4 you put it out.another thing you could do is point small fan (on low)towards it to help get it strong so when it does get out,it doesnt fall over if its windy out.anyways good luck
longtimegrower said:
Looks like the seed shell is still stuck on the top of the plant. Take some tweezers and gently remove the shell if i am seeing it rite. And like they said place it outside in the sun if you dont plan on growing with lights indoors. Slim
yeah the shell is still on it I will try to take it off. When will I know if its male or female
i took the shell off and there are two little leaves of the sides and some wierd little thing that looks like a spikey ball between the two leaves
u got dat weed man =]

now give it love and u will have all the pot u need...

...for a month or 2 lol
There you go friend. She is officially a plant. Some Green MOJO for her.;)

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