Hard Water

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That is a good idea to run the UV light to kill pathogens in the air before it goes into the coils. I don't think its going to happen in every dehumidifier or else people all over the US would be dying from contagions that polifferated in their AC systems that they didn't keep super clean. I would just hate to be the one unlucky bass terd that had it in my coils :eek:
The light is great , everone should use them. Stopped using it Hushpuppy, back in the toilet like before. Like you say , no point in taking a chance. Right Zem.
Hi All!

I bought a R/O 4 stage filter and this is what I'm finding:

Tap Water:

R/O Water:

Is the pH suppose to rise almost a point with the filtered water?


135ppm, i would love to plant with that, no real need in using it with such concentration
Yeah pH will do funky things when the ppm gets low. It seems typically to rise with lower ppm but that is not a set rule. It is more a matter of what's left in the water. The good thing though is that regardless of which way it goes, when you have very low ppm, the pH will very easily change with the introduction of nutes, or even when going into soil or mediums. What you will have to do depends on which grow method you use, organic or synthetic. If organic, make sure you keep a little bit of dolomitic lime in the soil and don't worry about the pH of the water. If synthetic, then add your nutes, aerate ffor a few hours and then check pH and adjust.

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