Well, things don't always go as planned. Sometimes ya get some plants that don't like so much N in their diet. Both SFV OGbx3 and the GreenCrack MangoHp are kinda angry at me right now. All showing signs of N toxicity. Deep green color, darkened leaf veins, poor posture, light green twisted new growth, and the most revealing sign is the big hook bending down. This SFV kinda looks thirsty doesn't it? I assure you it's not. Nor is it over watered. Light intensity is at a minimum turned down to 50%. I'm pretty convinced N is the culprit. A few days should see a big difference in all these affected plants.
GreenCrack MangoHp...just look at that hook..lol
The SFV OGbx3 are right behind them. Not looking as bad but still an issue is there.
The Blue Moon Rocks are doing fine. I'll up pot these soon to 3 gal bags.
The Cap Junkys have been a little neglected in the training department but I foresee a floater screen in their near future.
This lady here is creeping into some N tox as well. That twisted new growth has gotta go..lol
So, let's see how they do. The picky ones have been flushed. Not something I do on a whim. Nitrogen can be moved in the plant pretty easily. So after this flush I'll let them sit a day or two and then start feeding again. Hopefully see some good signs soon.
Eventually we all have issues with plants. I try not to freak out and over do it. Ya just make a decision and roll with it.