Whats going on Eman. Damn bro sorry to here about your problems with mold and hermies. Have you figured out what is causing it? That lady in the 4 inch pot is killer mang or should i say was.
I have been using this with huge success with some local med peeps and so I thought I would share it. This mix is powerful, and you NEED to water it down well and let it "cook" for at least 7-10 days before using it or else some strains will trip a little. But as long as it sits for a bit and stays moist that whole time it's all good and powerful!
You pretty much only need good water with this one, and either spike in some bone meal into the flowering container transplant or just use a Fox Farms Big Bloom regiment which also works fine.
I recommend R/O water here (or distilled or rain water) but I have seen killer results with peeps using dechlorinated tap water as well, which is kindof amazing to me, but I loves it! Just use apple cider vinegar to bring it to about 6.5 pH and let it age for about 12 hrs bubbling and you're good to go mangs. OK here we go:
Let me say first theis is just what I do, take from it what you will or not, it's just for the hell of it and I wanna try and get more simple with everything too for you guys who like it that way; me, I'm a complicated f***er LoL!![]()
Here we go really now...
The Following mix uses a 5 gallon bucket and an empty tote or something..
In a 5 gallon bucket combine:
1/3rd Good Organic Potting Soil - I recommend Fox Farms Ocean Forest
1/3rd Mushroom Compost or Top soil, no nutes really, and Chunky/woody.
1/3rd Vermiculite/Perlite mixed together 50/50
** for sprouts and freshly rooted clones, just the organic soil cut by 1/3rd with the vermiculite/perlite is bomber**![]()
3 cups earthworm castings
This stuff brings so many good things to the table I can't list them all; this is an essential addition and makes for very happy boomin' plants!
1 cup Kelp meal
I use Down to Earth brand here, this has some N, and a good kicker of K (potassium) and covers a very broad band of trace elements; as well as some cool hormones etc. absolutely fantastic stuff!
1 cup crushed oyster shells
I love this stuff, and for soil structure purposes it rocks, but I have also noticed after harvesting when I take apart the rootballs slowly and examine the roots habits around varios additions, that there are always big soil aggrigates around the oyster shells. These are created by the exudes and polysaccarides of the microlife and so shows me they love these, I figure due to the local pH influences of the calcium carbonate which is what oyster shells are made of.
1/2 cup cottonseed or soybean meal
This is one of your prime long term slow release N sources and some killer organic matter as well. Into flowering cannabis really loves to be able to tap into some slow N like this and the diff between flower size in side by sides with and without this is noticable!
1 cup used coffee grounds
Great organic matter excellent slow release N source too, and I have a theory that pot likes caffine too LoL cuz man you can sure tell they like something extra special in coffee grounds yessir!
3 tablespoons Blood/Bone/Green blend
This is composed of 1 part Blood meal, 1 part steamed Bonemeal, and 2 parts Greensand. I prefer using Fishbone Meal here by Down to Earth brand, but I also love Fox Farms PoM steamed bonemeal as well.
4 tablespoons of prilled (pelletized or granulated) dolomite lime
My number 1 magnesium source right here along with excellent buffering in micro-environments within the soilmix. You can use about 1/3rd as much powdered lime here as well, but I prefer the granulated myself.
3 tablespoons Fox Farms PoM All Purpose 5-5-5
Great stuff, great microbeasties, and some kindof *magic* pH balancing lies within this stuff. A fantastic all purpose dry nutrient here IMO.
3 tablespoons Soft Rock Phosphate (micronized if possible)
This is myco-fungi's favorite source to bring P from to the roots from all I have read and it sure seems true as hell, try it you'll see your yields go way the hell up! Also a good source for sulphur and magnesium.
2 tablespoons High N Bat Guano
Really powerful N source here, fast burning at about 45 days total with good microlife boomin' and promotes good strong fast growth. I use Down to Earth brand here.
Mix all together fairly well, water good with 1 teaspoon per gallon of Blackstrap Molasses included and let cook foir about 7-10 days before use. Keep it almost over-moist for 7-10 days, not soggy but good and watered.
BOTTOM 1/5th of containers :
3 parts composted steer or chicken manure, 1 part crushed oyster shells. If you can't get oyster shells, use a little dolomite lime and some perlite/vermiculite for aeration purposes and buffering cuz the manure gets pretty hot heh heh.
TOP 1/5th of containers :
1 part Basic mix above (base mix) and 1 part Earthworm castings, with an additional 1 teaspoon per gallon of container size of: Bird Guano, Prilled Dolomite, and PoM 5-5-5
OK there ya have it, hopefully some of you will find this helpfull to you; there are many ways to grow great herbs and this is one of them.![]()
Additionally here I wanna add that you should use some myco-fungi from day 1 and I use poth the granulated during transplants and the water soluable here and there as well mixed with water and applied that way. Good established myco-fungi is one of the big keys here to a great and bountyful yield! My yields were one thing that bothered me early on when growing 100% organics, and those days are long gone hahaha, I yield BIG and KILLER buds consistantly with all strains I have grown this way to date.
Although my personal mix is more complex that this one (Duh, I'm a dork that way) and I use things like Humes and Soilbuilder, Yucca extract, yada yada, this mix has proven to kick major organic *** several times already under fairly different environmental situations. On one occasion, since we couldn't get the growroom temps down below 80DEG F. we had to cut the base mix by about 1/4th with additional Mushrrom Compost cuz it was just metabolizing too fast and getting too powerful too fast. So this is always an option should your needs be likewise for that or other reasons.
I also like to use Blackstrap Molasses (unsulphured) about every 3rd watering at a rate of 1 teaspoon per gallon; using it everytime keeps a larger amount of nutrients immobilized within the massive PoPulations of microlife themselves, so you want the rythm goin' on so they boom then die back releasing all the goodies they be a holdin'![]()
I now also heat my water (fishy aquarium heater) to 70 deg F. and aerate it always with a little air pump and stone. The baybees love it, my temps can get a little bit low in my nighttime hours in the winter especially and I find this works GREAT to get them up and diggin' on stuff faster and metabolizing things faster as well. So my winter growth rates are up there with my summertime rates since this adidition.
OK good peeps, hope you guys dig this! One post rather than 37 pages heh heh, gettin' simpler fellas hahahaha!
LaserKittensGoPewPew said:Man...After seeing yours and HGB's 4" pot grows and solo cup grows...I'm almost thinking of just growing as many as I can get to fit in a 6 square foot space under a 600w. Is there any deminished quality in the bud from growing like this? I'm caught between growing 6 plants in 3 gallon buckets and growing a lot more in these small pots. What do you think?
Thanks guys heh heh, and remember that this is a base-mix, it's complete with everything cannaplants need pretty much heh heh. So if it is a little too hot by itself for some genetics just cut it with some topsoil or vermiculite or whatever. All the stuff I have seen in this mix (straight up no cut) kicks major *** heh heh. Plus there's plenty of room for modifications too.
One thing I wanna stress (again LoL) to you guys is the importance of watering twice (or slowly like a drip or whatever) to make sure the whole container-mix gets watered when ya do water. This has major effects on things like Ca and Mg too, cuz the roots will quickly start "guiding" waterflow within the mix and they tend to cause dry-spots which can cause several little prollems, mostly as I have seen with Ca and Mg; so don't forget mangs, it's a GREAT growing habit to get into!![]()
I have started cutting my R/O water with ever-so small percentages of Tap water; now, the reasons I do this is due to the fact that cannabis (and most plants too) use some seriously exotic trace elements in super-small nano-amounts, stuff like Cobalt, Aluminum, even Chlorineand so Tap water being a PRIMO source for all these (except I bubble out the Chlorine) I use it at a rate of: 3 parts r/o water to 1 part Tap water about every 3rd watering or so. This has worked out fine and dandy for many med-peeps I have on this plan heh heh. But that's just like my own little tweak and they grow just fine and dandy using R/O water or Distilled water as well.![]()
I am currently running a few at a friends house using straight up (de-chlorinated) tap water, my theory is that my exotic Biozome micro-beasties can make this OK, we shall see!![]()
Rock On good peeps!![]()
- REvonator![]()
Marine Cuisine, American Pride Etc...
When using (great) nutes like these that have many uses, the "type" I am referring to is combined fast and long term release dry nutes like the above and others. You can add these right on the floor of your containers, no soilmix between it and the bottom of the containers and they work fantastic like this. This allows the bigger roots exploring the container bottoms to find and use these very easily when placed as I say above.
Sometimes if I am growing a super exotic strain, like a land race or something, I will aften times use about 1/2 teaspoon of Marine Cuisine on the floor of a 5" container and keep the soilmix itself on the weak side. This always has worked out fantastic for me and others that have used it as well.
When growing longer flowering strains this is also a handy fast addition into the flowering container transplant; just keep in mind these nutes above and many like it will release good amounts of nutes for 60+ days... So just keep that all in your head as far as flowering times go.
- REv
Oh heh heh, one more important thing I think I should clear up regarding this dynamic mix.....
DOn't place your rootball during a transplant, directly on the bottom (1/5th) layer of composted poop x oyster shells/whatever... Always have at least a few inches of base mix between it and the rootball
IME. Also regarding the bottom layer:![]()
I find it advantageous to "scoot" this layer out around the bottom rim of the container so that it is a big ring at the floor of the container rather than just a normal layer. This works really well I'm pretty sure because the biggest hunter/water roots love to go arond the bottoms of your containers, and so it simply makes it all that much more simple for them to just "swim" in all that powerful poop and absorb mucho nutrients and elements from it.
This mix is also absolutely killer to recycle. As you recycle it, keep in mind that some of your elements, like the bonemeal, rock phosphate, greensand etc, will still be chuggin' along pretty good so less additions are good as you progress. Also, your Vermiculite/Perlite and Oyster Shells additions will fall back as you recycle your *** off, cuz they recycle right along with everything else heh heh.
- REvonator
Reminds me of what an old dealer I used to have would tell people. It was during that era that "indo" was starting to actually hit the street market. Just powerful sleepy BC indica in those days. back when kindbud lbs were red not green lol.
He didn't like this new bud, or the market. He said people were trying to turn weed into drugs and he didn't like it, didn't think it was good for people cuz it didn't get them high it got them loaded and sleepy, and he wasn't going to sell it. He was very oldschool. Never owned a pipe; he rolled everything he smoked. Rare to find he had quality control on his schwag. he wouldn't buy nasty lbs. only the good ones. Good schwag and midgrade was all he ever sold.
When people would come around and ask for "endo" he'd tell them: "Two blocks down and make a right, they got black tar heroin $10 dollar holla's. Your gonna have to go catch your NODS with them fools because we're getting HIGH on this corner"
and I know where he's coming from. we got weed that gets you HIGH and we got weed that gets you LOW. if your looking to get LOW you better stop and think on it for a while. are you actually trying to catch a weed buzz or maybe just substituting it for something else?
newgreenthumb said:Thanks E! I was told that 2 tbps of h2o2 added to a gallon of water will help kill the anerobic beasties and leave oxygen for the aerobic ones. If this is true can I use this to remedy it.