Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

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TBG: My brothers, you guys have been with me since day one, really inspiring me to keep this thing going. I can't thank you enough...we all go through times were we wonder why even post...and all I have to do is remember my Grunt brothers are waiting for more pics...here you go my freind.:smoke1:

Mr. Wakenbake: Mmmmmm....Jack Herer and coffee, luv waking and baking to bro', love the handle. I know you are new here, but I can tell by your initial posts you are not new to growing. Pull up a chair my freind and please spark this doobie for us. :) Feel free to hang out as long as you like and add whatever you desire...except synthetics of course...yuk yuk...ok, I know, I'm not funny. Mandala? Heck, lets go bro LOL. Thanks for the tip and yeah, my bro and I been considering tag teaming that place and getting them all.:D Lemme know if you see Manal anywhere, pretty please?

Random pics of Blue Mystics under flouros, a seeded blue and a few seeded White widows, Herer clones, my soilbed clone tray thingy, and some dads:rolleyes: , Godbud x Afghan Dream, Swazi Safari, and Cherry Malawi.












Great stuff Eman. How are the buds maturing under the fluorescents for you? And I see you flowered from clone in one pic correct? And how is THAT going for you? Per usual, looks fantastic.

ADDITIONALLY, I am ÜBER jealous of how large your play ground is. I would be in there all day if I didn't have anything else on my tray.
I'm still around too mang... i'm just pretty quiet... got some good lookin ladies.
hi there E Man, just read through your journal, what can i say..... That was truly amazing. Respect!!!!
DLtoker said:
Great stuff Eman. How are the buds maturing under the fluorescents for you? And I see you flowered from clone in one pic correct? And how is THAT going for you? Per usual, looks fantastic.

ADDITIONALLY, I am ÜBER jealous of how large your play ground is. I would be in there all day if I didn't have anything else on my tray.

D Low my brother, I like experimenting with flourescents, for 2 reasons. First is that summer heat here is incredible, we will see what happens with that. Second reason is just because I can I guess, rebel type stubborn fool that questions authority...otherwise I probably would have never tried weed.:rolleyes:

The plants in the pics under flouros are actually Blue Mystic, I think I said they were WW. Sorry, I haven't moved those buckets since I put them there, I water with a wand, couldn't see the label. As soon as I saw my pheno's pink pistils, I knew it was her. Blue Mystic is a bit freaky with her blueberry lineage. I think this one has a tinge of ruderalis or highland/high latitude in there, auto-flowering characteristics...once mature, she never stops alternating, and I have had clones continue flowering. Funny though, she clones easily. Anyway, long story short, if you know you are weak on lighting, you might want to look for a highland, northern latitude type strain. Mountain and northern, extreme southern strains in many cases will be acclimated to less lighting and alot of cloudy days.;)

Blue Mystic is under my overdriven flouros...but to be honest, I have a few clones under an 80w shoplight in flower off to the side, just for fun. I am using the fixture to SCROG them.:p We'll see how it goes but so far, it looks like it is just going to take longer...they are healthy.

Clones....me personally I hate them. Some 'crazy hippy grower' talk here, but a flower room full of clones actually depressed me. They look like a bunch of faceless nazis staring back at me...all perfectly identical...some of you might understand. I will tell you it makes alot of weed fast...so much so that I can goof off plenty from now on.:p But I don't think we will see another 'clone run' like I had planned, just tossed a bunch of little SOG style ones that were 4 weeks in to add seedlings.:rolleyes:

However, I do find maturity has alot to do with seeding, so for right now I am using clones from moms and dads for breeding.

KADE: Hope you are enjoying that stellar last harvest buddy.:ccc: Smoke up cause I wanna see seedlings going soon...heehee. :)

Herbijesus: Glad I could entertain and maybe get some brain juices flowing bro, pretty much can't get enough of that myself. Make yourself at home.:smoke1:

Ok guys and gals I apologize...I have been posting away and helping but have let my journal slack.

Just wanted to let peeps know that I have been wandering through cyberspace in the continued search of knowledge and have just run into another new bunch. I have invited them here to see what's going on so everyone please look their Sunday best.

Just kidding...:D

Anyway if they make it I hope they enjoyed my journal and hope that they might make it an extended visit.;) Some really great peeps here and you might make some freinds.:smoke1:

Back later with pics or text or something....

Trying to find a balance here:

1) My desire to teach and learn

2) Potential Experience

If that doesn't make sense, lemme explain.

I have been posting and reading alot lately, not just here, but all over the net. I used to do a lot of lurking, but at some point, you have to ask questions.

In the meantime...lemme see:

1) lost few germs
2) almost another clone identity conundrum
3) 4 males now...what a mess...wouldn't be a problem at all if I could pick just one
4) probably 4 ounces of moldy buds:mad:
5) heat is here hardcore already...still haven't got rid of veg
6) can't seem to choose between micro and soilbed
7) JH x O single clone hermed axially, not a big deal...all my seeded are done
8) too many mentors at this very moment...I have info coming out of my ears
9) I know I have to pick one male but I can't...not for quite a while
10) I love my Oaxacan cross, but she goes on the back burner till I can better understand her genetics.
11) I would be willing to grow hermies for 'highland thai':huh: Some peeps might know what I mean

It has become apparent that breeding is where I am going...well, for my buddy Hick, I will refer to it as 'seedmaking';) . Unless someone convinces me I am on the right track.:D

There are only so many landrace genetics left...if any. Some may never know what it is like to grow or smoke a landrace sativa. I have an idea.

Some may never want to...I am sure the idea of an equatorial sativa taking twice as long to finish as a blueberry strain makes some ask why. Well...there are even more negatives than that. Pure sativas can be lanky monsters. They can stretch over 300% in flower, and have leafy spear-shaped buds, many times not even connecting from node to node. They can lack many of the colors of the hybrid species, and many appear to have no trichs or 'sugar' at all. Due to having less 'bracts' too, when cured, often brown or turn red, gold altogether. Not usually a bag appeal choice. Also, true landrace sativas are prone to hermaphrodism, but the term itself has to be fully understood to begin to understand breeding. Some may not preflower until past 2 months old, given the fact that they could be 4 feet tall by then, certain steps must be taken by the indoor grower. It can also be quite scary to smoke without a long cure. I have found nearly all these traits in my Oaxacan cross.

So why grow it?

Well...final opinions remain to be seen. But the smoke from this lady really is something special. I hardly smoke anything else, and I have several other hybrids long cured and sitting. This smoke is smooth...both in taste and flavor, unlike any other weed I have smoked to date. The high is very smooth too...it rolls up to a peak and literally never comes down. No rushes, no dumbfoundness, no body numbing...unless you over do it.;) Instead I find it a very psychoactive mind expanding smoke...makes me want to build stuff...or type out a long post.:rolleyes: I can honestly, smoke this all day and not get that 'burnt' or tired feeling at all. It helps immensely with my back...probably more taking my mind off of it more than anything else, but not once have I felt 'groggy' or 'couchlocked'. When overdone, mind just goes blank till I snap out of it.

About the cure...you guys are gonna love this...after waiting 12 to 15 weeks to finish, don't even bother trying to smoke it without a 6 week MINIMUM cure...unless you are like me and sometimes get a kick out of hot flashes, racing heart, intense paranoia, bordered by vegetable brain.:stoned: 3 months cure gets rid of all that and length of high goes through the roof.

So I guess, welcome to my ongoing journal. Should we call it Elephant's Whorehouse? How about "...small case of hermies."? :rofl:

I will continue to post soilmixes and stuff and help anyone who wants it. I still haven't signed up for the 'solo-cup grow' but I will be finishing ladies in 4" pots for you guys....just can't take the time to cater to a single cup right now.:eek:






Lemme tell you guys something, the grow guides are just 'guidelines'. Mother Nature makes the rules...and so far I have found, as long as you work together, there are hardly any rules at all.

Some strains will do just fine in flower with 3000 lumens per square foot...highland and northern latitude strains are accustomed to less direct light and cloudy days.

Rootmass definately improves yeild, but my experience shows me that 'rootbound' is not an 'illness' or even cause for concern. Any hydro guy will tell you your 'medium' doesn't 'have' to do anything but support your plants, how much you feed depends on how rich or depleted (inert) your medium is.

Very new info over here. OG outdoor grower guru type told me he does not trim or jar his plants for months. Just lets them hang, fan leaves and all...for up to 8 months so far. I was as skeptical as you...well...I tried it and it works. I had a stunted plant that I flowered in a 6" pot on my first run, didn't feed it or anything...just let it finish in the corner. After harvesting the big plants and being so excited, I decided to try my buddy's method, out of enormous respect I have for him. Well, after this little plant hung in the rafters of the lab for 4 months I took it down. I honestly thought it would be so dry it would turn to ash at the touch. It is not. Actually, it is perfect. Not sure what else to say but try it yourself.

Point I wanna make is, I am about to get even crazier here at the lab. I wanna stress that this is a 'bang or bust' attempt at breeding, and nearly all the methods I use lately are very advanced methods of growing. By all means, if you are new to growing, I will try to keep this simple. As far as your first grow? Please, follow the advice given by most and the grow guides, 2 to 5 gallon buckets, veg till preflowers, cull males and clone, yada yada.

On with the show...

Okay, decided I probably will post a soilmix up soon after all...lemme get that straight in my head first.

Just chillin this sunday, popped 2 more DF99x'clips' hoping for a male, one is a triploid. Popped 2 troublemakers hoping for a boy and girl, and a few more Cherry Malawi for fun...since I have tons. Gonna sneak in flower tonight right before lights on and get a pic of my late sativa clones I think you guys will like.

So here are some pics of male flower cab, my Cherry Malawi male, K2 x WR male, and babies in flower.







Amazing Eman! Looking excellent. Hopefully with some of your expert tutilage i can have some pictures to put up that are as sexy as those. Nice work!

EDIT-I would like to add that your research on the NPK breakdowns of organic materials is AMAZING!!! One question, when you say (ash) you mean you burn them and only use the ashes....guess this is a dumb question, but want to be sure.
kindphriend said:
Amazing Eman! Looking excellent. Hopefully with some of your expert tutilage i can have some pictures to put up that are as sexy as those. Nice work!

EDIT-I would like to add that your research on the NPK breakdowns of organic materials is AMAZING!!! One question, when you say (ash) you mean you burn them and only use the ashes....guess this is a dumb question, but want to be sure.

Yes...just the ash...it can be very alkaline though, so make sure to check ph after. There are government links to all food items breakdown, of course, we only want plants.

Pretty wasted here, but just wanted to put up some pics for you guys.
JHxO clones and NL#5 x Afghani

P.S. If you guys get the chance, go back and read the links I posted...especially the ones about soil management and compost teas.





hmm, how do you like that diamond reflective mylar eman? I don't know if you've used the regular type, but if you have in your oppinion which reflected the light better?
LaserKittensGoPewPew said:
hmm, how do you like that diamond reflective mylar eman? I don't know if you've used the regular type, but if you have in your oppinion which reflected the light better?

High LKGPP:D , make yourself at home.
I really don't think the reflective stuff I bought is the best made, but it was cheap and durable...I have already moved it 3 times.

Turkey my man, glad to see ya dropping by.:D Today the lunch special is Afghani Orange.:smoke1:

Just got another HUGE donation of genetics...thought I would share the list with you:

Cherry Malawi x Durban Poison 99
Durban Poison x 'clips'
Swazi Safari
Cherry Malawi x DP S.A.G.E. :D
Swazi safari x Cherry Thai :eek:
DF99 x TW-S.A.G.E.-99

Time to get germing....:D

Elephant Man said:
Cherry Malawi x Durban Poison 99
Durban Poison x 'clips'
Swazi Safari
Cherry Malawi x DP S.A.G.E. :D
Swazi safari x Cherry Thai :eek:
DF99 x TW-S.A.G.E.-99

I could say I hate you, but we all know that would be a lie. Jealousy and amazment are the feelings I get when I think about your grow. I can hardly control myself thinking about Swazi Safari x Cherry Thai. You must get the best high as well as a great Sativa yield. Eman, you are the epitome of organic Sativa grows.:cool:

Well...some of you may remember I messed around with SOG clones. Finally harvest day for one of the little ones. JHxO clone with a few days veg and a handful of dirt and poop in a 4 inch pot.:cool:



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