Trying to find a balance here:
1) My desire to teach and learn
2) Potential Experience
If that doesn't make sense, lemme explain.
I have been posting and reading alot lately, not just here, but all over the net. I used to do a lot of lurking, but at some point, you have to ask questions.
In the meantime...lemme see:
1) lost few germs
2) almost another clone identity conundrum
3) 4 males now...what a mess...wouldn't be a problem at all if I could pick just one
4) probably 4 ounces of moldy buds
5) heat is here hardcore already...still haven't got rid of veg
6) can't seem to choose between micro and soilbed
7) JH x O single clone hermed axially, not a big deal...all my seeded are done
8) too many mentors at this very moment...I have info coming out of my ears
9) I know I have to pick one male but I can't...not for quite a while
10) I love my Oaxacan cross, but she goes on the back burner till I can better understand her genetics.
11) I would be willing to grow hermies for 'highland thai':huh: Some peeps might know what I mean
It has become apparent that breeding is where I am going...well, for my buddy Hick, I will refer to it as 'seedmaking'

. Unless someone convinces me I am on the right track.
There are only so many landrace genetics left...if any. Some may never know what it is like to grow or smoke a landrace sativa. I have an idea.
Some may never want to...I am sure the idea of an equatorial sativa taking twice as long to finish as a blueberry strain makes some ask why. Well...there are even more negatives than that. Pure sativas can be lanky monsters. They can stretch over 300% in flower, and have leafy spear-shaped buds, many times not even connecting from node to node. They can lack many of the colors of the hybrid species, and many appear to have no trichs or 'sugar' at all. Due to having less 'bracts' too, when cured, often brown or turn red, gold altogether. Not usually a bag appeal choice. Also, true landrace sativas are prone to hermaphrodism, but the term itself has to be fully understood to begin to understand breeding. Some may not preflower until past 2 months old, given the fact that they could be 4 feet tall by then, certain steps must be taken by the indoor grower. It can also be quite scary to smoke without a long cure. I have found nearly all these traits in my Oaxacan cross.
So why grow it? opinions remain to be seen. But the smoke from this lady really is something special. I hardly smoke anything else, and I have several other hybrids long cured and sitting. This smoke is smooth...both in taste and flavor, unlike any other weed I have smoked to date. The high is very smooth rolls up to a peak and literally never comes down. No rushes, no dumbfoundness, no body numbing...unless you over do it.

Instead I find it a very psychoactive mind expanding smoke...makes me want to build stuff...or type out a long post.

I can honestly, smoke this all day and not get that 'burnt' or tired feeling at all. It helps immensely with my back...probably more taking my mind off of it more than anything else, but not once have I felt 'groggy' or 'couchlocked'. When overdone, mind just goes blank till I snap out of it.
About the guys are gonna love this...after waiting 12 to 15 weeks to finish, don't even bother trying to smoke it without a 6 week MINIMUM cure...unless you are like me and sometimes get a kick out of hot flashes, racing heart, intense paranoia, bordered by vegetable brain.:stoned: 3 months cure gets rid of all that and length of high goes through the roof.
So I guess, welcome to my ongoing journal. Should we call it Elephant's Whorehouse? How about "...small case of hermies."? :rofl:
I will continue to post soilmixes and stuff and help anyone who wants it. I still haven't signed up for the 'solo-cup grow' but I will be finishing ladies in 4" pots for you guys....just can't take the time to cater to a single cup right now.