Cloning wars

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A little update on that clone over the stove.

She's still alive. Hard to believe she's been sitting in that jar over 1.5 months but it has.

My goal was to see how long it would take her to root without gel or scuffing up the stem. Just a 45° cut. Well.....she's starting to root.

This clone gets all kinds of different light cycles. I'm not worried about it cause this is just me playing around. She has started to flower though...I expected to see balls come forward before this

This kinda leads me to believe that if take some cuts and throw them into 12/12 they will show sex...even without roots. I've also read of folks rooting in the refrigerator crisper. Oh the possibilities in

I know waiting on a clone for months is silly. I'm just playing around with cloning methods. Amazing how the will to live keeps rolling forward with cannabis. Tough plants.

Next up I'm pulling some cuts from the refrigerator crisper. They've been in there a few months now. Gonna try to root them. See if I can come up with a long term storage solution for cuts that works for me.
Some people do this with regular seeds to save time.
They'll snip a branch off and stick it in a cup water in the dark and wait for it to show sex.
Wouldn't ya think a 12/12 cycle would be useful? So they flower in total darkness? How long does that take? Some reason that's not making sense to Am I high?
Wouldn't ya think a 12/12 cycle would be useful? So they flower in total darkness? How long does that take? Some reason that's not making sense to Am I high?
They would flower in dark yes.
Photoperiods need to have a DARK period not a light period to flower.

You can give them a 12 hour cycle but I don't believe you actually need to.
They would flower in dark yes.
Photoperiods need to have a DARK period not a light period to flower.

You can give them a 12 hour cycle but I don't believe you actually need to.
Seriously, your blowing my mind here. I had no idea. I must try this but.....

How does the plant know to go into flower if it's not triggered by the light cycle? In my head a plant sitting in the dark will simply die.
Seriously, your blowing my mind here. I had no idea. I must try this but.....

How does the plant know to go into flower if it's not triggered by the light cycle? In my head a plant sitting in the dark will simply die.
It's not the light cycle that triggers flower.
Photos need to have a DARK period to flower. You can give them all the light you want they'll never flower without an uninterrupted dark period.

Now I'm not saying you can flower a plant for 10 weeks in the dark. But you can 100% sex cuttings in nothing but the dark.
Y'all schooling me on this. I like it.

Have you done this before?

What confuses me is when a plant is in veg it's kept a 18/6 or better to keep from flower. Once dropped to 12/12 the chemicals in the plant get the message and start to flower. Your telling me darkness triggers it...well yeah but...this is messing with my

Thanks for the info. Now I'm on the search for more info. I have about 16 regs coming up. This may be worth a try
It's not the light cycle that triggers flower.
Photos need to have a DARK period to flower. You can give them all the light you want they'll never flower without an uninterrupted dark period.

Now I'm not saying you can flower a plant for 10 weeks in the dark. But you can 100% sex cuttings in nothing but the dark.
Nice I am going to try it next indoor run. Ty
@WonkasTHC My biggest question is have you done this before? How many days would a typical plant be in darkness to show sex?

Uninterrupted dark period. They never flower without it. Uh yeah I get that. Why can't I grasp this..lmao
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Maybe ya mean uninterrupted light period
I 100% meant what I said.

You can do this to sex cuttings. I do not recommend flowering plants this way.

But seriously think about it...

We need to reduce from 18.6 to 12.12.
That lengthens the amount of DARK hours which initiates flowering.

Therefore leaving plants in the dark would cause them to flower.

Just like leaving them under constant light once flowing would cause them to flip back to veg.

You are way over thinking this lol
I don't. If anyone sciencey has done it it's Bruce Bugbee.

Just my stoner friends have done it lol.
I'm looking. I respectfully have to disagree with it. It just doesn't make sense to me and no I don't think I'm overthinking it.

florigen..growth hormone is produced when the lights go 12hrs dark. This triggers the plant to form tips and head on into flower.
It needs the cycle of light to progress. Like I mentioned. A typical plant will sex in short time but it's usually over a week. A plant in darkness for a week would die.

Did that make any sense? Lol
I'm looking. I respectfully have to disagree with it. It just doesn't make sense to me and no I don't think I'm overthinking it.

florigen..growth hormone is produced when the lights go 12hrs dark. This triggers the plant to form tips and head on into flower.
It needs the cycle of light to progress. Like I mentioned. A typical plant will sex in short time but it's usually over a week. A plant in darkness for a week would die.

Did that make any sense? Lol
All we are doing is getting them to show male or female from a cutting. We are not trying to build flowers by any means

No way would I recommend trying to flower a plant fully this way
All we are doing is getting them to show male or female from a cutting. We are not trying to build flowers by any means

No way would I recommend trying to flower a plant fully this way
Yet the time it takes to sex in the dark is how long?

That's what I can't wrap my head around...cycle means on off. Clone cut, rooted, or seed.

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