1st Grow Bomb Bagweed

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see how slow she's growin.. Something has to be wrong.
Its only been 4 days LOL... just wait till it starts kicking out full leaves... just remember that sprout had gnats, and some over watering (thats what the drooping is from)... It looks like its recovering, I see some new leaves coming in.. Just be patient!!:watchplant:
well i got a quick update. I finally got a bag of weed with some seeds in it. I don't think anybody realizes how much time energy and juicy yellow/white bonghits it took to get a bag with some seeds in it. And I was specifically asking for the seedy bag and they would look at me like what the crap. But now I got four seeds in the paper towel. I threw them in last night. One looked a little underdeveloped but who knows, maybe all 4 will sprout. I'm gonna change my soil for tges next seeds. 1/2 are gonna get MG moisture Control while the remaining get MG organic choice cut with sand and sphagnum peat moss. I think the organic choice would be a great choice if I could get it to aerate and drain well. So I'll expeeriment a little. AS fir the lady I got going, she is growing, I can see growth, but it is so subtle that I would not be able to capture for all to see. I will update with pics as soon as mt seeds hit the dirt. Take it easy everybody, time for bonghits I need more seeds.
I did a little playing with my soil mix(or my future soil mix; one of the seeds I put to germ yesterday has cracked. The taproot will most likely be out tomorrow, hopefully, I will try to get it in the soil when the roots about1/2 -1/2".)anyway, I realize that the main thing wrong with the MG Organic Choice is the wet spots it holds, it will drain somewhat well, but it get these big clumps of waterlogged soil and the ph is always perfect. i think that if I put some sand, perlite and some peat moss. Does anybody have any idea how much of each i should mix per gallon of mix. i want it to drain very well. Any body have any recomendations for pot size I was planning on a 5 gallon, but if I want to pack the closet a little bit a 5 might be two big. I might try to use a 3.
imo, its your first grow. use plain potting soil with perlite.
dolomite lime if you want a ph stablizer. I dont know why
but youve spent tons and tons of time smoking the bong and awaiting
seeds, but you couldve easily bought a pack of cheeper seeds. Not only that but you worked all that time to get seeds, but it doesnt seem like youve spent much time reading. try 4 gal pots, seems to be perfect for indoors.
hope this helps
So three of the four seeds cracked so far and the 4th is on its way. I put the 3 that split into soil this afternoon. I made a few adjustments to the MG Organic Choice soil. i added some sand and some peat moss until the consistency felt like it would drain well. I also put some rocks at the bottom of the pots( the org. choice has a tendency to clog my drainage holes up and cause the soil to retain too much water). I planted one plant in this mix and the other two in the MG moisture control(didn't add anything, I thought the consisteny was great). I checked the PH and both mixes measures exactly at 6.5. I sprayed the soil with water that has been sitting out for awhile. I did not put any type of humidity dome on this time. I transfered the germed seeds about 4-5 hour before my light cycle was due to turn. I don't know if it matters, but I figure it might be a good idea to let them get adjusted to the soil for a few hours before they were bathed in light. There is one more seed in the paper towel. It has started to split, I think I will be able to plant tomorrow. I plan on putting this one in the MGOC mix that way I have two seeds in each soil type. It will give me a better test to adjust my soil for the future. There should be more seeds coming within a weeks time. My ultimate gool is to get at least 15 started. If I end up with 7 ladies it will be a great thing. I plan on trying my hand on germing the plants when they get a little further along. I got to get my supplies up for that and also need to do alot more reading, Also I would like to keep a male(possibly outside) to get myself a few seeds as a back up to the germ. This is my first grow, but won't be my last. Also I am shopping for seeds online(not that I'm ready yet), But I picked a wonder woman that kinda caught my eye. I would like some feedback on different strains I can try. I want a high yeild, but low smell. also I would like some feedback on cloning anybody have any easy method with a prett good success rate. Last but not least, I have decided to go with FF triple pack. I will be getting ASAP. I plan on letting the MG go without adding nutes for a few weeks, but then I want to flush and add some nutes. once again plenty of reading to do. Any feedback on FF and a good feeding system would also be appreciated. Thank to everybody for stopping by and for all the great advice.
Of the four germed seeds from the secong germ attemp, only one remains. It actually looks farely healthy, it looks like it may be a fast grower. Quite the opposite of my original lady who is such a slow growing plant. It is already
showing the signs of it's first serrated leaves.I think it has been in the ground for 5 days. The origanal bomb bagweed lady, I think I might actually name her today. I think I'll call her lil kim because she's gonna be so short. I think this plant is destined for shortness, but I think she will be nice and thick. She looks good and healthy, growing a bit slow still, but she has doubled her size in the last couple of days. Also her original little round leaves have just browned and died, I don't know if they were supposed to or if they are an indication of future soil(nute) problem. Every other leaf is pristine green. By the way, she just turned 21 days old today.

Got some new pictures will pload tomorrow.


Don't know why the pics won't load can't relly remember how.
I put four beaster seeds in the paper towel and four magic crystal seeds in as well.
I went to the hydro store and got fox farm soil. I also got ff grow big. I'm gonna start that on lil kim tomorrow. I planted two more germed seeds tonight. I put them in the FFOF. That stuff really stinks. Anyway, I found my digi camera and even though nothing real exciting is happening, I will update with some more pics.
So I started Lil Kim on FF GB last night at 1/4 strength. She is looking lovely(actually, she smells really strong)(is this normal so early to have such a strong odor?), she is growing kinda fast now, it seems like everytime I peek at her she has grown. I'm gonna think about transplanting soon. So anyway, 3 of the four beasters are in the soil and about to poke out. What are beasters by the way? One of the bomb middies is gonna die. She was kinda curled up not looking so good so i kinda repositioned her and she might take, her sister had the same problem, but she made it and is looking great. I will post pics tomorrow.
Today, I put 6 Magic Crystal seeds into a rapid-start greenhouse with the pellets. I used a water and super-thrive mix to saturate the pellets. I also hit all the other plants with a nice shot of super-thrive. The guy at the Hydro shop couldn't say enough good about this stuff, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I think I might go outside with 3 of them. Not sure yet. I seen a few mini-greenhouses that I liked. Think I could prolly build one cheaper though. It's in the head floating around a bit, we'll see what happens. I'm gonna transplant lil-kim tomorrow if I have the time. I want to get her out of the MG OC and into some FF. Next weekend the GR will be getting sealed and ventilation will be installed. The smell of the FF is taking over the basement. My wife says something has to be done. So my plan is to bring fresh air in through the ceiling(hopefully I can figure a way to bring from an Air-conditioned room)and the air will be removed right at plant level. I am gonna build a carbon filter if I can't find a low impact way to vent outside. Or I might vent into the sewage system, but got to do more research. I am going to seal the room off with a white tarp on the inside and a black tarp on the door side with dual tarp zippers. I am also thinking about adding a dry ice tray to the room. just a couple small pieces at a time to help out my CO2 situation. i can get it for free so what could it hurt. I also read in "Marijuana Growers Guide" by Ed Rosenthal that you can supply a plant with CO2 by spraying them with Seltzer. Any feedback on this would be appreciated. Also if anyone has any feedback on this superthrive stuff that would be appreciated as well. Thanks for checking out my journal.
So i transplanted last night is it normal to be a bit saggy today? If so, how long should the saggyness last? I figured I would lose 3-4 days of growth, but I didn't expect her to look so sad today. She is not discolored or wilting, just a bit saggy. What can I do to revive. The soil is PH 6.5, the moisture is around 6 and the soil temp is around 75. I tranplanted with FFOF and used a water/superthrive mix. Approximately 2 drops to 26 oz. The temp of the GR is 78. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Still these magic crystal are a pain in my ***. I did find out that they are over 2 years old., but only one has shown any sign of growth. It hasn't popped the surface yet, but it should soon. Anybody ever use these little pellet thingys. When I plant them, should I cut that thin piece of stuff that holds the soil into its shape, or can I just put the whole pellet in my soil? My smallest plant is all droopy today, I think I overwatered it, it's kinda saggy hopefully it will recover before the nights over. Also, I had an HPS 400 watt running on an 18/6 and I thought I had my flouro hooked up to the timer, but it was running for 24 so I unhooked that today, so I will now have a true dark period. Not sure how I missed this for so long, the dark cycle is when I'm at work, but I noticed the new plants stretching, which made no sense untill I figure the light situation out. I will keep the flouro off until I need to supplement. I also have two CFL's that will go on the bottoms and sides when the plants get big enough to need them
So quick update for you, i got family comin to vist this week, so the room had to get sealed and made invisible. unfortunately, this mean I got to shut the HPS off. I got 2 CFL's today, 1500 lumens a piece. They are both daylight, or whatever it's called. I also still have my 4" flouro's. I sealed the room off with a white shower curtain backed up with black trash bags. The humidity has shot up to like 70% but the heat is down about 6 or 7 degrees. I should be able to get the HPS back up on Wed evening. Also, next week I should be going to HTG supply and getting an inline with a carbon filter. My room is roughly 60 cubic feet. I think the 4" 150 cfm will be enough to solve any heat and smell problems. I found a good package for about $130. Other then that, I got 4 Magic Crystals that are officially seedlings! I have put all but 1 into their first pot, the last one will go in after the family leaves on wed. They all look fairly healthy. An little stretched, but not as bad as alot I see. They got their serated leaves coming in. Also, I had an accident with my beaster plant, but I replanted and it is lookin good. It has the thickest stem I ever seen on a seedling. It has these crazy white hairs all over the stem and it is such a deep dark green color. Also it looks very oily, it like glistens under the light. That takes my total plant count to 8 with 2 additional possibilities in the pellets still(I said f it and put the last 2 MC in the pellets), so thats gives me 4 guarenteed females of some pretty good quality weed. I still don't know too much about the Magic Crystal, but I will do some research soon. The last thing I got coming up is a new idea I picked up from an Ed Rosenthal book, I am gonna start spraying the plants with a salt free seltzer for a little bit of CO2. We'll she how well it works. I am starting to plan out my clone room. I am gonna use my 15watt growlight flouro for it. I am gonna get one of them cheap little greenhouses. I don't know if I should put a heating pad under it or not, and I am still not sure what type of medium i will use. Probably some type of peat pellet or rockwool(by the way, you can plaant the rockwool in soil right after the clone has rooted?)Also, I will be making some reflective adjustments to the grow room in the next few weeks. I'm not going to use Mylar, I'm gonna use the aluminum stuff that looks like bubble wrap. It's cheaper and easier to maintain.
Looking good, Im glad to see your getting things worked out...
Well I just looked up the Magis Crystal and it is a mix of california orange and white widow. The seeds are $32 for 1 wow my homey hooked me up. They are med. height, strong and fruity with a stoney high. Right up my alley. I better not mess these up. And my homey should be blackballed from the united stoners club for letting them sit for 2 years.
MindzEye said:
Looking good, Im glad to see your getting things worked out...

hey, i'm just sitting back watching you and taking notes.:D

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