What is in your backyard?

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A cone flower, some groovy little schrooms, and our fig tree with figs.


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Not the best pictures, but I have a family of crows that land in my yard most evenings.
They nest not far from my yard, so as soon as they get big enough to leave the nest, my yard seems to be the first place mom and dad brings them.

I was back in the woods on the tractor today.

Mineral lick.

Fungus of some sort.
Was a bunch of cut up pecan limbs, where a huge one fell off the neighbor's tree, over the fence in my yard. I picked up enough to cut the grass, still some to get. My tomato and pepper plants, in pots and grow bags, my dwarf lime tree, a big pot of lemon balm, three big pots of thyme, some pots of catnip, my grandmother's swing she gave us the year she passed, the catio I built for the kitties, my grill and my offset smoker, some very old milk and wine lilies I saved, and have got growing in a big pot. My back yard is crowded...lol

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