Time to grow something really incredible

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Ok in cups of water I have Ducking incredible, Kush, White Widow x Big Bud. Size of others isn't tall. I'm going to handle 3 at once. If all 3 pop. I need my medicine bad. Going crazy. I won't buy from somebody or even except as a free gift. Not willing to put myself out there like that. Just need to wait and calm down.
When I start the seed. Its in a warm paper towel. Being kept warm by my coffee maker that stores hot water. That is the way I always got my seeds to pop. I have one in a cup of water in a cool dark place. Then I put it on the wet paper towels. Between 2 plates. So any water that evaperates condences back to water. I check often. Make sure it stays wet. The seed I dropped last night. I hope will break. I have a few others. This is just my go to plant when my pain is really bad. I will probably soaking a kush seed tomorrow. Need something to pop. Or AK-47. Might even try a black dream again. I pruned the last one to much I think. It never flowered. Even though it was screaming I'm a girl all over. Not a hermy. I checked real good. Just haveing troubles right now.

With it being summer, I would not be starting seeds like you are. Ambient temps should be plenty warm. Is there a reason that you do not plant directly into soil? Every time you handle a seed, you risk damaging it and/or passing pathagons to it. Also, seeds only have so much stored energy and if you let the tap root get too long, it does not have enough energy to pop through the soil. Fresh seeds do need to be soaked or put into paper towels.

What kind of soil are you using? The soil you plant new seedlings in should be free of nutrients and have good drainage capabilities. It rather sounds like the soil may be the problem if the seeds are popping (and you are not letting the tap root get too long or passing pathagons to the embryo).

Pruning a plant too much will not cause it to not flower. And if it did not flower, you cannot tell if it is a hermy or not...Is there a reason you worry about hermies, are you using bagseed?

I don't understand this: "I won't buy from somebody or even accept as a free gift. Not willing to put myself out there like that." What does this mean? Where are you getting your seeds? Not put yourself out there like what? I'm confused...

Not to sound harsh, but you need to slow down and calm down. Don't even think about harvest right now--that is 4 months away. Slow down and concentrate on getting a seed(s) to successfully germinate. If these are not fem seeds, you are going to want to plant at least 2-3 times more seeds than you want plants. Want 2 plants? Plant 4-6 seeds. One step at a time--let's see if we can help you get something going so you can have a December harvest and a Merry Christmas.
Yeah.. Buying and selling on the black market is dangerous and there are plenty of baddies out there looking to take advantage of someone.
+1 on planting directly in well drained moist not wet soil. Just remember if soil is to wet it can rot or lock the seed inside the hull.
Thank you ghost man. It is just kush. Not OG Kush.

Hemp Goddess
I have always germinated my seeds before planting. The soil is light fluffy pot soil. Only perlite added to it. It holds water well. It breathes well. It is the same stuff I always use. Temperature isn't a problem. The closet will still be 80 in the winter. I keep the house warm for my tropical birds. They get loud and complain in the cold. I have always germinated my seeds. I will put them in soil tomorrow. I had 4 plants hermie on me because of a light leak. I sealed the leak. Still I am checking as they grow for any male trates. All seeds FEM. I got them from The Vault in the UK and Crop king in Canada. Never do regulars. I have never bought or got weed from anybody. So I have never seen bag seeds. Everything I have smoked I have grown. I'm a disabled person. Not strong. I have fear of being a victim of a crime if I seek out someone to score some from. So I won't do that. Put myself out there. My family and this forum know about my grow. Thats the way I like it. I don't want to get caught. I know laws have eased up. Still fines I can't afford. Jail time would kill me. I'm weak and disabled. I am going to slow down. Tomorrow instead of toweling the seeds they will hit dirt. Yes I freaked out on the last one. My pain is pretty bad. Someone in here says CBD helps with pain. I wish it worked for me. I vape CBD from. www.cloud9hemp.com It helps my anxiety some times. Concentrate at 200mg per ML. I also have hemp oil only CBD in it. 500mg per ML. I mix that with the other sometimes. Still just a bit relaxing. The THC is what gets my pain gone. Because the first plant I grew had less than 1 percent CBD in it. Don't remember the name. THC in the 20's. That helped my pain. That was a 50/50. I like the real relaxing stuff. Yet still would be nice to have some that won't slow me down. Right now. I need to get my grow in order. So I can get pain relief before the end of the year.

Thank you. I'm sorry if I got somebody upset. My pain is driving me up the wall. As my plants grow I get relief from watching them grow. So I need to get some green happening.
No one is upset, we are just trying to help you.

That stuff in the Cloud9 pens is not real CBDs if it is legal in all 50 states. I said that in my last post, but will repeat it here. It is some kind of hemp concoction, but certainly not thereputic CBD like I am talking about. I am not surprised at all that it does nothing for your pain. So, understand that when I talk about CBDs, it is not something like in the Cloud9 pens. If you get some good cannabis with a high CBD level, it will help your pain better than THC.

Also, if watching the plants grow eases your pain, there will be other (non-drug) things that should do the same thing. What this tells me is that when you have something else to focus on that it helps you not focus on pain so much. Try and find those things.
Hemp Goddess
Thank you so much. I put the seeds in dirt last night. Sprayed top a little on all 3. Nothing broke ground yet.

I am surprised that the cloud9 is not real CBD. What ever it is. It relaxes me sometimes. It does raise my tolerence when I also have high CBD cannabis. It makes it so I get zero relaxation from the same high CBD plant I was getting before I used the cloud9 daily. Thinking it will help. I don't vape it with a pen. I am a vaper. I have a nice unit. With the ability to raise the power in it. I usually vape at 60 watts of power. With 4.7 volts behind it. A max amperage of 60 amps.

I will search high and low for something else to grow. That could be used as my focus shift. Before I started growing. I never put a seed or anything in dirt and get growth life. It brings me closer to God. Making plants happy and grow. I am a man of God. I know we don't talk that here. I'm fine with that. Some are and some aren't the same that way.

Thank you for helping me. It is very nice to know you.
well i personally think the effects have much more to do with what the trichs look like at time of ingestion, I have never ust grown one strain i usually grow 3 or 4 at time, and no matter what the strain is if i pull them with a certain trich development i get the same results, other then flavor, smell etc.. that is all strain specific
So nothing broke ground. I misted the soil and moved them to the bottom area of my closet. I have them surrounded by light. The soil itself holds water nicely. They need to break ground soon.

I never just tossed a seed in dirt before. So I don't have a clue when they will break ground. When paper toweled till a root shows. The seed breaks ground in less than 24 hours. By now I should have the seed on a stalk above the soil. I call it the alien head. Now doing it this way I hope I get it tomorrow. Not trying to rush things. Just it seems doing it this way slows things down.
Ducking incredible I dropped. It went all over. Couldn't find seed.
Special Kush #1 popped. It is laying on its side. Never had then do that. The seed has expanded. It just hasn't cracked open enough to let anything out. Picture a clam on the beach. That is what the seed looks like.
White Widow x Big Bud. The seed is pushing up through the dirt at the normal angle. Both seeds look like they need to be sprayed to soften the shells.

THG or GOOCH. Have you ever had a seed Break ground. Then be laying on the surface. Not open. Its a little depressing sight. Will get picture up later. I haven't seen this in anybodys pictures ever.
It takes several days for seeds to sprout in dirt. This is not going to happen overnight. And by digging around in the dirt, you certainly could have done some damage. A huge part of growing is having the patience to let nature take its course and do its thing.
The football was magnified to make it easier to see. I don't have giant seeds. Both are straight with stems and seed ontop. So they are on there way. When I picked up the mess from the ducking incredible. I couldn't find anything that looked like a seed. So she is long gone. For air and ventilation. 2 plants are the most. I'm lucky I did 3 cups. If I didn't I'd be looking at 1 plant. So it all worked out for the best. :clap::watchplant: Now its time to watch life happen. I love the way these plants grow. They are just so pretty.
Smoke them if you got them. :2940th_rasta:
My order of buds is a few months out.
yep i have had the shell hang onto a leaf for a while, it will pop it off as it expands, also if i am not mistaken when you put the seed in it should be about an 3/4 of an inch down maybe and inch?? i am not in soil i am in hydr and when i pop seeds i typically use the paper towel method then put it in rockwool and boom all set, i have been cheating using clones but i think i am going to be doing a serious seed run for winter
Gooch, using clones isn't cheating. I've always thought of it as smart growing. What can be better than the ability to make a whole new plant off just a cutting?

I usually put my seeds about 1/2" or so down in the rapid rooters, my favorite starting medium. Seeds started in rapid rooters (or rockwool) can be put into either soil or hydro systems.

Nice, congrats on the babies.
THG i know i was being silly, in the world of seed growing its cheating lol
Cloning is getting the most out of 1 seed. When I first started buying seeds. I knew I had to clone. Seeds are not cheap. Thats why I clone. Also have some seeds on hand for when needed. So I had to use my fingers to pop the shell of. Doing good for there size. Watered the dirt. Was drying it out. Wanted to make sure there is water for the roots to find. Got green.
very good too hear i love happy endings
Endings? Only the beginning.

So I have two seedlings with green on them. The seed husk on the other one. Not the football. I had to break it off carefully. It was growing up. But not shedding the seed. All is well. Here is a picture of the green.

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