"How do we change those actions ," asks Tattered Old Graywolf. I know nothing about the USA, but I do know about a survey done in Holland regarding the ideal size of conurbations. Below a certain size of town , that cyclist you are just overtaking is likely the son, daughter, wife, grandmother, of SOMEONE YOU KNOW. In a big city, it is not quite the same. People in a small town polish each other like pebbles in a bag.
People in a big city are rats in a sack. If you want people to care about each other´s welfare (which is covid´s big lesson for us ) they need pleasant surroundings and a bit of space. Especially now that "geography is history."
Morning OFC. Good post GW. If you believe you are oppressed you are. Free your mind ....your ass will follow.
Good morning my old fart brethren, how ya'll doin' today. Great discussion on several subjects. Speaking as a person who got passed over and hurt by affirmative action at my workplace., I am discussed by your support of it. We were given a test, both written and oral. Not enough minorities passed, so they gave everyone 5 points. Now they had enough to make a list. Then they took minorities off the bottom of the list and promoted them over non minorities. These minorities never passed the test in the first place. And you call that fair ? I was in the business of saving lives and putting out the fires that YOU started. Affirmative action bit me in the azz. I never judged a person by the color of his skin, only if you could do the job.
We did a similar thing when one of our friends broke his neck and became a quad, but that had more to do with who his friends/peers were than whether it was rural or industrial. Some of us take care of our own."Yeah, crowded rats become cannibalistic."
Couldn´t agree more.
Crowded humans predate on each other.
Meanwhile up on the mountain ...
My friend´s trailer home burnt down one day.
He lost everything except his friends.
People on the mountain rallied round, crowd funded for a new caravan, and sheltered him ´til it was all sorted.
This wasn´t charity, it was people saying "Hombré, you´re a well-loved and valuable member of our community, we care about you and we need you".
People lose their intrinsic value in an industrial society, now that we live largely in the ashes of an industrial society we need to
God save the King !
For something to be funny, you need to paint a picture in the reader´s mind.As for your sunshine deprived location, I trust it will provide some illumination there.
Morning OFC. Summer riots are srarting up again..... another summer of love where our cities are burnt down and nobody does anything to stop it. It's ok though we will pass another stimulus package to rebuild everything at the taxpayers expense. Wonder what is gonna happy when those business owners no longer pay taxes because their business was destroyed or vandalized.....where is the stimulus $$$ gonna come from then.....
They are already blaming " the old people on SS" they are calling us GREEDY , imagine thatThey are already taking the money from us without taxes simply by printing money without adding collateral. It devalues the dollar, and inflates the cost of living, while decreasing the value of our savings.
The riots aren't the same as crime to support one's self and aren't disproportionately populated by poor folks trying to survive. They differ from demonstrations in that they include violence by folks trying to divide us by race and economic class, rather than seek an equitable solution.
Our weak feckless leadership applauded them and egged them on when they were trying to overthrow the previous regime, but now they are stuck with dealing with it themselves. Time for them to show us how to pick up a fresh stool from the clean end or start enforcing existing laws.
For something to be funny, you need to paint a picture in the reader´s mind. I think you nailed it there ...
Though my feeling is, that the soil determines what grows there - if metaphors are considered useful. Fortunately, homo Sapiens are weeds.
They are already blaming " the old people on SS" they are calling us GREEDY , imagine that
Paying into a system all our lives so we too could have a little retirement money to fall back on and survive in the last days of our lives, They want to use our Money to share the wealth I say Bulldunk, Get OFF YOUR BUTTS YA LAZY BASSTARDS and Pay your own way for once. PERIOD!!!!!!~
They are already taking the money from us without taxes simply by printing money without adding collateral. It devalues the dollar, and inflates the cost of living, while decreasing the value of our savings.