Ya know Walt, if'n it gets that bad, gold and silver ain't gonna be worth a damn, either. You'd trade me every ounce of gold ya got for a rifle and 50 rounds to fit it. Trick is, I won't want it. Too hard to cast into bullets, and too soft to make an edged weapon out of, and no nutritional value.
Personally, I'd rather carry ten pounds of hardtack and jerky than ten ounces of gold.
I'll go over the part you din' think about:
When the NotGeld German money was being burnt in furnaces to warm houses (pic can be found) because the MONEY was cheaper than firewood...
AHA late edit... found it:
...Those with real gold had servants that worked just for food.
In five thousand years, not one year has gone by wherein gold was not valued. Not. One.
Where in the heck did you ever get the idea that ten ounces of gold would be worth less than ten pounds of jerky? THINK about real history, bro... Who ran the show during the Medieval Period?
Was it the gold-holding Barons or was it the serf that had a bag of potatoes?
To make it crystal clear what the actual holding of gold has meant for the survival of the owners over the last several THOUSAND years... let us take a look at the steadiness of it through good times and bad:
In Roman times, an ounce of gold would buy a nice suit of clothes.
In the 1930's an ounce of gold would buy a nice suit of clothes.
As you read this, a really nice suit of clothes can be bought for one ounce of gold.
Do you see any kind of continuing value thread in this? As in: The value of gold in all times and in all the world stays essentially the same. Moreover, those who HAVE the gold, make the rules.
Those who are currently holding gold, Hippie, are also holding weapons and ammo.
Those who are currently holding gold are also the type who have food stored.
That leaves the guy walking down the street with ten pounds of jerky with a series of choices:
1. He can sit down and eat it.
2. He can use it to barter for something. <-- Problem is buy a racehorse, sell a mule.
3. He can hand it over to the guy that has the gun pointed at him.
4. He can go over to the nice guy with the gold, silver, guns, ammo, swords, food and offer to work for him for room and board.
He has no other choices... and you know the one he will have to take.
One mo' thang: Those who have the gold and silver ALSO have people working for them. They will not allow some dude walking up with five pounds of jerky and a rifle (he got it by bartering half his jerky) to take the gold.
Those with gold have guns. Those with guns have guns working for them. Those with jerky... I guess can ****, thass about all.
Now. Cut the crap and get some fargin silver, anyway. Get JUNK silver (used US coins).
The wear on junk silver is immaterial... it is counted, not weighed. So a worn-thin silver dime is still 1/10 of a silver dollar. And it is fungible** anywhere on earth.
**You can spend it.
LATE PS: Lissen to yer Unca. This advice could make a huge difference in your fate.