The Original Old Farts Club

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Old Hen got her panties in a bunch. She was cleaning the house and managed to suck a catnip mouse into the hose of the vacuum. I tried pushing it out with a broom handle with no luck. She's feeling bad that she just cost us some bucks. We had a spare, so no sweat, but she was still bummed. Took me an hour and a half monkeying with the damned thing. Even put 150 PSI behind it and just managed to get it jammed harder. Dug around and found my anti-tamper star bits and pulled the handle apart. "Why would they put it together with anti-tamper screws". I told her it was for when a dumbass sucks up a mouse, they gotta buy a new hose.
Got it apart and managed to massage it with a broom handle far enough to the handle end to grab the rascal with a pair of needle nosed pliers. It's currently out in the middle of the front yard. Still got a pretty good throwing arm on me when I'm stressed!
All back together and I'm back on the hero list. ❤️
Got my debit card hacked again. Second time this year. Found two charges from, one on 8/7 for $39.95, and the second for $4.95. Got on their website and was transferred to a site that sold women's lingerie. Finally got to corporate's website and hit customer help. Had a live chat with someone and told them what had happened. They said the charges were from, and that they were from a streaming site. I told them I'd never heard of them nor did I want the service. I was assured that the charges would be stopped. I told them I wanted my money back. They said it would be refunded in 3 to five business days.
I got ahold of my bank and told them what had happened. They killed the card and said that they'd put the money back in one to ten business days. What a pain in the ass. New card will be here in three to five business days.
It pays to stay on top of your account, I'll tell ya.
Got my debit card hacked again. Second time this year. Found two charges from, one on 8/7 for $39.95, and the second for $4.95. Got on their website and was transferred to a site that sold women's lingerie. Finally got to corporate's website and hit customer help. Had a live chat with someone and told them what had happened. They said the charges were from, and that they were from a streaming site. I told them I'd never heard of them nor did I want the service. I was assured that the charges would be stopped. I told them I wanted my money back. They said it would be refunded in 3 to five business days.
I got ahold of my bank and told them what had happened. They killed the card and said that they'd put the money back in one to ten business days. What a pain in the ass. New card will be here in three to five business days.
It pays to stay on top of your account, I'll tell ya.
It sure does
Got my debit card hacked again. Second time this year. Found two charges from, one on 8/7 for $39.95, and the second for $4.95. Got on their website and was transferred to a site that sold women's lingerie. Finally got to corporate's website and hit customer help. Had a live chat with someone and told them what had happened. They said the charges were from, and that they were from a streaming site. I told them I'd never heard of them nor did I want the service. I was assured that the charges would be stopped. I told them I wanted my money back. They said it would be refunded in 3 to five business days.
I got ahold of my bank and told them what had happened. They killed the card and said that they'd put the money back in one to ten business days. What a pain in the ass. New card will be here in three to five business days.
It pays to stay on top of your account, I'll tell ya.
I only use my debit card to withdraw cash at the bank because it doesn't have the same protection as my credit card, which is periodically hacked and has to be replaced.
Got my debit card hacked again. Second time this year. Found two charges from, one on 8/7 for $39.95, and the second for $4.95. Got on their website and was transferred to a site that sold women's lingerie. Finally got to corporate's website and hit customer help. Had a live chat with someone and told them what had happened. They said the charges were from, and that they were from a streaming site. I told them I'd never heard of them nor did I want the service. I was assured that the charges would be stopped. I told them I wanted my money back. They said it would be refunded in 3 to five business days.
I got ahold of my bank and told them what had happened. They killed the card and said that they'd put the money back in one to ten business days. What a pain in the ass. New card will be here in three to five business days.
It pays to stay on top of your account, I'll tell ya.
Got hit for 150 Tuesday, my bank however said noooppe not today and froze my account.
Texted me and said "was this you?"
I said "no"
Reported card stolen and new one will be here the 5th
They gave me a digital card so I can at least use tap pay with my phone.

I love banking with Chime.
I only use my debit card to withdraw cash at the bank because it doesn't have the same protection as my credit card, which is periodically hacked and has to be replaced.
I 100% agree. If a fraudulent charge is made against your debit card, you will eventually get it straighten out. More than likely. Until then you are out the money. Period. I purchase everything with my Credit card, and if a fraud charge comes up, they remove it immediately and they worry about getting their money back. Much more protection for the consumer. Then I go in almost every week and pay it in full. No carrying charges whatsoever.

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