The Original Old Farts Club

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Ok, Done washing two days worth of fish slime off of me. Great trip. Fished my brains out. Main problem we had such a hot summer that the lake super heated and weeds are everywhere. Not everywhere....the deepest part of the lake is clean but the fish weren't home. They were all i the weed beds. Every cast caught a bunch of fish.....

Finally after a few hours of frustration I tried a floating Lazy Ike lure. It barely sinks when retrieving it so it stayed above the weed Caught several pike and to many trout to count. Only thing is we were going for big pike .....didn't happen....none over 30". Here is a picture of the fish of the trip.

23" you can see her mouth is bleeding because I had trouble getting the hook out of her bony mouth. I revived her and turned her be caught another day.
Ok, Done washing two days worth of fish slime off of me. Great trip. Fished my brains out. Main problem we had such a hot summer that the lake super heated and weeds are everywhere. Not everywhere....the deepest part of the lake is clean but the fish weren't home. They were all i the weed beds. Every cast caught a bunch of fish.....

Finally after a few hours of frustration I tried a floating Lazy Ike lure. It barely sinks when retrieving it so it stayed above the weed Caught several pike and to many trout to count. Only thing is we were going for big pike .....didn't happen....none over 30". Here is a picture of the fish of the trip.View attachment 308647
23" you can see her mouth is bleeding because I had trouble getting the hook out of her bony mouth. I revived her and turned her be caught another day.
nice fish Pute
Morning OFC. I have a blood draw for a physical next week. No coffee :eek: .
I had a procedure to shock my heart back into rhythm . The day b4 i go to preop to get checked out .
I had a nurse with a mask on so i couldnt see her face. I jokingly sad "You are not gonna make a old man cry are you?"
She laughs and says Oh no You arnt that old! I say I said because you are a youngin ! She says "How old do you think I am?"
At that moment I realized my answer would have a lot to do with how my arm will feel after.I gently said with a supposed hesitation " 21 ,22"
She smiled and said 42!. I didnt feel a thing !
The Black Bra

I had lunch with 2 of my unmarried friends.
One is engaged, one is a mistress, and I have been married for 20+ years.

We were chatting about our relationships and decided to amaze our men by greeting them at the door
Wearing a black bra, stiletto heels and a mask over our eyes. We agreed to meet in a few days to exchange notes..

Here's how it all went.

My engaged friend
The other night when my boyfriend came over he found me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and a mask.
He saw me and said, 'You are the woman of my dreams.
I love you.' Then we made passionate love all night long.

The mistress:

Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing a raincoat, under it only the black bra, heels and
Mask over my eyes. When I opened the raincoat he didn't say a word, but he started to tremble and we had wild sex all night.

Then I had to share my story:

When my husband came home I was wearing the black bra,
Black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes.
When he came in the door and saw me he said,

"What's for dinner, Zorro?"
Went down for some bloodwork a month ago. Little gal was taking down my history (short), and I was looking around her lab. Had pics of three kids and some assorted family on her wall. Told her she had some cute babies. She tells me they're her grand babbies! Points to three pics of some late 20/early 30s people and states that they are her kids.
I told her, "Damn, you make me feel old."
Y'all were talking about bloodwork being done on ya... Here's an old magazine article I wrote about it oncet.
A Cup Of Sweetness…
c Walt C. Snedeker​

As The Fabled PC, my long-suffering Scottish spouse likes to point out, I have the mind of a child. It’s true; I keep it in a jar under the bed.

My sense of humor, she says, sometimes ought to have its license revoked. This last pronouncement came as a result of some small misbehavior on my part that took place in the local hospital.

Seems that I needed to have knee surgery. Ouch. And the deal was that since this was a scheduled affair, I was to give my own blood for the future operation. Side Note: I have since discovered by talking with Scooter (My-son-the-doctor) that they don’t need this blood for these operations. They use it for the beautiful rose bushes outside on the hospital grounds. But this information is to remain strictly between us folks. Back to the story.

So I go on down to the hospital, and go through all the depositions, mortgages, interviews, and entrail divinings that hospital minions delight in inflicting upon us lowly civilians to prepare for this blood donation. Having been fingerprinted and DNA’d, retinal-scanned, and my genealogy confirmed for seven generations, they passed me to the Second Stage. That’s the one where they have ten chairs that were left over from a movie about Auschwitz and Dr. Mengele, all empty, with tubes and syringes and other scary things hanging from them. Of course, even though there is nobody else giving blood, there has to be a fifteen minute wait (to build up your blood pressure, I can only assume). Finally, in comes Dr. Quasimodo with a gasoline can and a razor to get some blood from my quivering alabaster bod.

A palsied gnome with thick, clumsy fingers began to probe various parts of my arm with a section of epoxied garden hose, eventually causing a serious flow to ensue. Kewl. Some minutes later, having donated my own gore, they gave me one of those apple juice containers with the foil lid.

You know the kind: they hand them out in airplanes. No matter how carefully you attempt to peel back the foil, the pressurized juice is guaranteed to erupt, so that ALL the passengers can have the experience of dumping apple juice all over themselves.

I'm a fairly large and healthy guy, so I really don't need a sugar hit after giving a pint of blood... that’s why I decided to put the unopened container in my pocket, so I could open it later when I had my wetsuit on.

I got up to leave, when a particularly acerbic lady in a nurse’s outfit suddenly brayed at me: "Hey! You... if that's yer name! You ain't going nowhere."

It wasn’t easy, Gentle Reader to withhold the entire series of comments that this straight line handed me, but I was noble. I looked over at her. Her nametag identified her as Miss Demeanor. I was obviously something that annoyed her (I was a patient, albeit only temporary, and ambulatory at that – a double annoyance to her.)

She sighed and snorted at the same instant – an accomplishment which I found impressive – and imperiously beckoned me to the foot of her throne.

"Here, take this and go give me a sample."

“This” was one of those little plastic cups (you know the ones) and she pointed a peremptory finger at the potty door. Ever obedient as always. (Ah, an interruption – The Fabled PC is reading this as I relate it, and her comment on that “obedient” quote has just disproved the adage that two positives cannot make a negative: Regarding it, she says, “Yeah, right!”

Getting back to the story, I walked into the aforementioned potty… and the Devil bit me right on the butt.

I took out the container of apple juice, ripped off the top, and poured the contents into the specimen cup. The empty container went into the convenient wastebasket thoughtfully provided by the hospital housekeeping folks.

When I came out of the potty proudly waving my brimming specimen cup, Miss Demeanor got her PMS in high gear.

"You are supposed to leave it in there on the shelf, not bring it out here!" This, with a rolling of the eyes and a sigh that Hillary Rodham would die for.

Sooo... I sez very politely: "Dang, Miss Demeanor, ma'am, I'm powerful sorry I didn't read your mind, and therefore have apparently made it so this here sample is contaminated. Tell you what: I’ll just recycle it for you!”

With a nice flourish, I upended the specimen cup and drank it down.

Miss Demeanor went ballistic. Absolutely nuts.

She went echoing down the hallway, calling for Security, doctors, and probably the cotton-picking FBI.

A lot of folks immediately gathered round, so I quickly went into the potty, retrieved the empty apple juice container and showed it to them with my charming boyish smile. A couple of the doctors began laughing so hard they spotted.

When Miss Demeanor came back, EVERYBODY was laughing (and several were pointing at HER, with tears in their eyes).

She was the only one who didn't see the humor of the situation.
Ok, Done washing two days worth of fish slime off of me. Great trip. Fished my brains out. Main problem we had such a hot summer that the lake super heated and weeds are everywhere. Not everywhere....the deepest part of the lake is clean but the fish weren't home. They were all i the weed beds. Every cast caught a bunch of fish.....

Finally after a few hours of frustration I tried a floating Lazy Ike lure. It barely sinks when retrieving it so it stayed above the weed Caught several pike and to many trout to count. Only thing is we were going for big pike .....didn't happen....none over 30". Here is a picture of the fish of the trip.View attachment 308647
23" you can see her mouth is bleeding because I had trouble getting the hook out of her bony mouth. I revived her and turned her be caught another day.
Nice. All about getting out there and enjoying it - big one's are a bonus
I had a new girl drawing blood today. She was 15 minutes late to work and I was her first patient making me sitting in the waiting room for almost 25 minutes cuz I had to be there 15 minutes early which I was. She asked me if I had to wait long sarcastically I said I'll live.

Took her three tries to hit a vein. The first time she was digging around in my arm with the needle and I suggested she try another vein. After everything was said and done she apologized that she was sorry and it was like okay I said I will live.

Got to go to the phone store because I dropped my phone on this fishing trip and cracked the screen. They have to order a new one which is going to take 10 to 14 days. At least the phone still works. Be back later.
I have huge veins that are easy to hit and only had trouble one time, when the inept nurse pushed the needle through both sides of the vein at least three times, before calling the phlebotomist, who extracted the blood effortlessly and painlessly. The riddled vein hurt for months.
Y'all were talking about bloodwork being done on ya... Here's an old magazine article I wrote about it oncet.
A Cup Of Sweetness…
c Walt C. Snedeker​

As The Fabled PC, my long-suffering Scottish spouse likes to point out, I have the mind of a child. It’s true; I keep it in a jar under the bed.

My sense of humor, she says, sometimes ought to have its license revoked. This last pronouncement came as a result of some small misbehavior on my part that took place in the local hospital.

Seems that I needed to have knee surgery. Ouch. And the deal was that since this was a scheduled affair, I was to give my own blood for the future operation. Side Note: I have since discovered by talking with Scooter (My-son-the-doctor) that they don’t need this blood for these operations. They use it for the beautiful rose bushes outside on the hospital grounds. But this information is to remain strictly between us folks. Back to the story.

So I go on down to the hospital, and go through all the depositions, mortgages, interviews, and entrail divinings that hospital minions delight in inflicting upon us lowly civilians to prepare for this blood donation. Having been fingerprinted and DNA’d, retinal-scanned, and my genealogy confirmed for seven generations, they passed me to the Second Stage. That’s the one where they have ten chairs that were left over from a movie about Auschwitz and Dr. Mengele, all empty, with tubes and syringes and other scary things hanging from them. Of course, even though there is nobody else giving blood, there has to be a fifteen minute wait (to build up your blood pressure, I can only assume). Finally, in comes Dr. Quasimodo with a gasoline can and a razor to get some blood from my quivering alabaster bod.

A palsied gnome with thick, clumsy fingers began to probe various parts of my arm with a section of epoxied garden hose, eventually causing a serious flow to ensue. Kewl. Some minutes later, having donated my own gore, they gave me one of those apple juice containers with the foil lid.

You know the kind: they hand them out in airplanes. No matter how carefully you attempt to peel back the foil, the pressurized juice is guaranteed to erupt, so that ALL the passengers can have the experience of dumping apple juice all over themselves.

I'm a fairly large and healthy guy, so I really don't need a sugar hit after giving a pint of blood... that’s why I decided to put the unopened container in my pocket, so I could open it later when I had my wetsuit on.

I got up to leave, when a particularly acerbic lady in a nurse’s outfit suddenly brayed at me: "Hey! You... if that's yer name! You ain't going nowhere."

It wasn’t easy, Gentle Reader to withhold the entire series of comments that this straight line handed me, but I was noble. I looked over at her. Her nametag identified her as Miss Demeanor. I was obviously something that annoyed her (I was a patient, albeit only temporary, and ambulatory at that – a double annoyance to her.)

She sighed and snorted at the same instant – an accomplishment which I found impressive – and imperiously beckoned me to the foot of her throne.

"Here, take this and go give me a sample."

“This” was one of those little plastic cups (you know the ones) and she pointed a peremptory finger at the potty door. Ever obedient as always. (Ah, an interruption – The Fabled PC is reading this as I relate it, and her comment on that “obedient” quote has just disproved the adage that two positives cannot make a negative: Regarding it, she says, “Yeah, right!”

Getting back to the story, I walked into the aforementioned potty… and the Devil bit me right on the butt.

I took out the container of apple juice, ripped off the top, and poured the contents into the specimen cup. The empty container went into the convenient wastebasket thoughtfully provided by the hospital housekeeping folks.

When I came out of the potty proudly waving my brimming specimen cup, Miss Demeanor got her PMS in high gear.

"You are supposed to leave it in there on the shelf, not bring it out here!" This, with a rolling of the eyes and a sigh that Hillary Rodham would die for.

Sooo... I sez very politely: "Dang, Miss Demeanor, ma'am, I'm powerful sorry I didn't read your mind, and therefore have apparently made it so this here sample is contaminated. Tell you what: I’ll just recycle it for you!”

With a nice flourish, I upended the specimen cup and drank it down.

Miss Demeanor went ballistic. Absolutely nuts.

She went echoing down the hallway, calling for Security, doctors, and probably the cotton-picking FBI.

A lot of folks immediately gathered round, so I quickly went into the potty, retrieved the empty apple juice container and showed it to them with my charming boyish smile. A couple of the doctors began laughing so hard they spotted.

When Miss Demeanor came back, EVERYBODY was laughing (and several were pointing at HER, with tears in their eyes).

She was the only one who didn't see the humor of the situation.
Walt now that's funny.

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