The Original Old Farts Club

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When I was a young apprentice while waiting on assist craft on the boat, one of the riggers showed me how to tie a noose. He taught me other knots too and it was a fun way to pass the time waiting on the electricians. I thought it was great an made it over and over just to get it down to a fine art. I thought at the time it was cool and had so many uses. Well, somehow the noose got left down on the job site and someone was offended by it and reported it. When I heard about it I knew it must have been the one I made. It was a big deal on the boat (huge actually) and I went to the boss and reported that I had made it and meant no harm or in no way had any racial intentions which is where whomever reported it was going with it. I felt really bad and apologized to the guy for being an idiot and told him I was only learning new knots and had no racial intentions when I made it. Everything calmed down after that but when I heard the bubba Wallace story it reminded me of my then actions and how something like that can get carried away really quickly. So I guess I have a bit of sympathy for the whole bubba Wallace thing…
When I was a young apprentice while waiting on assist craft on the boat, one of the riggers showed me how to tie a noose. He taught me other knots too and it was a fun way to pass the time waiting on the electricians. I thought it was great an made it over and over just to get it down to a fine art. I thought at the time it was cool and had so many uses. Well, somehow the noose got left down on the job site and someone was offended by it and reported it. When I heard about it I knew it must have been the one I made. It was a big deal on the boat (huge actually) and I went to the boss and reported that I had made it and meant no harm or in no way had any racial intentions which is where whomever reported it was going with it. I felt really bad and apologized to the guy for being an idiot and told him I was only learning new knots and had no racial intentions when I made it. Everything calmed down after that but when I heard the bubba Wallace story it reminded me of my then actions and how something like that can get carried away really quickly. So I guess I have a bit of sympathy for the whole bubba Wallace thing…
I would have gotten NCIS involved for you .I know a guy named Gibbs
I don't do social media, this is as close as I get...after brushing out the shepherd she's been my shadow all day, dutch wants to hop on her...I put up a sign with my phone number but I'm feeling hesitant to keep the sign bothers me that both dogs have not been groomed or had their nails tended to...both were starving and soaking wet with bog mud...matted hair pisses me off, total lack of care...I'm inclined to keep both dogs and give them a loving home...I'm truly surprised both weren't killed on the main road they were on...what a dilemma...
I know how you feel. We just kept my nephews dog while he went on vacation. That poor dog had huge anxiety was overweight flea ridden and dirty. He also had hotspots which were not being addressed. He was so nervous that I didn’t want to stress him out with a bath so he re infested my house with fleas after I just got rid of them with the new puppy. I treated his hot spots and cleaned his ears but that’s all I could do. Some folks don’t deserve animals and shouldn’t have them.
I know how you feel. We just kept my nephews dog while he went on vacation. That poor dog had huge anxiety was overweight flea ridden and dirty. He also had hotspots which were not being addressed. He was so nervous that I didn’t want to stress him out with a bath so he re infested my house with fleas after I just got rid of them with the new puppy. I treated his hot spots and cleaned his ears but that’s all I could do. Some folks don’t deserve animals and shouldn’t have them.
Who doesn’t take their dog on vacation anyway…
If that noose you learned to tie didn't have 13 wraps, it wasn't a legal hangman's noose.

The one Bitchbubba cried about was a simple loop for pulling the garage door down. He isn't discriminated against. If he was white and had the losing streak he does, he'd never find a ride.
I found 2 strays in the swamp on the way home...a red and black female shepherd and a black and white pit mix...took me a half hour to rescue them from the swamp and them outside, the pit and dutch aren't gonna do well but the female, she's a keeper...gonna put up a sign and try and find the owner...she's a beautiful dog...
That's my Boo. Good on ya.
these are the pups I hauled out of the swamp...
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Love the shepherd. Somebody somewhere is sick with worry. They've almost certainly been chipped... it the big thing now, kimosabe.

They look so calm and well-behaved. One suggestion that has not been made: Call the local fuzz and ask if someone has reported losing them.

Now we all wanna hear how they got stuck and how you got them out.
I don't do social media, this is as close as I get...after brushing out the shepherd she's been my shadow all day, dutch wants to hop on her...I put up a sign with my phone number but I'm feeling hesitant to keep the sign bothers me that both dogs have not been groomed or had their nails tended to...both were starving and soaking wet with bog mud...matted hair pisses me off, total lack of care...I'm inclined to keep both dogs and give them a loving home...I'm truly surprised both weren't killed on the main road they were on...what a dilemma...
WHOA!! I did not read this before I posted above. If they were starving and not groomed... then they were just beautiful, but totally lost pups.

Dutch could use a friend.
Who doesn’t take their dog on vacation anyway…
My Sister would house set and watch my dog. I'm not dealing with a dog while I'm on vacation. Dog cages,hotels and restaurants,,,nope. My dog will be comfortable at home not barking and driving ppl crazy in a hotel while we are trying to eat at a restaurant.

Hippie,,guess who won yesterday,,yep,,fking Wallace.😠

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