Man, what a pain in the arse dubs, but man your ladies with the fat green fingers are makin me drool.....
Dubbaman said:Well if bad only ever goes worse than ill most likely lose my satori. After my lights have burnt up we hit a cold snap over the weekend. And now it looks like I have a K deficiency. Im not too sure about it so Im also posting this in the sick plants and problems too. Heres the skinny 1/3 happy frog potting mix 1/3 old reuse soil (ffof washed and dried and set for 3 months covered) 1/3 mix of new top soil with sand and perlite added. PH is 6.5 no feeding what so ever as of yet (coyts still attached) watering once evcery 3 days 1 gal of aired tap to 5 gal potter. Plants are 5-7 weeks in under 16-8 lights 400WHPS conversion bulb for veg. The problem seems to be containing its self to the lower parts of the plants but where there was a small amount of twist (initially from heat and slightly hot soil for seedlings, then corrected) has jumped to full blown paranoia for me now as the twist has returned and combined with a dry to touch leaf that looks browning and dying with a case of the taco leaf to boot. Would it be possible at a pH of 6.5 to be hot in N and low in K causing problems or does this seem to be just an after effect of the Happy frog being too hot for the seedlings when I started them and now the transplant has reinforced the problem once again. Any and all input welcome.
Yup its been crazy a bit further south of you too mang. Here in the capital its all the same frost in the middle of May and now 15 degrees above normal :confused2: i hope is stabilizes here soon i want to put some out back to veg up a bit since i cant get more running in the roompcduck said:I have been watching my temps and humidity too.
We have been having a weird spring, a week of below average temps, then a week of way above normal temps. example today 84f the average for today 71f.