THC's House of Green

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pcduck said:
Got some good looking girls there THC

You going to be smoking a whole bunch of dank, pretty soon

Great work:)

More Rain. :(
High pcduck :48: The most part of the dank is owed to you brother .

I had 3 Hrs of extreme heat and clear skies today and a few pistils have browned off slightly (I was shopping at the time dammit):rolleyes:

Yet the biggest plant was not effected "luckily"... she sure can dodge the bullets :hubba:

I've almost cured the whitefly problem there was only 3-4 flying around today yet an adult can lay 200 eggs in 1 day so its going to be a battle before the war !

I will cut 1 bud during the week to see if any bad flavours are involved with this eco-neem oil i have applied twice so far !

Other than that all is sweet and i'm preparing for caterpillars next ...
They have to have there run as well :eek:
Bacullis Thurgenis (sp) is at hand !

I hope the girls decide to finish really quick because the Helicopter, phos deficiency, Temps, Rain, Humidity, whiteflys, and soon to be ...Caterpillars ..OMG Lightning as i look out the window .

Its all driving me crazy brother !:ignore:

But as we know ...
The end result makes it all worthwile ;)

Thanks for visit duck take care and stay safe :peace:


Some beautiful sativas in your House of Green, man! Unbelievable!

Thanks for the show - sorry I missed it as it went along!

:icon_smile: key :icon_smile:
:48: Hey key2

Bud chopped for test of eco neem taste was 100% success 6-7 days after appliying it!

Welcome aboard and thanks for the kind words ;)

I guess a few people have missed this grow due to not being posted in the diary forum :hubba:

I tossed a coin on wheather....

: The greenhouse gets it :hubba:

: Outdoor Grow forum gets it :hubba:

: Or Grow Diary forum get it:hubba:

Its also hard to view many grows when we are dealing with our own grows as well !
This grow has presented a few challenges for me so far but i want perfection bro lol :eek:

Thanks again key2 all the best ! ;)
Mind sharing your soil mix ratios, THC?
Not at all bro ,

I will put it into some kinda composure and list it for you ;)
Hi guys this brew may well be unfamiliar to many as i only have the option of using Australian Products !

Purplephazes /Twohighcrimes OzzyBomb Brew.


1 x 25kg bag Searles 5'n'1 ( contents per bag : Blood n bone, Cow manure,sheep manure,Chicken manure,)

1 x 25kg bag Mother natures Mushroom compost.

1 x 25kg bag Richgrow Organic Premium Compost.

1 x 90 Ltr Brunnings easy wetta premuim coco coir block ( flushed 3 times with 5 TBLSP epsom salts, 50mls of eco dolimite liquid lime along with 200 mls of Powerfeed added to final flush and left to soak for 12 -18hrs)

10- 12 shovels of washed builders sand.

2 x cupful of Richgrow blood n bone
4 x cupful richgrow super phosphate .( hit with hammer to dust )

2 x handful of king island kelp meal,

3 handfuls dolimite lime pulverised

Vege mix Tea 15 ltr Bubble teas are brewed using :
15 ltrs rain water or "tap water bubbled for 24hrs to dechlorinate.

4 cups of vege bin worm castings,

3 cups compost,

Power feed @ 80mls,

Seasol seaweed liquid @ 70mls

(dusted dolimite lime @ 1 handful )

2 TBLSP kelp meal

3 TBLSP of dissolved epsom salts,

3-4 TBLSP of Beerenberg unsulphered molasses
I feed teas undiluted every 3rd watering .( water, water, Feed,) with 3-4 (water,feed,feed)thrown in.


I had some vege mix around 15kg left over and added it with..

1 x 25kg bag Richgrow mushroom compost

1x 25kg bag searles 5"n"1

1 x 25 kg bag Richgrow Organic Premuim compost

45 ltrs Brunnings coco coir Flushed 3 times with 5 TBLSP dissolved epsom salts 200mls seasol liquid seaweed and 100mls of powerfeed added to final flush and left to soak for 12-18hrs,

4 cups of Dolimite lime ( dusted use hammer)

3-4 handfuls King Island Kelp meal

3 handfuls richgrow sulphate of potash (dusted use hammer)

4 x cupful super phos (dusted use hammer)

15ltr Bubble teas Flowering brew consists of :

4 cups flower bin worm castings,

2 handfuls garden compost,

1x handful "dusted" dolimite lime

1 x handful Super phos (dusted),

1 x handful sulphate of potash (dusted)

1 handful king island kelp meal,

100mls seasol liquid kelp,

Powerfeed varies according to yellowing of older growth and would be strain dependant imo ! 20-50 mls .

4 Tblsp of beerenberg unsulphered molasses.

I feed every 3-4 days undiluted and Airate for 20-24hrs .
Thanks a bunch THC! Im taking notes.....
No problem drft ,

Tbh i hope to spread this soil mix around every circle possible in the hope that oneday anyone who wants to grow can help this country become contaminated with plants everywhere .

Initially i wanted to keep it as cheap and lightweight as possible to suit outdoor guerilla grow ops that why i used coco as an addition and bubble teas as nutrients (lightweight, cheap, and effective) .
Edit : Just to add that 3ltrs waters 50ltr pots so nutes are easily transported as well and generally lasts 3 days !

The biggest problem i have found in Australia is secrecy !
People don't wanna share reliable soil mixtures very often.

My guess would be that some/many growers/dealers don't want competition in a competitive market !
Which is fair enough can't blame em!

My outlook differs though i love sharing because we will get everyone growing and create more pressure on certain Govt departments to start thinking about decriminalization !
And oneday hopefully our laws can change for the better as it has happened in England and America .

The battle continues brother. ;)
Hi Guys n gals,
I have promised to show you guys n gals my cooling system and i will when the rain stops.

These plant have had 3 hrs direct sun since my last update !

That Direct sun burnt some leave tips because the plants freaked out and did'nt know what the hell it was!

The bucket it sitting in the river thats running through my backyard.
The bucket is 1 ft tall and hold 30ltrs of water and filled up in 4 freaken hours.
Another week of rain is expected.
Some pics look great ..light wise but i assure you that it is from my flash reflecting of the roof panels ..Pics 2 -3 show how it really is and has been.

I am effin Pi$$ed off and i am trying to be nice about it .
I don't want to say any more !

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Ok thats nature i have had my tantrum:( !
Let it rain !

Ok and here is Boris i forgot to put her up again.

Sorry about the pic but i need to stand outside the greenhouse to get a full body shot !
Its raining and i can't do it !

So the general idea will do for now i suppose!
She's in my avatar for comparison to last week.

Getting bud heavy and waiting for sunlight ..
Bubble tea's and no sun pcduck ;)
If only i had sun ..breathe in...breathe out ..
Thanks for the visit !

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Hey guys,:)

Forgive me for taking so long to post the cooling system in the GH.
Extreme weather conditions have prevented me from doing so.

This system is nothing pretty to look at but i will certainly be making permanent adjustments after this grow it is only in prototype stage as i had to test the theory before putting to much affort into an "idea" :eek:

Anyway guys it has proven to be operable and relatively efficient!
If greenhouse temps are 90f-32cel this idea can reduce temps by around 48f-9cel the greenhouse generally is around 105f-40cel as an average.

Yet if i place 2 x 3 ltr frozen Bottles of water in the pump tray (Blue)
The water gets extremely cold and therefor allows temps to drop a further 41f - 5cel then i can also adjust the speed on the industrial fan to suit the conditions in the greenhouse more speed = more cooling ;)

Anyway i guess you guys get the drift ..

Pics may help . Prototype condition , but hey it works ;)

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Hey Folks :holysheep:

The sun came out today :yay: :heart:

The Microbes decided to head for the plants on their own :eek:

If you guys see any out there just send the buggers back home please.

They look this for identification purposes :eek:

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I call it The Morning Wake Me Upper :)
pcduck said:
I call it The Morning Wake Me Upper :)
I had to have a sample :eek:

Could'nt resissss....ttt they smell so damn good :stoned: :stoned:

I'm officially baked :D

The Morning Wake Me Upper ...


The Morning Baked Me I'm Gutted and going back to bed bro !

Wow duck that is the BomB and only a quick dry :eek: Pure genius those teas.
I had to chop 1 today before she also got the dreaded stem rot infection guys.
1 plant has stem rot its seems that it may have been contracted through mistreated tomatoe plants and it remains as a maybe ?? :eek:

Gotta love the neighbours :rolleyes:

Anyway guys her trichomes were around 70% clear and 30% cloudy
I tested this bud last week after an eco-neem treatment after 7 days no side effects were noticed.

Quick pics of harvest, and the stem rot, and My Team "Kia Kaha", and a Bowl of bud For you ;)

Thanks guys for the help regarding this infection.
The race is on to finish flowering or Hit the Heavens ;)

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Beautiful, man. Good luck with the stem rot! That 4th pic is awesome!

Thanks key for the kind words ;)

The "stem rot" and growth are at war ;)

The Plants are trying really hard to win this war and they are winning hands down :icon_smile:

I gotta admit that i am proud of these girls for stepping it up and taking the bull by the horns. :)

Anyway, thanks all for calling in and thanks for keeping "boris" and her sisters in your prayers :D

Her sister that was murdered 3 days ago smokes really well .
I can't wait to chop up her other sisters as well ;)

Thanks again folks
THC :)

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Seeing this ,I have officially decided,I need more room to grow!I think you have overcome all your issues and obstacles with outstanding results.
Hey oldman Thanks for the visit ;)

I certainly have had my share of problems lately.

3m x 3m x 3m is around about my space.
5 plants was just enough yet 4 would be optimal imo .
After removing 1 plant the airflow has improved considerably and the other 4 seem to be alot happier :)

I think the 4 remaining plants have another 2-4 weeks to finish as well.

I also gained 5.6oz from the plant that got the chop last week ;)

If i can get the same from the other plants my total will be close to
2 pound !

I am pretty hopeful about that taking place.

The First plant seems to be curing nicely which was a learning experience and i am happy to say that i got lucky with the cure so far .

The next 4 plants should be based on the same principals but in Bulk :hubba:

:holysheep: kinda scary stuff ..ya gotta get it right first time ;)

Thanks for the visit.... Peace and take care Everyone.

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