THC's House of Green

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You are a great writer. Please keep it up!
<a href="/">Dave Bratcher</a>
:ciao: PCduck Thanks fer poppin in and sharing your wisdom regarding the egg shells !

My egg shells are not being eaten either so i will give up on that idea :hubba:

I have a quick update to share.. the bubblegum is flowering early which is not a bad thing as i kinda expected that my days would not be long enough to prevent flowering this strain is great to grow in spain apparently and the longest day there is around 15 hrs long ....My days are only 13.5 hrs long and i need a lil bit more sativa in my collection ! ;)

All the best and take care everyone !

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I should also add that 4 of the 6 uk-cheese plants are female and the other 2 plants are not showing dangly bits yet .
Edit : And here is the revised soil mixture added here from post #86

1 x 25kg bag Searles 5'n'1 ( contents per bag : Blood n bone, Cow manure,sheep manure,Chicken manure, mushroom compost)

1 x 25kg bag Mother natures Mushroom compost.

1 x 25kg bag Richgrow Organic Premium Compost.

1 x 90 Ltr Brunnings easy wetta coco coir block ( flushed 3 times with 5 TBLSP epsom salts, 50mls of eco dolimite liquid lime along with 200 mls of Charlie Carp fish emulsion added to final flush)

10- 12 shovels of washed builders sand.

2 x cupful of Richgrow blood n bone
3 x cupful richgrow super phosphate .( hit with hammer to dust )

2 x handful of king island kelp meal (ebay) or Horse feed supply shop!

3 handfuls dolimite lime ( not dusted) but pulverised

The supplier of Charlie Carp changed the recipe at the end of vege , (preflowering) Which caused me to have a phos deficiency for 3 weeks it was rectified by adding abit extra dusted phos to my bubble tea and a light application to top of soil ! CC was like water and it was rubbish and i replaced it with powerfeed eventually !

12-15 ltr Bubble teas were added using : 4 cups of vege bin worm castings, and 3 cups compost, seasols brand power feed @ 80mls, Seasol seaweed liquid @ 70mls (dusted dolimite lime @ 1 handful ) 2 TBLSP kelp meal along with 3 TBLSP of dissolved epsom salts, 3-4 TBLSP of Melrose organic unsulphered Molasses added during the 24 hr bubble period to feed the microbes and aid in producing Trichome development . I feed teas every 2nd watering .( water, water, Feed,)

It would be a good idea to add extra Super phos now that Charlie Carp changed the recipe ! Maybe 1-2 cup extra super phos added to the soil mix should be ok ??

I had some vege mix around 15kg left over and added it with..
1 x 25kg bag Richgrow mushroom compost

1x 25kg bag searles 5"n"1

1 x 25 kg bag Richgrow Organic Premuim compost

45 ltrs Brunnings coco coir Flushed 3 times with 5 TBLSP dissolved epsom salts 200mls seasol liquid seaweed and 100mls of powerfeed added to final flush,

4 cups of Dolimite lime ( dusted) i didnt use the eco flow liquid because $$ and its not needed imo!

3-4 handfuls Kelp meal

3 handfuls richgrow sulphate of potash (dusted)

3 x cupful super phos (dusted) but should of added 4-5 imo

12-15ltr Bubble teas consist of : 4 cups flower bin worm castings, 2 handfuls garden compost, 1x handful "dusted" dolimite lime 1 x handful Super phos (dusted), 1 x handful sulphate of potash (dusted) 1 handful king island kelp meal, 100mls seasol liquid kelp, Powerfeed varies according to yellowing of older growth and would be strain dependant imo ! 20-50 mls usaully . 4 Tblsp of beerenberg unsulphered molasses ( it does the same job as melrose molasses and is easier to get from woolworths and is cost effective in comparison! $8 or $3
Howdy MP Members , Guests .

I'll let the pics do the talking !

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Sorry guys ..I had a visitor arrive !

So i fed the Bubblegum Pure worm casting Tea from my potassium worm bin with a lil extra cal/mag added i also added 1 Handful kelp meal 5 TBLSP of dissolved epsom salts to 9ltrs of worm tea which was bubbled for 24hrs i also like to add 2-3 TBLSP of mollasses during the 24hr period !

The uk cheese plants were also feed there (N) Tea
I am impressed with how they are growing as well they have taken a liking
to the tea and i also like the water holding capabilities of the coco coir !
They were also fed strait tea as well as have reacted nicely !
Looking real nice THC.

Try a little bit of gypsum in your bin. Will add calcium and sulfur to replace eggshells plus has some buffering capabilities
pcduck said:
Looking real nice THC.

Try a little bit of gypsum in your bin. Will add calcium and sulfur to replace eggshells plus has some buffering capabilities
:goodposting: Thanks pcduck i grabbed a 5kg bag and added 2.5kg to each worm bin !

Your advice is always good .

It also appears that i have gained 6 female cheese plants so i dont have to pull any plants this year but 1 is still a maybe :D !
They have been fed yesterday with a nice bubble tea !

The weather has not been great and the internodal spacing on the tallest uk cheese plant is stretching a lil bit ...

Anyways heres a few pics and thanks again pcduck ! ;)

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lookin pretty good im jealous of all you people who can still grow outside this time of year
Hi there DarkHorse007 ,

I feel the same during my winter time all i can do is watch and learn a lil more while you guys have your run !

Welcome aboard !

Ok guys its time for a few bud shots ! :)
Thanks for callin in !

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Looking real nice THC :aok:
Hey pcduck ,
I have to say that i am pretty proud of Organic growing with bubble teas .... .
Yourself and umbra have been a pretty good inspiration during the past few years !

Cheers duck keep up the good work !
I hope you and the fam have a great christmas .
And to all the other mems and guests that go's for you guys as well !

Peace and Stay safe .

:lama: :headbang2: :headbang2: :48: :dancing: :dancing:

Happy NY

I hope you all have a safe and eventful 2013 !

Ok so we are well into our flowering phase now people !
This lady has been getting her pottasuim based teas every 3 days now guys !

She seems to really enjoy kelp meal and mollases along with 80mls of seasol the pistils are certainly emerging at a fair consistant rate !
I find that the Cheese (Rocksters) 2002-2005 edition !
Contains tonnes of calyxes + pistils and the buds fatten up quite nicely !
I'm looking forward to flowering those plants in around 20 days time !
Anyway heres some pics of the bubblegum !
Thanks for looking !

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