I should also add that 4 of the 6 uk-cheese plants are female and the other 2 plants are not showing dangly bits yet .
Edit : And here is the revised soil mixture added here from post #86
1 x 25kg bag Searles 5'n'1 ( contents per bag : Blood n bone, Cow manure,sheep manure,Chicken manure, mushroom compost)
1 x 25kg bag Mother natures Mushroom compost.
1 x 25kg bag Richgrow Organic Premium Compost.
1 x 90 Ltr Brunnings easy wetta coco coir block ( flushed 3 times with 5 TBLSP epsom salts, 50mls of eco dolimite liquid lime along with 200 mls of Charlie Carp fish emulsion added to final flush)
10- 12 shovels of washed builders sand.
2 x cupful of Richgrow blood n bone
3 x cupful richgrow super phosphate .( hit with hammer to dust )
2 x handful of king island kelp meal (ebay) or Horse feed supply shop!
3 handfuls dolimite lime ( not dusted) but pulverised
The supplier of Charlie Carp changed the recipe at the end of vege , (preflowering) Which caused me to have a phos deficiency for 3 weeks it was rectified by adding abit extra dusted phos to my bubble tea and a light application to top of soil ! CC was like water and it was rubbish and i replaced it with powerfeed eventually !
12-15 ltr Bubble teas were added using : 4 cups of vege bin worm castings, and 3 cups compost, seasols brand power feed @ 80mls, Seasol seaweed liquid @ 70mls (dusted dolimite lime @ 1 handful ) 2 TBLSP kelp meal along with 3 TBLSP of dissolved epsom salts, 3-4 TBLSP of Melrose organic unsulphered Molasses added during the 24 hr bubble period to feed the microbes and aid in producing Trichome development . I feed teas every 2nd watering .( water, water, Feed,)
It would be a good idea to add extra Super phos now that Charlie Carp changed the recipe ! Maybe 1-2 cup extra super phos added to the soil mix should be ok ??
I had some vege mix around 15kg left over and added it with..
1 x 25kg bag Richgrow mushroom compost
1x 25kg bag searles 5"n"1
1 x 25 kg bag Richgrow Organic Premuim compost
45 ltrs Brunnings coco coir Flushed 3 times with 5 TBLSP dissolved epsom salts 200mls seasol liquid seaweed and 100mls of powerfeed added to final flush,
4 cups of Dolimite lime ( dusted) i didnt use the eco flow liquid because $$ and its not needed imo!
3-4 handfuls Kelp meal
3 handfuls richgrow sulphate of potash (dusted)
3 x cupful super phos (dusted) but should of added 4-5 imo
12-15ltr Bubble teas consist of : 4 cups flower bin worm castings, 2 handfuls garden compost, 1x handful "dusted" dolimite lime 1 x handful Super phos (dusted), 1 x handful sulphate of potash (dusted) 1 handful king island kelp meal, 100mls seasol liquid kelp, Powerfeed varies according to yellowing of older growth and would be strain dependant imo ! 20-50 mls usaully . 4 Tblsp of beerenberg unsulphered molasses ( it does the same job as melrose molasses and is easier to get from woolworths and is cost effective in comparison! $8 or $3