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So 21 days in and some changes are becoming apparent

Pic 1 and 2 show clones that are now beginning to look weak, notice the yellowing in the leaves.



Pic 3 and 4 shows what would appear to be healthy looking clone that is just beginning to show root nodes on its stem.



Pic 5 and 6 also shows what would appear to be healthy looking clone that is just beginning to show root nodes on its stem.




Been a little slow following up on these clones.
Anyhow 30 days in and not a great change from last week.
A little more leaf yellowing and some development in the root nodes.








lol poor things. i cant help but love every cannabis plant. i even say goodbye to all the males i yank. but these poor clones are tryin their best to make it
Thanks GreenThumb:aok:

They sure are tryin


without an ounce of love to help them along

35 days now and still counting:shocked:
Is this the end of the experiment or will you plant it out?

Im just curious as to the time of the year.
poor clone!!!lol

Looking good. I will wait to see how many roots you will have in 14 days.
HippyInEngland said:
Is this the end of the experiment or will you plant it out?

Im just curious as to the time of the year.
[FONT=&quot]I'm gona see how many roots develop over the coarse of the next few days/week.

I started this thread while clearing up side shoots that I had chopped from my "patch plants".

I did not label any of the clones with the corresponding parent:hitchair:

I have strong suspicions that they will all turn out to be from my culled males.............:eek:

It's true

we are getting late in the season to expect good growth, however, watch this space as I have more


coming this way..............:holysheep:

[FONT=&quot]A little preview?



Looking good Bud Uncle

OK my water babies have begun to root with minimum care, little skill no special tools or gadgets and lots of patience.

This really does suck though, big style.........................:hitchair:

36 days and only 1 of 4 has shown a root.

So, there I am minding my patch, watering and tending my 3 girls and I get a wondering.......................

You see, they all had some very slim lower side shoots.

Now it has been a while since I grew outdoors, however with all my indoor grows I used to trim these lower shoots off.

A plan was hatching

Another cutting plan..................

Now, I no longer have a heated propagator, to hand, easy access to Vermiculite or Perlite and good quality potting compost.
Finding local suppliers is proving to be a challenge in France.

So, I'm going to have to make do with what I do have to hand.

I sourced a large clear container with lid, not as deep as I would have liked but it will do.
I have compost in stock and a supply of used small pots.

1st off, I washed everything, container, pots and chopping board, in a mild Bleach solution and rinsed them in clean water.

Next having searched for and finding my Clonex gel and plant labels I found some old unused capillary matting, result........

Luckily for me the capillary matting was a good fit in the container, a slight nip and tuck was all that was required.

Having fitted this, I gave it a soaking with water from my rain harvest tank.
Fitted the lid and left it in the sun, allowing it to warm up.

For the 1st time I also decided to check the waters PH:spit:

With a very simple and cheap, maybe not too accurate, test kit.;)

The colour chart indicated the PH to be about 7, good enough for me.....:D

Next I began to sieve compost into my pots.


The excess compost was brushed away and each pot tapped, gently, onto a solid surface.
Before placing them into a nice warm water bath.


When the surface of the compost became damp, the pots were put to one side and the excess water was allowed to drain away.


The drained pots were placed into the container to warm up and make space for me to continue the process. Until all the pots had been prepared.

This kinda goes against the grain, as I have never named any of my plants in the past, but matt420lane would have insisted on it.
So we now have three gals in the patch that all have names and labels


There is also a "late starter" CM that has yet to show sex but had 2 tiny side shoots, that might just work.

The pots had been left to bask in the sun for over an hour, it's time to make a start.

The 2 SM side shoots were removed from the stem with a, new, cleaned, utility blade and placed into a glass of rain water.


Working on 1 stem at a time, I removed the lower leaves by nipping them between my finger and thumb nail, trimmed the upper leaves with the blade before making a 45 degree cut across the stem, just below a leaf node. The cut stem was placed into the Clonex Gel, to a depth of about 19mm or 3/4"


The clone was then placed into a prepared pot in the propagator and the lid replaced. Thus helping retain heat and humidity.
So now were onto my Patch girls.

SM, could only afford to give up 4


SCD, gave up 7


Mel, gave up 8 but what I did with her pics heaven knows.

:shocked: Maybe Hippy has them:shocked:

Anyhows work progressed until 21 clones were resting in a nice warm and humid environment. Not wanting them to bake, the propagator was moved out of direct sunlight, covered with some newspaper to provide some shade and left well alone.

Looking good Bud Uncle. Why do you soak the pot containers?

Good Qs


I find this method quick, easy and clean I can continue to fill other pots with compost, place soaked pots to drain etc etc.
I can be a bit heavy handed when watering from above, compost splashes about water gets everywhere which in turn means more mess for me to clean up.
This really is simple and makes very little mess

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