High, from Mo.

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I now understand your goals and they make perfect sense. If you do decide to make a move to grow indoors, my advice would be to "use organic living soil" as that is the easiest way to grow - just add water and occasionally amend the topsoil with organic nutes. Anyone here would be happy to help you get started.

Good luck and happy growing!
Oh, it'll be indoors, for sure. I've been trying to organically and naturally fight non-beneficial insects in my veggie garden for YEARS, to little avail, it too often seems. Just today in fact, I found a Tomato Hornworm on my Oregano plant. That's a first!
Hopefully, insects are easier to control indoors than out of doors.
Oh, it'll be indoors, for sure. I've been trying to organically and naturally fight non-beneficial insects in my veggie garden for YEARS, to little avail, it too often seems. Just today in fact, I found a Tomato Hornworm on my Oregano plant. That's a first!
Hopefully, insects are easier to control indoors than out of doors.
They are...I had some fungus gnat issues 2 grows ago that got out of control thanks to my bumbling. Those bastards were feasting on my roots and I didn't act qickly enough. Bought some Neem Cake and cleared it up with that. Now, I never grow without adding a little cake to the topsoil. Never had any other issues indoors.
They are...I had some fungus gnat issues 2 grows ago that got out of control thanks to my bumbling. Those bastards were feasting on my roots and I didn't act qickly enough. Bought some Neem Cake and cleared it up with that. Now, I never grow without adding a little cake to the topsoil. Never had any other issues indoors.
That's heartening. Thank you!
Hello Bob and welcome aboard.

I appreciate your intro.

Your thoughts on old school weed compared to new age weed is right on.

I grew up as a teenager in the 60’s in Southern California where a lot of strains that you mentioned were also available in Cali.

Looks like you will have plenty of time between now and next spring to figure out the style of grow you most like.

And there are plenty of Master Ganja Gardeners hanging around here that are full of shit , er I mean great knowledge and are sometimes happy to help….

no , that last statement was a lie and the only info they will give you is add more cal mag and wait two more weeks

in fact , if I am not mistaken , which is seldom , there is another member here who also lives in Misery , er , I mean Missouri , dam spellcheck , and he grows outdoors

do you know if you want to grow indoors or outdoors?

also , your two plants look good…..but……it has been my experience that two plants size by side like yours , don’t do well , seems they compete for water and nutrients which leaves one plant stunted and one semi healthy

the good news is , you will probably be able to harvest some buds for some good old home grown herbs

I hope I am wrong and both of those plants thrive and you get a decent harvest

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I did that same thing last year on accident. I guess I dropped in 2 seeds cause thst is how mine looked. I fed them well and they turned out to be steller buds. The plants got about 30 inches tall. Mine was a 7 gal grow bag.. The plant has good color
They are...I had some fungus gnat issues 2 grows ago that got out of control thanks to my bumbling. Those bastards were feasting on my roots and I didn't act qickly enough. Bought some Neem Cake and cleared it up with that. Now, I never grow without adding a little cake to the topsoil. Never had any other issues indoors.
I had those squash bugs this year. After thry killed my 4 zucchinis and 1 butternut squash they moved on to tomatillos. Next year only growing peppers and weed only. Its to darn hot here for anything else.
I had those squash bugs this year. After thry killed my 4 zucchinis and 1 butternut squash they moved on to tomatillos. Next year only growing peppers and weed only. Its to darn hot here for anything else.

if anyone has a good idea on how to control those squash bugs I am all ears….they destroyed our potatoes and squash
I wish I knew. I have tried everything. Smashing those suckers are the only way I found to kill them. Nothing else works

gross…they stink bad eh

i guess I need t step up my game on all things squash bugs and how to control them………but that can wait until next spring

do you get any really cold weather where you are at in New Mexico?
gross…they stink bad eh

i guess I need t step up my game on all things squash bugs and how to control them………but that can wait until next spring

do you get any really cold weather where you are at in New Mexico?
No I can usually have a garden in winter like beets cabbage family kale lettuces anything thats frost tolerant. I was full of regrets 2 winters ago the cabbages had worms which infested on of my cannabis. No kore winter gardening for me. I hate those worms as bad as the squash bugs. We have maybe 6 weeks of winter. Rarely snows usually only on the mountain tops. Or it melts within minutes of the snow stopping. Our annual frost dates for first frost id Nov 21 but last year it was Dec21. I remembered because its my grandsons BD. We may get 2 or 3 frosts a year but not really any heavy freezes. I have bern here in Nm since 2006 only 1 frozen winter we got at least 6 inches of snow it was around for acweek because it dipped to zero snd stayed there for 4 days. That was only once in the past 17 years. It will dip into the upper 30s overnight but get into yhe 60 and 70 in the day time for Jan and a few weeks in Feb. I rarely wear a coat. Sometimes I need a sweater. I love our weather. Right now it in the upper 90s in day time and low is upper 60s or lower 70s at night. Blue skys about 300 days a year. Very little rain. Monsoon season is from mid July to mid Sept. We got one day of nice rain all summer about a week ago. We are down on rain this year. We did get surplus last year. Bad flooding etc. even that is rare.
No I can usually have a garden in winter like beets cabbage family kale lettuces anything thats frost tolerant. I was full of regrets 2 winters ago the cabbages had worms which infested on of my cannabis. No kore winter gardening for me. I hate those worms as bad as the squash bugs. We have maybe 6 weeks of winter. Rarely snows usually only on the mountain tops. Or it melts within minutes of the snow stopping. Our annual frost dates for first frost id Nov 21 but last year it was Dec21. I remembered because its my grandsons BD. We may get 2 or 3 frosts a year but not really any heavy freezes. I have bern here in Nm since 2006 only 1 frozen winter we got at least 6 inches of snow it was around for acweek because it dipped to zero snd stayed there for 4 days. That was only once in the past 17 years. It will dip into the upper 30s overnight but get into yhe 60 and 70 in the day time for Jan and a few weeks in Feb. I rarely wear a coat. Sometimes I need a sweater. I love our weather. Right now it in the upper 90s in day time and low is upper 60s or lower 70s at night. Blue skys about 300 days a year. Very little rain. Monsoon season is from mid July to mid Sept. We got one day of nice rain all summer about a week ago. We are down on rain this year. We did get surplus last year. Bad flooding etc. even that is rare.

our best friend for fighting the worms is Monterey Bt with Spinosad….that stuff is a godsend for ganja farmers
our best friend for fighting the worms is Monterey Bt with Spinosad….that stuff is a godsend for ganja farmers
I’ve had gnats, currently fighting aphids, I’m sure worms are next! I better just get some Monterey BT so I have it when the time comes lol.
These FN aphids though, man…. Is there anything worse than them?!?!
Mosquito bits are cheap. Just add them to your rain barrel or add the day before to a water bucket. Combine that water with spinosad and it will kill pretty much anything as a soil drench. Should be plenty safe as a foliar spray too as long as they are still in veg or very early flowering.

One treatment got rid of my gnats with a fan oscillating over the soil. Use it just enough so the surface dries out.
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These FN aphids though, man…. Is there anything worse than them?!?!
Yes, spider mites during budding. Its either risk the spinosad OR....get out the shop vacuum daily. The vacuum works pretty good too. Now if the plant is outdoor, you can probably get by using spinosad later into flowering. It breaks down fairly quick when exposed to sun and rain.
Yes, unfortunately there is…

that is for dam sure

yeah , use that Bt early and often , you will be glad you did

we generally start Bt spraying when the plants are about 2’ feet tall and spray at least every 10 days until they start to flower

then we switch over to Pyganicmor Azamax or Safer Soap and use as needed which is sparingly if we were diligent in separating the Bt

that shit is magic
Mosquito bits are cheap. Just add them to your rain barrel or add the day before to a water bucket. Combine that water with spinosad and it will kill pretty much anything as a soil drench. Should be plenty safe as a foliar spray too as long as they are still in veg or very early flowering.

One treatment got rid of my gnats with a fan oscillating over the soil. Use it just enough so the surface dries out.

we love the mosquito bits

we supplemented our water with a rain catch system that went into a 180 gal tank and we used those bits in the tank water then watered our plants

good stuff and like you say , cheap
I had those squash bugs this year. After thry killed my 4 zucchinis and 1 butternut squash they moved on to tomatillos. Next year only growing peppers and weed only. Its to darn hot here for anything else.
I had the same problem. Gave up on zucchini and squash. Didn't even grow peppers this year, just pot.
I had the same problem. Gave up on zucchini and squash. Didn't even grow peppers this year, just pot.
My broccoli got so infested I had to tear it out. I've been ten years with my little 100 sq ft garden - never used any kind of chemicals on it. The last two years, it's basically a weed garden.
I'll turn it over this Fall, get another professional soil sample, amend it in the Spring, and I just might resort to pesticides next year. Horn worms on my 'maters, cabbage worms on my broccoli, cucumber and squash beetles, thrips, aphids and mites...UGH.

I've released mantises. I've added beneficial nematodes to the soil. I've even left tomato worms alone once the beneficial wasps have built their cocoons on 'em, so they can burrow into the soil for the next year.

My thumb ain't very green to begin with. Plus...deer are quite abundant here. Maybe it just isn't worth the trouble.
My broccoli got so infested I had to tear it out. I've been ten years with my little 100 sq ft garden - never used any kind of chemicals on it. The last two years, it's basically a weed garden.
I'll turn it over this Fall, get another professional soil sample, amend it in the Spring, and I just might resort to pesticides next year. Horn worms on my 'maters, cabbage worms on my broccoli, cucumber and squash beetles, thrips, aphids and mites...UGH.

I've released mantises. I've added beneficial nematodes to the soil. I've even left tomato worms alone once the beneficial wasps have built their cocoons on 'em, so they can burrow into the soil for the next year.

My thumb ain't very green to begin with. Plus...deer are quite abundant here. Maybe it just isn't worth the trouble.

ya almost have to have a greenhouse in some parts of Merica’

i bought some straw from an unknown local source , me trying to be neighborly , I used some of it to put around my garden plants

shit had bindweed seeds in it and now that garden is about toast

bindweed is the #1 curse on gardeners , practically impossible to control without stuff like napalm

chickens have been my godsend to control hoppers and nasty bugs

chickens and Bt with Spinosad have kept me going

but now I am down to 4 chickens , took a break from the garden this year , volunteer cannabis , some squash , cantaloupe , tomatoes and peppers is allwe put out this year..

this cannnabis pollen that I colllected without wearing a mask has poisoned me and I have been sick as a dog for 10 days now

starting a regimen of amoxicillin yesterday

ya almost have to have a greenhouse in some parts of Merica’

i bought some straw from an unknown local source , me trying to be neighborly , I used some of it to put around my garden plants

shit had bindweed seeds in it and now that garden is about toast

bindweed is the #1 curse on gardeners , practically impossible to control without stuff like napalm

chickens have been my godsend to control hoppers and nasty bugs

chickens and Bt with Spinosad have kept me going

but now I am down to 4 chickens , took a break from the garden this year , volunteer cannabis , some squash , cantaloupe , tomatoes and peppers is allwe put out this year..

this cannnabis pollen that I colllected without wearing a mask has poisoned me and I have been sick as a dog for 10 days now

starting a regimen of amoxicillin yesterday

Get well soon!

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