That was a good-call Subbie & you've got a Mini Terrarium for $2!So on my bike ride yesterday, we saw a garage sale and of course pulled in. I love a garage sale. I saw this glass dome for 2.00. Looked like maybe tall cheese dome or maybe for a fancy clock? Anyway, I thought I would buy it and try and revive the one little seed that started to push up out of the soil but didn’t make it. The dome had vent holes in the top so I thought it would be perfect to cover that little seed in the 2 gallon pot. Turns out, the little trick worked. Just over night the tiny stick pushed out tiny leaves. Yay!
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so it looks like the whiskey Zulu will be riding along with us![]()
I agree with you. 1 and 5 are females. 2,3 and 4 are not showing yet.
You're & we're Lucky to still have you with us, that funny Taste in your mouth was CG (Cloud-to-Ground) Lightening, that you cannot see. It's from the Clouds Negatively Charged Particle "Spurts" trying to attract a Large Positively Charged response from an Earth Charge. The Lightening you can See is GC (Ground-to-Cloud) Lightening. The reason it appears to strike Trees is that when no tall Metallic Object is close, the shortest Path to hook-up is the tallest object...a tree! That's why trees appear to Blow Up from a Cloud Strike, the Pos. & Neg. Charges are meeting inside that tree, & when they Party-they Party Hard! Did you also feel Tingly or did the hair on your arms stand up, or was there an Ozone smell? Any & all mean you're Lucky to be Alive Subbie...because you were about to be Struck!Dang Carty, did y’all feel any of that? I’ll bet that was scary too. We use to get some serious lightning at our old place in Georgia. So close sometimes you could taste it in your mouth(so weird) We lost all the electronics in our house but no broken windows. My friend tho got a 4foot hole in their kitchen floor from lighting. I respect the lighting.
Closer then you think, any electrical charge will follow the path of least resistance & obviously it found a better target. Tesla's Dream was to make the entire world a Giant Electrical Circuit & Free Power for ALL Mankind, of course governments & Big Business made him a Laughing Stock to discredit him & it worked. All that Power is still out there & every Gub'Ment on the Planet knows all this, they just can't figure out how to divide all the money!Actually when it happened my husband said he saw a lighting bolt go from the window to the toilet I was under the desk unplugging the computer and yes there was a ozone taste and smell in the air. It was very close
Scares me too Fogey. I was driving once and a streetlight got hit right in front of me. It created a whiteout of light. I saw nothing but white for a couple seconds. It felt like forever as there was a car Driving right in front of me in going home traffic. I always heard it was good to be in a car during a lightning storm.I was out for a walk in NY about 5 years ago and got caught in a downpour. It was just singing like I was taking a shower. Like a dunderhead, I ran under a tall pine tree. About a minute later the hair on my legs stood on end. I got the heck out from under the tree and was about 30 yards from it when a bolt hit it. Scared the crud out of me and my ears rang for about an hour. I finished my ‘walk’ by running back to my apt.
I did in this last June, from HPS tp LED what a differance. Night and day, on and off, in and out, that's the difference.awesome!
I will be vatching and vaiting for results cause I need to upgrade my lights and go from HPS to leds
sorry but I know nothing about autos , tried to grow them like 10 years ago , gave up , sent my seeds to Carty and the rest is history
Yes, I guess you would never forget that day Wow!Got nailed indirectly when I was a kid. Mom had me run out to turn off the sprinkler that she had going due to a summer draught, and I was wearing a pair of shorts, no shoes, and it wasn't raining hard yet.
Ran out and remember the faucet knob being in my hand when I saw a flash. Next thing I know, I've got the weird sensation of water going up my nose. Once I came completely aware, I realized that I was flat on my back, an easy 8' from where the faucet was and that is was rain going up my nose. Lightning had hit the tree 20' away, and found my dumb ass barefoot and touching a faucet connected to copper water pipes. Didn't hurt me a bit, but made me very aware of my youthful foolishness.
Those are some very happy bushes. Nice job!Speaking of really nice LEDs…Updating the Spider Farmer light show. The five plants have been loving life. This light is awesome. The plants love the brite light and I mean to tell you it is so brite, you need shades to work under it. The light is cool and I can easily adjust my temperature and humidity with the vent fan. I’m pretty sure all the plants are all females now as I looked back on my notes and the ones I’m unsure about were listed as feminized on the seed packs but will still verify it when I see those tiny hairs like the others. I can already see where topping them the other day has helped the inner growth immensely and they are bushing out way more than I thought autos would. I’m hoping there is enough room in the tent for all of them. Y’all know how I love squishing in as many plants as possible.View attachment 308574View attachment 308575
WOW! and those are the SE2000's in a 2' x 4' Tent? How big an area can they actually cover, know what the Specs say, would rather take your word for it! Just ordered my Starter Lights VIVOSUN High Output 4-54W x 4' T-5's (will later use as Side Lighting), but still deciding on LED's. Like the Idea of 4- SF SE1000's (Tent is 5' x 5') for the versatility, but seeing these in action has me rethinking.Speaking of really nice LEDs…Updating the Spider Farmer light show. The five plants have been loving life. This light is awesome. The plants love the brite light and I mean to tell you it is so brite, you need shades to work under it. The light is cool and I can easily adjust my temperature and humidity with the vent fan. I’m pretty sure all the plants are all females now as I looked back on my notes and the ones I’m unsure about were listed as feminized on the seed packs but will still verify it when I see those tiny hairs like the others. I can already see where topping them the other day has helped the inner growth immensely and they are bushing out way more than I thought autos would. I’m hoping there is enough room in the tent for all of them. Y’all know how I love squishing in as many plants as possible.View attachment 308574View attachment 308575
Got any pics of your nephew? I gotta thing for the weatherman. Is he a red head by any chanceMy Nephew (not The Crow) is a Meteorologist & we use to Storm/Tornado Chase, for such a mild mannered Kid he had the Balls of a Brahman Bull, the Kid was fearless...UNTIL , he had his 1st Close Call, then I was on my own, but that's where I learned all this, he's a Smart Kid!