SubGirl’s grow with new Spider Farmer SF-2000 light

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Woke up this morning thinking about the tap roots on my auto seeds thinking they should be just about long enough to plant. Carty recommended 2” long. Well most of the were just about that. One was only about 1/2” but I went ahead and planted it as well. The white widow never did pop. I will try to put it in water again but my hopes are not good… but I do have 6 seeds planted and to tell you the truth just plenty for my little 2x4 tent.

there did seem to be an advantage in letting the seeds go a little extra time in the paper towels. The seed heads all but one had popped off. I guess they softened up a bit more. Their little heads were set just at the top of the soil covering very little. Hopefully I’ll see them pop out soon.

i set the spiderfarmer light on 70% and turned down my exhaust fan a bit to try and get a little more humidity in the tent. I’m sure I will be adjusting this when I see the seedlings pop up. There is plenty of room to adjust the light higher or lower as well as using the dimmer knob so I should be able to tune it in fairly easy after I can get the seedlings established…


this is what I have now…
Checked the tent this morning. 3 of the 6 seeds have popped thru the soil, another I helped a little and the other two are nowhere to be found. Perhaps they will make an appearance but it seems to me that I should at least be able to see them and I’m a little discouraged. I may end up with only 4 plants but probably still enough for the 2x4 tent depending on how big they get. I bumped the lights up a bit too in hopes the shy ones see the light and I don’t think it will be to much for the babies that popped but will watch them every couple hours today while they are sensitive in hopes that I don’t lose them.
So looks like I’m gonna have 4 plants for this experiment. The other two did not make it, may they Rest In Peace. 2 each Knows Candy and 2 each Trizkit F-2


I moved the Spider Farmer light down to 30” above the plants and the dimmer switch to 60%. They seem to be doing well and slowly coming along. I am hoping that they are building some roots. I’ve been very careful not to soak them down but providing a sprinkle of water around the plant vs on top of it to encourage expansion of the root system.
So on my bike ride yesterday, we saw a garage sale and of course pulled in. I love a garage sale. I saw this glass dome for 2.00. Looked like maybe tall cheese dome or maybe for a fancy clock? Anyway, I thought I would buy it and try and revive the one little seed that started to push up out of the soil but didn’t make it. The dome had vent holes in the top so I thought it would be perfect to cover that little seed in the 2 gallon pot. Turns out, the little trick worked. Just over night the tiny stick pushed out tiny leaves. Yay!


so it looks like the whiskey Zulu will be riding along with us 😊
You won't and if you do you can fix it or learn from it. Carty is a really neat Brother and he knows his Autos. I'm learning from Cartman to. yeha Lets have some fun.🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Yes I’ve been keeping up with cartys auto grows. He grows some beautiful plants. I have a question for him everyday 😊
Just an update on the spider farmer light grow. Everybody looks happy. The light is still about 3 ft from the plants but I have moved up the power to about 85% now. Looking forward to seeing what this light will do for them. So far, the plants are digging it. Even the little injured whiskey Zulu is catching up to the others.
Hey girl... bring your light down to 2ft and in a week down to 18" from the 24" ok... I'm running a light with similar power levels and the plants love it. LED's are so different and the plants can almost grow into the light and touch it without burning once mature. HPS it would burn big time.

I think your doing awesome with these, sorry not been around to help ya...
I tried that Carty. I said God,,can you please lower the sun a little closer to my girls. I'm guessing he didn't hear me or doesn't give a **** about my girls.😁
Hey girl... bring your light down to 2ft and in a week down to 18" from the 24" ok... I'm running a light with similar power levels and the plants love it. LED's are so different and the plants can almost grow into the light and touch it without burning once mature. HPS it would burn big time.

I think your doing awesome with these, sorry not been around to help ya...
Thanks Carty. I’ll bring the lights down today. Didn’t know if they were still to little for that. I’ve been carefully watering them as I think right now they seem to be responding to how I do it. I’ve not yet wet down the whole pot yet on any of the plants but each day sprinkle water around it a bit trying to get the roots to spread. This is my first time starting a seed in their final pots. Also my first auto grow so I’m all ears for any help or expert advice you have.
im so glad to hear that you are on the mend now and will soon be running around again with much less pain. Thanks for responding. I also have another thread SubGirls garden showing the other stuff I have going on, successes and unfortunate mishaps. Stay well and don’t overdo it 💕
The bastard needs to pay attention when I'm talking but he never does. Most ppl don't stand to close to me when I'm talking to God.😁
The bastard needs to pay attention when I'm talking but he never does. Most ppl don't stand to close to me when I'm talking to God.😁
You know I will. You don’t need the sun closer to your house. It would be boiling there. Just the same I would take the chance of a lightning strike with ya 💕
The west coast could sure use a dimmer switch on the sun right about now... in a 8yr drought..

Took a direct lightening strike 5yrs ago.. our old place. Blew out both kitchen windows, shattered the phone box and blew it 20ft off the house. Direct hit to aluminum drip edge on porch roof, split 4x4 post, went into the ground and split my tree roots. went under my wooden fence into neighbors yard, blew out his window. hit his metal trailer he keeps riding mower on.... chased it up to his brand new $40k truck and fried all the control modules....

Yeah, lightening can really suk...

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