Woke up this morning thinking about the tap roots on my auto seeds thinking they should be just about long enough to plant. Carty recommended 2” long. Well most of the were just about that. One was only about 1/2” but I went ahead and planted it as well. The white widow never did pop. I will try to put it in water again but my hopes are not good… but I do have 6 seeds planted and to tell you the truth just plenty for my little 2x4 tent.
there did seem to be an advantage in letting the seeds go a little extra time in the paper towels. The seed heads all but one had popped off. I guess they softened up a bit more. Their little heads were set just at the top of the soil covering very little. Hopefully I’ll see them pop out soon.
i set the spiderfarmer light on 70% and turned down my exhaust fan a bit to try and get a little more humidity in the tent. I’m sure I will be adjusting this when I see the seedlings pop up. There is plenty of room to adjust the light higher or lower as well as using the dimmer knob so I should be able to tune it in fairly easy after I can get the seedlings established…
this is what I have now…

there did seem to be an advantage in letting the seeds go a little extra time in the paper towels. The seed heads all but one had popped off. I guess they softened up a bit more. Their little heads were set just at the top of the soil covering very little. Hopefully I’ll see them pop out soon.

i set the spiderfarmer light on 70% and turned down my exhaust fan a bit to try and get a little more humidity in the tent. I’m sure I will be adjusting this when I see the seedlings pop up. There is plenty of room to adjust the light higher or lower as well as using the dimmer knob so I should be able to tune it in fairly easy after I can get the seedlings established…

this is what I have now…