Random Thought Thread

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I can't talk to Big right now. Brought my Wife out for breakfast.
I'll give you crap later.😁

show Mrs Hopper the Architect and Engineers for 9-11 video ans ask her to please explain it to you , I am confident in Mrs Hoppers ability to dissect and discern the Truth and not be deceived by the Lame Stream Media presstitutes
I'm not getting in the middle of this....

We all watched the second plane hit.
Some of us knew people that died that day.
There's some basic facts that cannot be denied
All successful hustles have a kernel of truth as seed stock.
The people and computers running the govt are not stoopid and have been deceiving us for generations.
hop, been looking for your post of Jason Aldean's new video , can't find it .. anyway .. here it is again with also a Mark Dice commentary vid ..

What a load of s*** it does not mention anything having to do with race or racism. The facts are true as the crap they pulled would not fly in my small town I’m afraid. The could try but it wouldn’t end so well for them.
We all watched the second plane hit.
Some of us knew people that died that day.
There's some basic facts that cannot be denied
All successful hustles have a kernel of truth as seed stock.
The people and computers running the govt are not stoopid and have been deceiving us for generations.

I am open minded when it comes to evidence

evidence like a Social Security Death Notice of all the names of the people who died on the airplane

there is no debate on the people who were blown up inside the buildings , we watched them jump to their deaths , RIP

but I need evidence , the passenger manifest with accompanying SS Death Index would be a good place to start , that goes for the pentagon airplane and the other one that crashed in the woods
Highrise buildings are made different than low lying buildings brother Big.

In high-rise
Structural steel is used as a frame not cladding.
The twin towers were not cladded with bricks or concrete for a reason.

Which material is used for exterior cladding of high-rise buildings?


In facades and building envelopes for high-rise construction, aluminium is indisputably the best material to use, associated with other materials such as glass, composite panels, glass-reinforced concrete, etc
I retired from construction after 35 years and they see both sides of the coin but what you guys are missing is the following. Aluminum is superior for cladding buildings, but has no structural integrity when it comes to the actual strength of the building. It adds to the integrity, but the structural steel, rebar and concrete is what gives those buildings its strength. There’s no way in the world that jet fuel will burn at a heat high enough to melt the steel. There were charges set in that building using thermite which develops extreme heat that will make steel melt. In my opinion, saying that the aircraft brought down all the buildings in Manhattan on 9/11, is like saying, John F Kennedy wasn’t assassinated by the CIA… I don’t see how anybody of rational mind can argue that there was no aircraft that ever struck the Pentagon. All of this is just as absurd as the government not knowing where that cocaine came from in the west wing last week.
There is all kinds of evidence from the families of the ppl who died on those planes. But you don't even believe them so there really is nowhere to go with this. I'm sure they appreciate ppl saying it never happened and their family members are not really dead.
I retired from construction after 35 years and they see both sides of the coin but what you guys are missing is the following. Aluminum is superior for cladding buildings, but has no structural integrity when it comes to the actual strength of the building. It adds to the integrity, but the structural steel, rebar and concrete is what gives those buildings its strength. There’s no way in the world that jet fuel will burn at a heat high enough to melt the steel. There were charges set in that building using thermite which develops extreme heat that will make steel melt. In my opinion, saying that the aircraft brought down all the buildings in Manhattan on 9/11, is like saying, John F Kennedy wasn’t assassinated by the CIA… I don’t see how anybody of rational mind can argue that there was no aircraft that ever struck the Pentagon. All of this is just as absurd as the government not knowing where that cocaine came from in the west wing last week.
I'm still in construction and have been for over 40 yrs. I know how those buildings were built. The concrete is not used for cladding. The cladding is mostly metal studs and windows and aluminum held by steel framing.
I never said the steel was replaced by Aluminum for the structure strength.
The floors are concrete and steel and the beams are steel and concrete to support the weight.
And I have already said many times in this argument that the planes hit the building to hide the explosions that were set. Other wise the top of that building would have fallen over not collapsed.
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Hopper, you failed to read my post. I specifically stated that the buildings were clad in aluminum, but I was referring to the steel beams and rebar that builds the structure of the building. The cladding on the outside has no bearing on those buildings coming down, but the real question arises is that how aluminum airplanes could shear all of that steel and concrete and make it go off on a timed charge floor by floor? One could successfully argue that if you took down all of the glass and all the aluminum that was on the outside of the building, the structure would remain intact I believe jet fuel burns in about 1660°F whereas that temperature wouldn’t even get the steel to glow red
Yes sir you a correct about the structure of the building. As for the top portion falling over from the fire Im not sure but I know that building didn't collapse because of those planes.
I will say an object flying at that speed could possibly cause some real problems with the structure but no way could cause that building to collapse.
I seen those explosions as the building collapsed like a pancake. I've seen that done in demolition.
Steel melts at 2,750°F, and jet fuel burns at temperatures of 800-1,500°F, so it doesn't reach the melting point of steel but rather holds about half its strength when heated up to 1,100°F.

Steel is a mixture of iron and carbon that can melt between 2500-2800°F or 1371-1540°C.
People also ask

What temperature do you bend steel?

Between 800 and 1500 degrees Fahrenheit

So I'm guessing that top could have fallen over from the weight but not collapsed as shown.
If the planes had of hit the top floor, it wouldn't have taken down the building. The fact that they didn't meant that the upper story's weight squashed the already weakened steel on the lower stories.
It takes an architect to design a building that'll barely stand up. Saw it many times in my career.
I rarely drink fluoride infused drinks .. we have 2 wells

so my pineal gland has abit more of clarity than most , .. which can be a curse when you can see the truth and others can't

The USS Liberty and the 9/11 New York dancing Israelis are just two picture perfect dominoes that has been made public .

.. but none supposedly can captured and recognize the aroma that emanates from either .. just two more dominoes that fell

.... just sitting here waiting for a nuke to pop somewhere in the American lands because if poofed anywhere else it would be pointless to retaliate

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