Random Thought Thread

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I am eating apple sauce if that counts

it is the alluring high from the opiates that is whispering my name and seducing me….she is so evil that she’s good
Glad they don't effect me that way. All they do is kill the pain. I sucked up six more loads of leaves and then aired up the tires on the plow Jeep. Back is screaming right now, but it'll let up sooner or later. Gotta get at least two notches up the pain level scale for me to eat an opiate.
That's why I don't like Opiates. Hemorrhoid makers and breakers.😵‍💫
Shame the Devil and tell the truth; That ain't how ya got those Harley-roids!
Good for composting
Maple leaves and grass clippings make for the best organic ferts IMHO. It's all I ever use on my outdoor grows. I had a 100'X170' garden out back. It's been at least 5 years since, and the grass still grows thick enough to bog down my diesel salad shooter if'n i let it get too long. Good stuff.
Maple leaves and grass clippings make for the best organic ferts IMHO. It's all I ever use on my outdoor grows. I had a 100'X170' garden out back. It's been at least 5 years since, and the grass still grows thick enough to bog down my diesel salad shooter if'n i let it get too long. Good stuff.

we have been cleaning out the chicken coop for the last 7 years

we use deep straw beds in the henhouse and clean them out twice a year and spread it all out over the garden and till it in

awesome garden spot until the bind weed took over
Look up anal fissure way worse then a hemi
Had one after I got shot. The fking pain meds had me shitting Rocks. That fker hurt like hell and took a long time to heal.😵‍💫
Scared the fk outta me at 1st because of the blood. Doctor put me on stool softeners and backed off on the meds.
Glad they don't effect me that way. All they do is kill the pain. I sucked up six more loads of leaves and then aired up the tires on the plow Jeep. Back is screaming right now, but it'll let up sooner or later. Gotta get at least two notches up the pain level scale for me to eat an opiate.

Shame the Devil and tell the truth; That ain't how ya got those Harley-roids!
😭😭😭Mean ole basturd.😁
I started cleaning the paint on the impala and my back was not happy with that idea, so I came in to have lunch and watch a little football. I took my pain pill this afternoon before I had lunch, so I am assuming the Vicodin will kick in and I will get back to work directly… I don’t care much for the buzz that I get if I take more than one pill at a time. Dilaudid is my drug of choice for pain, but I haven’t seen that stuff in years…
How do you guys get all these meds that get you high and give you roids? My doctor won't give ma anything the will give me a buzz. I get arthritis meds for my back and that is it. He tells me to take Tylenol for pain. I guess i am lucky because I don't really have much wrong except lower back problems. OH, I can't hear of see.....they don't give pain meds for that though.
Dilaudid is my drug of choice for pain, but I haven’t seen that stuff in years…
When I went in for the first lung surgery, they had me on oxycodone, morphine, and dilaudid on demand. They told me not to worry about ODing on the dilaudid 'cause the pump was on a timer. I could hit it every ten minutes. Hit it in less than ten and you got nothing. The pump was always screwing up, so it was at least 20 minutes before I could get some because the nurses had to monkey with it. Two of the CCU nurses said they hadn't seem pumps that old since they went to nursing school. I gave up after a couple of days. Between the morphine and oxycodone, the oxycodone seemed to do the trick better.
I was introduced to Dilaudid when I had liver cancer, and they cut me in half to get my liver out. After Linda passed, the folks at hospice asked me if I would dispose of the plethora of medication’s that was left behind. I disposed of everything, but the good drugs. I found that doing a couple of bumps from each of the pills, 1 mg snorted worked very well… fortunately for me, there weren’t many of those pills in the bottle so I didn’t have the opportunity to get to know them intimately… I can see how someone would abuse that drug
well I ain't in that category that's for sure...I stopped taking benzo's last night, been taking them for a long time and I wanted off...doc gave me trazadone to help me sleep...my mind just wont stop at night and prohibits me from taking a nap...miserable demon is what it is...
Sounds like we're brothers from another mother. Can't remember the last good night's sleep I've gotten.
I struggle to sleep, my mind just wont stop so I smoke a lot of dope when I go to bed...the trazadone I took last night didn't send me off to sleep but once it kicked in I slept like a rock until Ivan wanted out at 3:30 am...

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