Random Thought Thread

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let us partake of some caffeine’s so we can rest Ayurvedically

wanna go down a rabbit hole?

The moon is a space station and an artificial satellite.
It was brought here 13,000 years ago by the Reptilians - the Draco Empire and gray aliens.

Caused a catastrophe. Caused Atlantis to sink into the ocean. Destroyed the Atlantean and Lemurian civilizations of the Golden Age.

We are now returning to the Golden Age of the Fifth Dimension!
The Saturn/Moon Matrix Veil will be lifted from 2020 to 2030! All that is hidden will be revealed intresting👌

How do you guys get all these meds that get you high and give you roids? My doctor won't give ma anything the will give me a buzz. I get arthritis meds for my back and that is it. He tells me to take Tylenol for pain. I guess i am lucky because I don't really have much wrong except lower back problems. OH, I can't hear of see.....they don't give pain meds for that though.
My doc and I have an agreement - I don't ask for opiates and he doesn't like to script them. We established that something like 20 years ago, when I first started seeing him.

The doc that took out my gall bladder scripted me Vicodin. I had a total of twelve pills. I think I used 8. I saved the rest for a rainy day - that hasn't come yet. lol

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