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Hey this is what some of my fruit tree clones look like some of them have leaves already so yes I know how to propagate trees also and if u are interested in learning how I did the steps in this thread round September take a look it’s similar to the way you clone weed any questions feel free to ask me and I take cuttings early fall then spring you should see leaves on your cutting
So my friends it is December 12 around there my some of my clones has out grown they pots so I’m upgrading there pots and I’m putting them outside I’m flowering these babies outside in the middle of winter I will bring them inside at night if the temperature reaches below 32 degrees and once again I’m showing
y’all techniques to grow in and outside year around this is day one of flower and this strain is KRACK DADDY
Green how old are you about?
Do you still work? Seems like you do quite well. He who dies with the most toys wins
My motto
I’m 49 I believe in occult MAGICK I’m into manifestation all I desire will manifest into my life one way are the other I’m one with nature I PLAY WITH THEM SPIRITS MY FRIEND THATS HOW I GET THINGS and that’s the truth anything else I tell you would be a bold face lie that’s y I put this symbol up sometimes 🌞👁🌚 it’s esoteric in nature SOME THINGS ARENT MEANT TO BE KNOWN BUT SINCE YOU ASK HERES THE TRUTH
I’m 49 I believe in occult MAGICK I’m into manifestation all I desire will manifest into my life one way are the other I’m one with nature I PLAY WITH THEM SPIRITS MY FRIEND THATS HOW I GET THINGS and that’s the truth anything else I tell you would be a bold face lie that’s y I put this symbol up sometimes 🌞👁🌚 it’s esoteric in nature SOME THINGS ARENT MEANT TO BE KNOWN BUT SINCE YOU ASK HERES THE TRUTH
Well my viperspectra 1200 watt light has arrived guess what viparspectra 2500 is being token down today I hope it’s not to late for my buds

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