my first micro box with cfls

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Feb 28, 2011
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this is my first grow box its 15x25x37 with 6 cfls 3 40 watt 1 30 watt aqnd 2 26 watt and i have my fans in and out and toi let you know i dont really know what im doing so if any body can help me please do i would love to hear from you and i just started 6 seeds thay are flash witch is just like low rider so it wont get that tall but right now im just trying dirt i would love to do hydro but i know nothing about that but im going to try and post a pix but if it dosxent work i will try tommorrow

what units are those measurements? cm? in? but either way 6 might be too many, even for low riders.

Do you know the spectrum of light the cfls are?
Do you have any ventilation? fans and such
Do you have any nutes and what kind of soil?
What is your light schedule?

Thanks mate :D green mojo
space4206 said:
this is my first grow box its 15x25x37 with 6 cfls 3 40 watt 1 30 watt aqnd 2 26 watt and i have my fans in and out and toi let you know i dont really know what im doing so if any body can help me please do i would love to hear from you and i just started 6 seeds thay are flash witch is just like low rider so it wont get that tall but right now im just trying dirt i would love to do hydro but i know nothing about that but im going to try and post a pix but if it dosxent work i will try tommorrow

This sounds like a lot of light for your area... Vegging marijuana plants need about 3,000 lumens per square foot. should display lumens on your box somewhere... Hope this helps!
im sorry it 15 inches by 2 feet and 3 feet hight and the light are 3 40 watt at 3000 k and 2 23 watt at 5500 k and a 30 watt 3000 k and i have a fan in and out but if you think its to much light ill take some out i dont know how to post pix yet but trying to now im just really newq to this i just movede to a new house and wonted to try it but let me know what ni can do oh and im just using some jeffy pot organic mix its the only some what good dirt i could find and im not using and thing else right now just water there only a few days old:p oh and the lumans for the 40 watt are ithink 2740 and the 23 watt are 1600 i think and i don t know what the 30 watt is i lost gthe boxes oh ya and the lights are on 18/6 and could some body help me and tell me how to post a pic thank you7
hey Space.

post pics - click on "post reply" towards the bottom left of your thread and scroll down and you will see manage attachments click on it and attach pics. they cant be over 1200pixels so you can go to like and resize if needed.

I dont think you have too many cfls, maybe even not enough. you need alot. maybe switch to higher watt cfls if need be.

does the soil have any nutrients in it? on the back of the bag it will have a NPK chart stating what percent is in the soil.

thanks mate
The 30 watt bulbs and the 40 watt bulbs have a spectrum suited more to flowering. For vegging, you want bulbs in the 6500K range.

I would run the lights 24/7.

How are your temps?

To post pictures, Click on "Go Advanced", then go to "Manage Attachments" click on that.
the temps ok its at 79 right now i dont know if thats to hot or not i could put in another intake if i have to and i dont see a npk any wear but i will look again
NPK stands for Nitrogen Potassium and phosphorus
nothen to nice but i was going to do the bubble thing but chickened out and yes i know now it was dumb to plat 3 in each pot but oh well i only really wont one or two just hoping on girl but well see

mine 001.JPG

mine 002.JPG
Hi space4206, I like your cabinet, very cool.

Is "flash witch" an autoflowering strain? You have enough light on them for them being that small. Is air blowing across them?

Good luck on your grow!!!!

hey Space! like the box :D

and I really wouldnt put more than one plant per pot. makes it hard to seperate if one is male and the other is female
ya flash is an auto plant and yes the fan is blowing right above them right now
Ok brother all looks good! But i did a box just a bit bigger and all i could use it for was veggin! Just a heads up!
space4206 said:
ya flash is an auto plant and yes the fan is blowing right above them right now

Hi space4206,
I agree with THG that, "For vegging, you want bulbs in the 6500K range.". I use 25 watt 6500k spiral CFL's like the one's you use and I veg plants up to a foot tall under them. However I have never grown an autoflowering strain so I am unsure if that affects the K rating you want to use on young plants, but I don't think it does.
The reason I asked if it is an autoflowering strain is because the interior of your box, at only 3 feet tall, is not very tall and autoflowering strains tend to stay shorter. Even if you only use 6 inch deep pots and confine your lights to the top 6 inches of the box, that only leaves two feet of space for growing which actually is ok since you are doing autos and using CFL's because you are not going to have a lot of light penetratin down into the plants anyway. Regardless I would check out the threads here on training your plants such as tying them down and pinching stems just to keep them as short as possible.
As suggested I would also go ahead and seperate the plants now while they are young and the roots have not grown into each other. I like to use plastic 16 ounce cups or 2-liter soda bottles with the tops cut off for clones and seedlings. Just punch holes in the bottom. I bet if you used 16 oz cups you could fit them all in there for now and then probably just have to repot them once more before, or as flower starts and you can get rid of males. But that is just my advice. It is your grow so do what makes ya happy.

Here ya go brother! This is what im running fer three plants. All 27 watt cfl spectrum. I have succesfully run 6 on this set up but wouldn't go much past that! And a shot of the red spectrum bulbs i use in flower.



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