Idk why I'm just seeing this!Looks incredible. It's very satisfying knowing you brought that out of a little seed, isn't it?
Thanks man! That's what I did with my current run. Started seedlings in 1 gallon plastic then up potted to 5 gallon fabric...if I ever run autos again I'll do the same! Idk if I ever will though honestly I think photos are better for my set up. I like to be able to know exactly when to switch nutes and lights etc...with the autos I noticed since they are all on their own time, it's hard to water correctly with my system since they start flowering at different times...idk there are other reasons but I do see the intrigue with autos. To be able to go seed to harvest in 60 days sometimes and get over half pound yields...yeah there is a time and place for them no doubt. But photos will suit me better I think at least we will see how things go!Dude your doing awesome... just a wee little hit to get taller larger p lants... don't start them in solo cups, think it has something to do with restricting the tap root. After I started baby plants in no less then a 1gal pot it improved things drastically.. Try starting in 1gal plastic pot, then up potting to a 3gal felt.
Buhbam... Up pot soon as they show sex so they are going thru the stress of transition and transplant at the same time... in 2wks the plant will double in size..
Yeah man I feel like autos are for experienced growers no doubt! But ivr been thinking about throwing a few autos in my veg tent but I don't think I'm gonna have the room before I can get them to harvest as I have a lot of clones that will hopefully be viable soon. But when I do decide to give them a go again, I'm gonna be asking for a pack!Oh it's been a great week since Thursday when I hit 60... wife carries it into the weekend and spoils me..
Autos can really turn people off who have stunting issues first grow... wait until I have my Gabagoo available and Miss Piggy.. these girls get big, but especially my Beast Mode Auto
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This is her halfway thru flowering.... big big girl.
Mephisto genetics rock, some of my very favorite.. Night owl seeds, had a pack and a guy stole them when visiting few weeks ago.. dik.