MJP Grow Off GMOJoJo Auto Fem

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Soaking 2 GMO x JoJo Fems from Jan.. I dropped mine into water last night around 11pm.
Now they are in damp paper towels and sitting inside my oven mit keeping them warm.

3 days ago I started my soil for this run..
Bliss Coir, Bliss worm castings, Char, Perlite, Espoma's plant starter plus ..

I like to mix my organics together usually a week ahead of planting... but I'm looking forward to using
one of my old mixes on this grow...

So I mixed up my organics, Worm Castings and the Espoma Plant Starter Plus, added the perlite... even added more today not quite liking the mix yet.

Washed the 1gal orchid pots outside, getting most of the old dirt off of them... then inside to the sink to be rinsed good, then, into the dishwasher...
Along with the drain trays, gotta start off clean...

I spray the bottoms with CLR because it breaks loose all the calcium built up in the drain holes.. like new when done..
Tonight I loaded my pots with the soil and made an indention at the center and dropped a pinch of the

I've never used this before but watched a video on the benefits and thought I'd give it a go on this grow off.

I checked the seeds, already in damp paper towels, inside baggies and then inside an oven mit.... most have
tiny tails exposed and should be ready for planting in 1-2 days... I'd like to let them grow at least 2" tails..

@greenmobster440 out of the gate first, putting tails in the dirt.
And he seriously pissed me off being first too.... hahahaha... way to go GM.. I checked mine last night and they had tiny tails so I waited another 24hrs.

By then one had pretty much shucked itself and I pulled off the shell and skin before planting, she's in pot A

Placed them into the shallow holes I had made already and covered lightly in soil, then watered in with 3 squirts of my eye dropper I use for the first few days to avoid flooding or moving the seedling around...

So I have just 2 of these started.... and I'm with GM on when we choose our entry to work.... right at sexing.
by then you can see the traits of each and choose your winner winner chicken dinner plant... woot woot
Big question @MariJan

So at what point do I have to single out one plant as my entry in the grow off?

I'd say by the end of the 3rd week. Ya can usually pick the best grower by then.
At the end. You pick your best for voting. Everyone gets one submission. I will put them in a voting thread with the one pic. I may need a little help from hopper if I cant figure it out. The thread will be long because of multiple grows. Plus things go wrong and I want everyone to have the same chance.
At the end. You pick your best for voting. Everyone gets one submission. I will put them in a voting thread with the one pic. I may need a little help from hopper if I cant figure it out. The thread will be long because of multiple grows. Plus things go wrong and I want everyone to have the same chance.
Sounds good
It will be interesting watching the different grow styles. Already variations in the germination process. It's cool to observe the differences and I'm sure I'll learn a lot. Great learning tool here as well as a fun competition.
It will be interesting watching the different grow styles. Already variations in the germination process. It's cool to observe the differences and I'm sure I'll learn a lot. Great learning tool here as well as a fun competition.
It will be interesting. Carty does things a little different but very similar to my ways too.

I'll definitely be running a floater screen on one of these. I'm going to pick the best plant and run it solo in the 2x3. Should be able to fill the area up with a nice spread out canopy.

I've not used floaters on autos yet so this is going to be a experiment in a way. I know it'll work but ya just don't know how big a auto will get. So, I'll pick the strongest most vigorous plant and give that floater a run. The other two I'm going to throw in my veg tent...if I can fit them in there.

@MariJan how many are growing autos?

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