Growing autos outdoors

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So as long as my seeds all pop, I have decided what I want to grow this summer. I prefer indica strains but I think I am going to grow some saliva dominant plants outdoors this summer. It's a better place for them anyway. If they get super tall, it's no big deal outdoors.

I'm looking at Fastbuds Orange Sherbet and Wedding Cheesecake, and Mephisto Mango Smile and Hubbabubbasmellascope.
Oh man... the Dutch Passion Blackberry kush and the 2 sweet seeds runts have sprouted and broke the surface of the soil! It's about time! Now 3 more to go... the cookies kush, red gorilla girl, and purple Punch og need to break the surface... the seeds that are up this morning are the first ones that i planted after germination in the paper towels.
Well I think i have decided what to grow outdoors this year. I think I'm going with 3 plants. I think i am going to put them in earthboxes. All autos... 1 Fastbuds Apple Strudel, 1 Fastbuds Orange Sherbet, and 1 Mephisto Mango Smile. I think I am going to use ocean forest because I have 2 bags of it already. I may have to buy another bag. And I will top dress with some compost, and some down to earth all purpose and call it a day.

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