Loolagigi,6/30/09 is what were callin day 1.Keep ur ppm @ round 200 4 1 week.Because it works.(unless ur leaves look burnt,do they?)On the 6th gonna jump to 500,leaves tell all.keep them @ 500 4 a week.Read the leaves the entire time.If the tip starta to turn a yellow,brown,black lookin color then its too strong(as long as ur conf. about your ph,ph will break u EVERY TIME)in wich we'll back off em(nutes),drop 150 or so.Gotta figure out where they stand,can they take a lot of nutes,do we need to stay on the weeker side?Would help if you knew more bout the "bag seed" like where it was grown,whats it called,ect.....
Kinda like a blind man on a mine field.ANY SECOND SOMETHING COULD GO WRONG.
Dont freak out if we give em a lil too much @ first.TRIAL AND ERROR.This is why you see a lot of guyz tellin peps 1 strain @ a time @ 1st.You gotta react,properly.This is also why guys grow MOMS.Growin the same strain over and over.Once you get the feel 4 her then its 2nd nature.
Bubba kush 4 example.Put her and Napelese kush in the same 3 x 3 table.The entire flower(I hand dip early in life,get to know plant better-tables 4 flower.They get heavy.Well build u 1 in due time).
O.k. back 2 the table.The Bubba kush was never fed up to her potential.Reson being the darn Napelese kept burning.So I was basicly over feeding 1 while underfeeding the other.Trial and error.But I learned!I dropped the Nap.,the bubbas gonna stay.
I only show you "green" pics,lol.I got a bunch of burnt up plants.Cost me a lot of money to get where I am.Nobody helping me out.