I'm prolly gonna get a bunch of comments like.. what are you nuts for thinking Legalization of Marijuana in the United States wouldn't be a good idea... I'm sorry but Just to up and try to get something legalized is a fight no one will ever win. What those of us in the US should be thinking more along the lines of just getting it decriminalized.
First Imagine if the government was taxing your smoke...Price Check on Isle 2 on a sac of reefer... would be the most common phrase heard at K-mart... The Prices would soar, Inflation Inflation Inflation... Let alone those that are growing it will be out of luck, because i'm sure if it was legalized growing it would still not be allowed, because of the fact that it would cut into the governments wallet.
Second off, the government is oh so good at adding things that are bad for you into products to try to get you to act a certin way, and don't tell me this isn't happening, they've been doing it for ages.
Third, Would you want them to be your dealer, do you really trust them??
Ok so your saying those are only minor facts, i'm sure I could think of many more... and so could you. If you wanna push for something at least get it decriminalized first, We should look at places Like Canada & The Netherlands.. ect ect ect.. and see how they are going about this first, then we should follow their lead.
First Imagine if the government was taxing your smoke...Price Check on Isle 2 on a sac of reefer... would be the most common phrase heard at K-mart... The Prices would soar, Inflation Inflation Inflation... Let alone those that are growing it will be out of luck, because i'm sure if it was legalized growing it would still not be allowed, because of the fact that it would cut into the governments wallet.
Second off, the government is oh so good at adding things that are bad for you into products to try to get you to act a certin way, and don't tell me this isn't happening, they've been doing it for ages.
Third, Would you want them to be your dealer, do you really trust them??
Ok so your saying those are only minor facts, i'm sure I could think of many more... and so could you. If you wanna push for something at least get it decriminalized first, We should look at places Like Canada & The Netherlands.. ect ect ect.. and see how they are going about this first, then we should follow their lead.