Legalization In US Not so great of an Idea

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I'm prolly gonna get a bunch of comments like.. what are you nuts for thinking Legalization of Marijuana in the United States wouldn't be a good idea... I'm sorry but Just to up and try to get something legalized is a fight no one will ever win. What those of us in the US should be thinking more along the lines of just getting it decriminalized.

First Imagine if the government was taxing your smoke...Price Check on Isle 2 on a sac of reefer... would be the most common phrase heard at K-mart... The Prices would soar, Inflation Inflation Inflation... Let alone those that are growing it will be out of luck, because i'm sure if it was legalized growing it would still not be allowed, because of the fact that it would cut into the governments wallet.

Second off, the government is oh so good at adding things that are bad for you into products to try to get you to act a certin way, and don't tell me this isn't happening, they've been doing it for ages.

Third, Would you want them to be your dealer, do you really trust them??

Ok so your saying those are only minor facts, i'm sure I could think of many more... and so could you. If you wanna push for something at least get it decriminalized first, We should look at places Like Canada & The Netherlands.. ect ect ect.. and see how they are going about this first, then we should follow their lead.
I think the way some of the countries are doing it is great. By keeping it illegal, but making the penalties light and search and siezure illegal. Basically lighten up on the war on pot and focus on the other crap. Meth is more of a prblem than anything else right now. Tweakin Poison peddlers. When they bust guys like this they always have a QP of pot or something which is not helping the public eye on pot. By lightening up on the penalties the pot would break away from the company it is forced to keep.
That is why I grow my own. I don't want my money supporting some crank cooker to make more of that crap. The guy I used to get weed from, I know for a fact he had his hands in a LOT more than weed. He lived in a neighborhood with kids and stuff. I have a moral problem with that.
I say lessen the criminal aspect of pot at least.
"Ok so your saying those are only minor facts, i'm sure I could think of many more... and so could you. If you wanna push for something at least get it decriminalized first, We should look at places Like Canada & The Netherlands.. ect ect ect.. and see how they are going about this first, then we should follow their lead" posted by pranicfever

i don't know whut your talking about but in CANADA weed hasnt been permantly decriminalized.... they only temporairly put a hold on chargeing people who had just enough for it to be personal. Cops would pull u over hasle u take ur stash and that would be that .... during this time i had buddies who were caught and charged with possesin with intent to sell. the one friend had a q/p in his bag, he went to court and fought his way down to curefew and community service...... the only reason it was tempoarairly decrimailized was so that the government could re-think its weed policies. the result was the legalization of medicinal cannibiss. And re-criminalization of pot for non medicinal users.

i completely disagree with pranicfever and i think that we all should fight for legal cannabliss. whit that attitude where would we have gotten with prohibiton in the 30's ? we need to get pot legal. if the government does provide like u said and over tax it like u said and blaw blaw blaw ... whuts to stop ppl, the same ppl now who grow despite the risks of being caught (knock on wood for those of us who havent) to grow weed in a society that excepts it....?

heres an example ppl still u-brew alcohol rather then buy it at stores where its taxed by the government

we need to never give up our fight for our rights and one of those rights should be to have the freedom to stand outside in view of public and smoke pot. as far as im concerend we need to get ride of victimless crime..... whut i chose to do my self is my buissness not the damn governments. to simply say we need to give up our fight for legalization is to say the government has succeded in brianwashing you and that u need to blaze a bowl get super high and re evaluate ur perspective of the situation
The haze one said:

we need to never give up our fight for our rights and one of those rights should be to have the freedom to stand outside in view of public and smoke pot. as far as im concerend we need to get ride of victimless crime..... whut i chose to do my self is my buissness not the damn governments. to simply say we need to give up our fight for legalization is to say the government has succeded in brianwashing you and that u need to blaze a bowl get super high and re evaluate ur perspective of the situation

VERY well said
Gimme decriminalization, I'll take it. I won't stop there however. I also do not see how they could legalize it and tell you not to grow it. I guess they can do whatever they want but I cant see that happening. Its usually the opposite, such as the case with san pedro and morning glories. People have every right to grow thier own tobacco and brew thier own beer. Most people don't, but they very well could.
Prohibition of marijuana won't last forever. Look what happened with alcohol, and consider how long it took for the prohibition of alcohol to be lifted..I'm not saying it's gonna be any time soon, or even in my life time, but it will happen. I think it will be regulated pretty much exactly the same as alcohol, because of this, I think that personal cultivation of marijuana will also be made legal, just as the haze one pointed out, a lot of people 'home brew' their own beer or what have you.

On a side note, as a Canadian citizen, I would love to see the US legalize, or even just decriminilize pot. This is because then it would make it a lot easier for the Pro-Pot Canadian politicians (of which there are many) to make the argument. Right now in my opinion, the biggest factor keeping marijuana from being completely legal in Canada, is the United State's Government's infamous War on Drugs. Now I'm not saying I'm against this, sure go after the drugs that are actually harming people like crystal meth or coke or heroin or LCD or extasy or whatever the fuck (pardon my french) is out on the streets nowadays. But no..don't worry about the drugs that are killing people...nah...that's not a problem...why don't we go after pot...medicinal?? what does that mean?? nah...pot is bad...deadly addictive prescription drugs with serious side affects are the way to go..bah sorry just had to rant. Anyways, back to my point, I think the US's war on drugs is really the last barrier to pot being legalized in Canada, and thus accepted more or less all over the world, making the world's #'1 natural medicinal herb finally able to be where it needs, to help who needs it.

Damn those ignorant politicians. Damn them to hell.

You will never convince me that legalizing pot is a bad idea. I know too many people who need medicinal quality mj, and the best thing they can do is get it from a dealer who rips them off for cash they don't have in the first place. Another reason why now, I grow my own exclusively for personal use.

Damn those ignorant politicians. Damn them to hell.
I always thought this was funny. Once my lawyer told me if I got busted, it wouldn't be the fines or the jail that would hurt me, it was the tax they'd charge on any previous provable sales. I don't sell though....
Better than legalization: decrim.
Remove all restrictions on the growing and transfer of 50 plants or less per person.
If the gov't sold & taxed pot to make it more expensive than growing it yourself, you could just continue to grow it yourself.

6 years ago, Mendocino County voters approved Measure G, which cut off all county funds for the arrest/prosecution of people who had 25 plants or less per person. Open sales is prohibited, but if someone with a script appoints you as their grower, you can sell it to that person.

About 20 years ago, Alaska legalized the growing & poss. of small amt's of pot, and also allowed people to GIVE it away (like people who vint wine at home give a bottles of wine to friends). This cut into the breweries income so they started a scare campaign (people giving pot to kids) and it became illegal again.

The way to get pot legal where YOU are is to go throw the political process at the grass-roots level. Do few minutes of research on how to get a measure on the ballot in your city/county to make marijuana poss. & small gardens at the bottom of the list of police priorities.
Inotherwords they'll go out looking to bust people who spit on the sidewalk before they'd go out looking for someone who's growing pot in their closet or back yard.
You could contact norml and ask how you go about getting a state-wide measure for med-mj that people can vote on.

And lastly, before every election whether it be city colunty or state, contact the candidates and ask them their views on pot.
If they're agin it, don't vote for them, period. And tell them you won't and why.
Vote instead for the guy whose views most closely mirror yours.
People tell me "You can't base who you vote for solely on their views on marijuana."
Now you might not want to vote for a Dell-looking guy who says "dude it'll be so rad if you elect me. Free pot for everyone and no taxes and we'll party 24/7 it'll be bitchin major-league big-time."
But you can find a qualified candidate whose other views on issues like abortion, guns, taxes etc. match yours and who is also pro-pot.
If people voted for pro-pot candidates only, then most politicians would become pro-pot or they wouldn't get elected.

What I'd like to see happen and would vigolusly support is measures that would allow anyone over the age of 18 (or maybe 21) to grow 25 plants or less without fear of arrest.
People should also be allowed to give away pot to ant adult who is willing to accept it.
And with after obtaining a business license people would be allowed to sell pot to cannibus clubs or perscripted med-mj patients.
some things sgould be changed, some shouldnt, but until someone actually makes lists and documents the BEST way to change the rules, theres no use, rushing things always has a bad aftereffect...
Rushing? lol its been like 70 + years that a plant has been oppressed. Also I think that even if four year olds could go buy it at the store for a quarter it woulndt do much harm. What are they going to do? Smoke them selves to sleep. Id rather my kid smoked pot than ciggs. I defenitely think that there should be a legal age and regulations, but I really don't think full blown legalization would have as bad of an effect as people think. Its the conservative nature of being afraid of change that makes people think it would be bad. People say Oh can you imagine going to the store and buying it? like it would be some crazy thing. I do agree there would be an adjustment period but soon it would be old news. When the slaves were free'd no one knew what was gonna happen. Women tryed time and time again to get the right to vote but because people were so afraid of change it was a struggle. Anytime a law that is so drastic comes about it is human instinct to resist, because they way things are now isnt terrible and change could be worse. But in this case, the way things are now is terrible and change could not be any worse than 5 years in prison for planting a damn seed. Could you imagine the world today with slavery and women not voting? I couldnt, and I hope one day my kids say "man can you imagine they actually threw people in jail for something so much safer than alcohol" Ahh I can only dream....
You know, I totally agree with you BaconChef. It's a crying shame. marijuana, IS in fact, safer than alcohol in my opinion... I think legalization is a great idea for the US. like BaconChef said, they're afraid of change. but i think it will turn out a great outcome, probably better than alcohol's outcome, with car accidents and all.
pranicfever said:
Third, Would you want them to be your dealer, do you really trust them??

Do u really trust YOUR dealer??? That's not really a good enoght reason for me.
I'm prolly gonna get a bunch of comments like.. what are you nuts for thinking Legalization of Marijuana in the United States wouldn't be a good idea... I'm sorry but Just to up and try to get something legalized is a fight no one will ever win. What those of us in the US should be thinking more along the lines of just getting it decriminalized.

First Imagine if the government was taxing your smoke...Price Check on Isle 2 on a sac of reefer... would be the most common phrase heard at K-mart... The Prices would soar, Inflation Inflation Inflation... Let alone those that are growing it will be out of luck, because i'm sure if it was legalized growing it would still not be allowed, because of the fact that it would cut into the governments wallet.

Second off, the government is oh so good at adding things that are bad for you into products to try to get you to act a certin way, and don't tell me this isn't happening, they've been doing it for ages.

Third, Would you want them to be your dealer, do you really trust them??

Ok so your saying those are only minor facts, i'm sure I could think of many more... and so could you. If you wanna push for something at least get it decriminalized first, We should look at places Like Canada & The Netherlands.. ect ect ect.. and see how they are going about this first, then we should follow their lead.

I'm sorry but there is not one fact in this post. Not to be rude or anything, but facts would support your claim convincingly. :) cannabis will always be around potenitally up to 5 billion more years at least...assuming we don't destroy our planet before then.
.... Geeze you have any idea how stoned i was when i wrote this.. like 2 months ago..... As for whatever.. just my opinion... deal wit... it... so blah blah blah... on you...

EDIT: Not to mention............ I acctually support marijuana... ya'll are makin it out as if i don't.. it would be nice to have it legal or whatever.. but seriously.. i don't see it happening.. in my life time.. perhaps my kids???
marijuana shouldn't been completely legal in the US. Trust me and the rest when i say that we probably know enough of people that ruin this treasure. Yes, whether it be meth dealers or car thiefs, some people who get mixed up in smoking/dealing end up on a downward spiral.
Medical is what should be widely more recognized. It would cut down on the unscrupulous dealers and it would more importantly aid the patients who have been proven to benefit.
Who knows, someday completel legalizaiton could happen. I feel that i will see a higher level of sucess in the battle for legalization of mj in my lifetime.
.... Geeze you have any idea how stoned i was when i wrote this.. like 2 months ago..... As for whatever.. just my opinion... deal wit... it... so blah blah blah... on you...

EDIT: Not to mention............ I acctually support marijuana... ya'll are makin it out as if i don't.. it would be nice to have it legal or whatever.. but seriously.. i don't see it happening.. in my life time.. perhaps my kids???

Yeah, man. I totally respect you for posting such a topic and your opinion. I just don't want you to think I'm an ass for posting mine. I'll see ya!
Oh boy, Well, this post turned out well.

I have another opinion since my first one way back when.
The legalization should go through steps.
1. Medical legalized. The labs should not be run by the governemnt, but by liscensed cultivators. NOT A PHARMECY COMPANY.

2. Legalized commercial Hemp production in the United States. Designed for industrial applications. (then it will be grown all over the place just non-smokable)

3. Decriminilaztion for possession and cultivation of under 6 plants. (come on people we all know 2 mothers and four clones @ a given time is plenty for a personal op. thats over 4 ounces of good grade weed every two months.)

4. Total legalization. with statutes limiting the use to persons over 18.

If you notice this the trend starting. Medical is legalized in many states. and a few are fighting for decrminalization. but without legalization of commercial hemp. I think that will be a hinderance.
naw man... i don't think your an ass for posting yours... i was just in one of those moods.. hahaha... cheers man.. this blunts for you
cigarettes, alcohol, garcia vega's... there are so many things in this world that are legalized. Honestly, i think if something like alcohol is around for legal consumption, then so should marijuana. Shit, I can't even stand to hear about another drunk driving accident, makes me sick.

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