Morning Misfits.
Was visiting my Son Matthew in Oklahoma yesterday. Me and him was fishing in a pond where he lives. Had a great time. I hadn't seen him in about 6 months.
He has a little RV on this families property.
Very cool family. Pretty much reminds me of Hippies.The guy grows weed but is a Welder by trade. He also raises Bulldogs to sale. Those fkers look like they lift weights.

Big wide muscled up fking dogs,,but very friendly and playful.
Anyway very cool family thats helping my son get on his feet out in the country.
He is my youngest. 35 yrs old and acts like he is 21. He is a wonderer. Can't keep his ass still. I think he has finally found his place in Oklahoma. Thank God

Bokcheto Oklahoma is a small town with 3 cops. One probably named Barney,,and a couple stores. Matthew works at the local corner store. Just as happy as he can be. Country living at it's best. The Family Dollar store is their Walmart