Island Of Misfits

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that happened to me the first time I got high except I then ate a pot of spaghetti
I had a friend when I was 18 that had a monkey. When we smoked weed, he would come up close all squinty eyed wanting a hit blown. He knew exactly what was going on.

Not good for animal possibly, but we were 18 and that monkey liked weed. Also fruit drinks.

Hey, Chico!

Nope,,Pute says you always want to spoon.😁
Why did you have to go and get me in the middle of this?


Got the FK out of the big cities in stages. Wanted a place for the kids to grow up hunting and fishing like I did. We have a grocery store and a few gas stations in town... which is a piece down the road. Closest Wally World is about a half hour...

Wouldn't have it any other way. Only regret is not moving further into the mountains...

Maybe soon.
I live at the base of the Rocky Mountains. Years ago you could go to the mountains and get away from people. Not now! Even getting there is a traffic jam.

I grew up way out in the sticks, near a small town on Florida's Gulf Coast. Seeing the Milky Way was a given, even in town.

Forced to live in 'the 'burbs' now. Sucketh, it does.
I live in the burbs or used to. The front range of Colorado is suburbs from Ft Collins to Colorado Springs with Denver in the middle. Almost 200 miles of non stop people.
When I bought the property that I currently live on, there were absolutely no neighbors to the west for 4 miles and only a few to my east. Now on the way home I see nothing but tail lights if I’m on the road around dinner time. I don’t think I can move far enough out to escape the idiots of this world… not more than 5 miles east of my house they’re in the process of building 12,000 new homes all of them with 6 foot wide side yards…
I'm not proud of it, but me and my high school best friend were sittin' around the firepit one night (I lived WAY out in the sticks) smokin' weed and drinking Strawberry Hill, and we blew a couple shotguns into my sister's Siberian Husky's face.

That dog ran in and out of her doghouse at breakneck speed probably ten or twelve times, then came and laid down between us, panting and tongue hanging out, and went to sleep. After that, she seemed normal.
The wife and I attempted to make canna butter a while back.
After straining, I threw the leavings out back. Never thought about one of the dogs eating it. Well, one did.


I noticed he was walking funny, and getting progressively worse.
He finally got to the point where he couldn’t even move. The wife made him comfortable on the couch, which I advised against.
I came downstairs the next morning to find him laying in a puddle of piss and puke, still on the couch, which I had advised against.
I honestly thought he was dead.
I went to pick him up, so I could take the body outside before the wife woke up.
As soon as I lifted him, he started flopping around and squalling bloody murder.
He flopped out of my arms, and hit the floor with a THUD. Squalling all the while.
The wife came running down the stairs, eyes all bugged out, wanting to know what was going on.
We both got a good laugh after I explained the situation, and of course, I got stuck cleaning the couch.
When I wuz a kid, it was a tad over a mile and a half from the farm to Jackson Corners in Duchess County. It had a visible gas pump, and a general store with a big NY State metal sign out front telling how it useta be a stagecoach stop.

And the Jackson Corners population was listed: 23.
The wife and I attempted to make canna butter a while back.
After straining, I threw the leavings out back. Never thought about one of the dogs eating it. Well, one did.
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View attachment 343707
I noticed he was walking funny, and getting progressively worse.
He finally got to the point where he couldn’t even move. The wife made him comfortable on the couch, which I advised against.
I came downstairs the next morning to find him laying in a puddle of piss and puke, still on the couch, which I had advised against.
I honestly thought he was dead.
I went to pick him up, so I could take the body outside before the wife woke up.
As soon as I lifted him, he started flopping around and squalling bloody murder.
He flopped out of my arms, and hit the floor with a THUD. Squalling all the while.
The wife came running down the stairs, eyes all bugged out, wanting to know what was going on.
We both got a good laugh after I explained the situation, and of course, I got stuck cleaning the couch.
Be a better Dad, put the butter away.
Good looking Boy there
The wife's sheltie did it twice. Anybody that tells you that you have to decarb a bud to get high should talk to him.
First time she freaked and spent a hundred bucks at the vet. Vet said he's stoned. Second time, she freaked. Blew another hundred with me telling her just to let him mellow.
My buddy Mark and I were chopping up an outside harvest. Judging by the bud in the pile of dog puke, it was about thumb sized. Never even realized it had hit the floor, but he did.
I accidentally fed my chickens some old hard leftover Alice B. Toklas brownies

the next morning when I opened up the henhouse , one of the Roos was face planted in his own vomit

hens passed out all over

it took about 30 minutes to get them awake and out of the henhouse

i gathered eggs a week later and didn’t think nothing about a 6 egg and cheese omelette for me and Swede

about 1 hour later I passed out and woke up 8 hours later in my puke..
The wife's sheltie did it twice. Anybody that tells you that you have to decarb a bud to get high should talk to him.
First time she freaked and spent a hundred bucks at the vet. Vet said he's stoned. Second time, she freaked. Blew another hundred with me telling her just to let him mellow.
My buddy Mark and I were chopping up an outside harvest. Judging by the bud in the pile of dog puke, it was about thumb sized. Never even realized it had hit the floor, but he did.
Pua the pup in my pic did it too she slept for 4 hours after staring at me for 2
the sun ain’t up yet but it is getting close

a chilly 42 here but the wind is blowing like a mofo , gusts up to 40-60 mph makes it feel like it is 29 out there

that tower is the highest point around a little town called Wild Horse , about 14 miles from our place , we can see the tower from our back porch while we watch the sunset

Wild Horse used to be a town of over 1000

todays population is 7


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