Island Of Misfits

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Getting ready to head up to my Grampa’s place and my wife’s outside I’m dressing the baby and she starts freaking out, I go out there and the dog has taken the lid off a bucket of rat poison she sat outside. Just chowing down like it’s rib-eye steak. She starts throwing up out in the yard. I got the peroxide out and started making ole sarge drink it. Ten minutes goes by he ain’t thrown up yet. Drank the whole bottle. I started sticking my hand down his throat hoping to God he didn’t panic and start biting. 115 lb Doberman got some big chompa’s.
He threw it all up, only had it on his stomach for maybe 12 minutes or so.
It’s never dull in Yarddog’s world 🙃
Yep. I've been in two bad wrecks on bikes because of fking morons.
I was 17 the 1st time and in my 40s the second time.
I'm 68 and my body doesn't heal like it use too.

Some may remember this

This contraption is being used by the Military Police in training at Fort Custer, Michigan to learn trigger squeeze.
If the soldier pulls instead of squeezing, the trigger releases a skate-wheel, tripping a hammer. This pulls a wheel which drops a weight into a box, releasing a spring, causing the crude but effective paddle in the right foreground to make a thudding contact with the seat of the erring soldier’s pants. June, 1944. ORIGINAL HISTORIC WARTIME CAPTION. (Signal Corps.)
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Banty's are a hoot in and among themselves. I remember our old Banty hen terrorizing our dogs to keep them away from her brood that followed along like troopers behind her, everywhere she went..
My hens never bothered the dogs. I had a banty rooster that used to attack everyone and everything in the yard. I'd launch him like a soccer ball when he'd come after me. The Old Hen would come in with blood running down her legs. He'd jump Sharky, our Sheltie. Shark wouldn't retaliate, just run away. One day, I swear the dog looked at me as if to say, "Do I really have to put up with this?" All I had to say was "Get 'em!", and the feathers flew. It didn't deter the rooster much, but he'd only do a token bluff run at the dog afterwards.
He was doing his job, but a bit too much.
Getting ready to head up to my Grampa’s place and my wife’s outside I’m dressing the baby and she starts freaking out, I go out there and the dog has taken the lid off a bucket of rat poison she sat outside. Just chowing down like it’s rib-eye steak. She starts throwing up out in the yard. I got the peroxide out and started making ole sarge drink it. Ten minutes goes by he ain’t thrown up yet. Drank the whole bottle. I started sticking my hand down his throat hoping to God he didn’t panic and start biting. 115 lb Doberman got some big chompa’s.
He threw it all up, only had it on his stomach for maybe 12 minutes or so.
It’s never dull in Yarddog’s world 🙃
Good job with the peroxide! Good luck with the pup!
Getting ready to head up to my Grampa’s place and my wife’s outside I’m dressing the baby and she starts freaking out, I go out there and the dog has taken the lid off a bucket of rat poison she sat outside. Just chowing down like it’s rib-eye steak. She starts throwing up out in the yard. I got the peroxide out and started making ole sarge drink it. Ten minutes goes by he ain’t thrown up yet. Drank the whole bottle. I started sticking my hand down his throat hoping to God he didn’t panic and start biting. 115 lb Doberman got some big chompa’s.
He threw it all up, only had it on his stomach for maybe 12 minutes or so.
It’s never dull in Yarddog’s world 🙃
YARDDOG it can take several days for signs to show up, Did you clean poison control ?
$there are 4 diff types of poison see this web link
Hope for the best bro.
Most fast food chains have something about the chicken that makes it unique. For instance, KFC has its secret signature spice blend, and McDonald's uses celery salt to give McNuggets its signature taste. But regardless of how different the end products taste from one another, most of these restaurant chains are actually using the same chicken, provided by the same company.

As it turns out, the very same Tyson Foods that manufactures our favorite dinosaur nuggets also manufactures chicken products for chains like Taco Bell, KFC, McDonald's, Burger King, Popeyes, and Chick-fil-A. So, you're really kind of eating the same chicken no matter which fast food restaurant you choose to visit for dinner
Good evening Misfits! Had our visit with my brother today, went to the park and smoked a couple of bowls. The weather was great, and several other vehicles were burning bud too. Then we did some shopping and headed back home. Crazy thing - I forgot to turn off the van, it ran the whole time we were shopping! 😯 Had the AC running, too. Luckily, she runs great and didn't overheat...

The Mrs fixed burgers, mashed taters and Mexican style rice. We are stuffed and now on the couch, getting ready to smoke a bowl or two and listen to some classic rock

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