Island Of Misfits

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Evening folks. Calling it a night. Well, about to get in bed and read till my lids get heavy. Maybe an hr.
Reading a book written by a Vietnam pilot. Something like 1000 missions in a slick Huey. Seems a lot of soldiers write a book when they get home. Or at least in major combat time frames.
Just finished one called SkyGods. The rise and fall of Pan American Airlines.
Was a mixture of bad luck, bad decisions and bad politics. No one thing broke it’s back. The 474, the plane that Pan-Am helped design was their first downfall. The big jet carried so many passengers, it cut a 1/4 of the flights, taking 1/4 of the pilots jobs. With a slow economy the 474 lost money. The passenger threshold to break even was so high.
Merry Saturn Day morning brothers and sisters! All hail Lord Saturn!

A cloudy day here starting at 66F and predicted to reach 86F.

I got another roof cleaning bid via e-mail, but when I inquired as to what they would be using to kill the moss, they have thus far failed to respond.

No respond to my Crag's List adds either, even the free one.

Mostly puttering today and then dinner out tonight at Radio with Grayfox and our Cordon Bleu chef friend, trying out new restaurants.
Freezing cold this morning in the dark heart of the Mitten. High of 60 today!!!!!
Next Friday its supposed to be almost 90 again according to my weather Crazy weather.
Never been anywhere else where one day its so stiflingly hot and humid you can barley breath and the next day you can see your breath...

Enjoy your Saturday.
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My brother in law is killing me. His truck is acting up and I’ve been telling this dang dude for months. Check the fuel pressure. Check the back pressure on the cats. Over and over I tell him this. And he keeps saying “ you may be right” blah blah blah. Won’t shut up long enough to freaking listen to anyone. Keeps looking on YouTube for his answer. I only been working on these fords for ten years at a dealership as the only Ford tech they have… I think he is wanting someone to magically say what his problem is.
He got strung out on the pills several years ago and his brain won’t ever be the same. He’s stuck in the dope head mindset forever. It’s a shame. All for a high.
Hee, hee, hee, we raised chickens to eat growing up and they were fun, but the brood of Pheasants that we hatched put things in better perspective.

They are way more equipped to take care of themselves than a baby chicken and a hoot to watch forage. I remember watching a Pheasant chick being stung by a wasp that it had chased down and cornered, and as it was crying out in pain, half a dozen other chicks were going for the wasp.
Some may remember this

This contraption is being used by the Military Police in training at Fort Custer, Michigan to learn trigger squeeze.
If the soldier pulls instead of squeezing, the trigger releases a skate-wheel, tripping a hammer. This pulls a wheel which drops a weight into a box, releasing a spring, causing the crude but effective paddle in the right foreground to make a thudding contact with the seat of the erring soldier’s pants. June, 1944. ORIGINAL HISTORIC WARTIME CAPTION. (Signal Corps.)
Freezing cold this morning in the dark heart of the Mitten. High of 60 today!!!!!
Next Friday its supposed to be almost 90 again according to my weather Crazy weather.
Never been anywhere else where one day its so stiflingly hot and humid you can barley breath and the next day you can see your breath...

Enjoy your Saturday.
That's the old saying about Michigan; Don't like the weather? Just wait a minute.
Hee, hee, hee, we raised chickens to eat growing up and they were fun, but the brood of Pheasants that we hatched put things in better perspective.

They are way more equipped to take care of themselves than a baby chicken and a hoot to watch forage. I remember watching a Pheasant chick being stung by a wasp that it had chased down and cornered, and as it was crying out in pain, half a dozen other chicks were going for the wasp.
I've raised both. I used to love the banty chickens attacking the field mice like a bunch of velociraptors. Didn't matter which chicken caught it, they had to keep it long enough to eat it. They spent more time running with the dead mouse than they did catching it.
That's the old saying about Michigan; Don't like the weather? Just wait a minute.

I've raised both. I used to love the banty chickens attacking the field mice like a bunch of velociraptors. Didn't matter which chicken caught it, they had to keep it long enough to eat it. They spent more time running with the dead mouse than they did catching it.
Banty's are a hoot in and among themselves. I remember our old Banty hen terrorizing our dogs to keep them away from her brood that followed along like troopers behind her, everywhere she went..

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