Island Of Misfits

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Later, on the way home we had another event.
I rode down and met this guy, off a pot forum lol. So we ride together down to Florida to meet another grower. On the way back with probably close to a lb of smoke. And a handful of plants. Truck riding our butts, truck finally passed us and not a half mile later a georgia state patrol was sitting. Pulled the truck over and we went right on by.
My buddy said “when you breaking the law, only break one law at the time”.
But I'll bet your sphincter tightened when you saw the cop. I used to sell a lot pot in the 70's and remember the mini heart attacks when I saw a cop. Trunk full of LB's of weed. All ragweed back then. After I quit I still had this reaction for several years.
I got pulled over once with a 50 Cal Ammo can full of skunky weed in the back floorboards, but it was airtight enough that LEO didn't smell it.

I was at a party once where a cop car came skidding to a stop in front of the house , followed by another one a moment later. People at the party were running out the back door and scattering, while my friend the house owner was busily hiding his pot, acid, and mushrooms.

A few minutes later, both cop cars take off with lights flashing but no siren and we never did find out what was going on.

The funniest part was that my friend was stoned and drunk at the time. By the time he settled down and started looking for his dope, he was never able to find it again.
But I'll bet your sphincter tightened when you saw the cop. I used to sell a lot pot in the 70's and remember the mini heart attacks when I saw a cop. Trunk full of LB's of weed. All ragweed back then. After I quit I still had this reaction for several years.
When I used to go down to Florida and see my friends, I would always come back with at least a quarter pound plus some clones. I only felt comfortable when I would drive the motorcycle, for some reason I just felt completely at ease on the motorcycle. All I had to do was not do something stupid to get pulled over, that’s the only time you see it by pulled over is the guy was asking for it. But yes, when I would see one I would quickly assess my driving and speed. Just out of habit.
My wife and I went to a Pink Floyd tribute concert one night. we parked downtown, in a bank parking lot since it had cameras. Started smoking a big ole tater in the car and a cop pulls up. Gets out and we roll the windows down. Smoke rolls out like Cheech and Chong. Dude walks up looking 22 years old. Smiling a goofy smile. Asked what we was doing. Told him walking a block away to a concert. Cuz is smiling the whole time…. So he says it’s private property and he can’t say we can park there but suggests we park on the street.
So we pull out and I’m thinking “he’s going to pull us over as soon as we hit public roads”. We parked on the street, went to the show and was keyed up and mood was shot the whole night.

That was a stressful concert. 😂. We’ve had some grand times the kids will hear of when they are old enough. Wife used to do wheelies on the back of my motorcycle. She liked to go 140-150 mph too. Crazy. Young and crazy. Our bodies was a bit firmer back then too😂
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The 55 that I set up in the basement. Had a 37 gal that was doing really well but I hated the bow front, distorted the view. Threw this stand together from some rough cut we have.
When I pulled the plants out of the 37 gal, it pulled a massive plug away with roots and gravel. I busted the bunches up in thirds to replant. That’s a 100 bucks worth of plants if you bought at a box store. All this grew from a few $10 sprigs, in about a years time. When I swapped tanks I even dumped the dirty crap water in the gravel into the new tank. Clean tank is a dead tank. Needs all the microbes and bacteria colonies to stay balanced.
With a low fish count you never have to replace the water or clean the gravel. Just add as it evaporates. Plants eat the waste. Cleans the water.
Only a handful of Tetras and a bunch of snails in there. And some loaches. Once some organic debris builds up I’ll add some freshwater shrimp.
Merry Weedsday morning brothers and sisters!

Another gorgeous day starting at 57F and predicted to reach 92F.

I started listing treasures from storage in Craigslist, but thus far no bites, even on the free stuff.

Gym first thing this morning, followed by some quality time in the park with Miss Layla, and then a video conference with the pain clinic to see if they have anything else up their sleeve.
Fingers crossed for ya from a fellow back pain sufferer. I'm waiting for you and GW to find the miracle I want.

Yep, you're my lab rat, too! :)
Sadly, GW is having poor luck and still cursing the stupid doctor.

I just got off a video conference with my pain clinic doctor and I felt like pulling her through the wire and breaking her pompous arrogant neck, after wiping the condescending smirk off her face with a backhand.

Nothing they have tried has worked, including the PT we started with, and she has the audacity to tell me that I should have continued the PT that didn't work and that I'm going to have to be an 80-year-old big boy and learn to live with the pain, begging the question as to what the f'ck she thinks I have been doing the last couple of years.

At any rate, I fired her and will be seeking advice elsewhere.
Sadly, GW is having poor luck and still cursing the stupid doctor.

I just got off a video conference with my pain clinic doctor and I felt like pulling her through the wire and breaking her pompous arrogant neck, after wiping the condescending smirk off her face with a backhand.

Nothing they have tried has worked, including the PT we started with, and she has the audacity to tell me that I should have continued the PT that didn't work and that I'm going to have to be an 80-year-old big boy and learn to live with the pain, begging the question as to what the f'ck she thinks I have been doing the last couple of years.

At any rate, I fired her and will be seeking advice elsewhere.
Time for new new Older Doctor

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