Island Of Misfits

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Well if y’all would learn to ask for directions or read directions for that matter. It would help.😂
I never understood that. I don’t leave home till I know where I’m going.
I was riding with a friend once, on the way to another friends. He gets lost cutting across the state and stops in this small, caution light town and asked the dang police where to go. Higher than a kite😂.
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Partly cloudy today starting at 60F and predicted to reach 75F.

We have a racoon that walks along our back fence and torments Miss Layla in the early morning, who goes into the courtyard and barks. I'm confident that I won't be able to dissuade Miss Layla from protecting the properties, so will scheme on how to remove the racoon.

Gym first thing this morning and then I'm back on my roof cleaning project. I have three bids from $895 to $7,000, so will seek additional bids.

Also checking out a service that my ex-boss turned me on to. They clear out your junk, sell it, and give you half.
I never understood that. I don’t leave home till I know where I’m going.
I was riding with a friend once, on the way to another friends. He gets lost cutting across the state and stops in this small, caution light town and asked the dang police where to go. Higher than a kite😂.
Lol that took some big balls
Well all my plans for last night fell to the floor when I went down in the basement to find water all over the floor. The Damn water heater took a dump on us. Spent hours mopping up water last night. I swear I just can't win sometimes. I had to shut the water off to the whole house, as I found out the shut off valve on the cold water line going into the water heater is bad. Off to home Depot I go this morning. I gotta get water turned back on today but it might be a few days before we can take a hot shower again.
Lol that took some big balls
Later, on the way home we had another event.
I rode down and met this guy, off a pot forum lol. So we ride together down to Florida to meet another grower. On the way back with probably close to a lb of smoke. And a handful of plants. Truck riding our butts, truck finally passed us and not a half mile later a georgia state patrol was sitting. Pulled the truck over and we went right on by.
My buddy said “when you breaking the law, only break one law at the time”.
Well all my plans for last night fell to the floor when I went down in the basement to find water all over the floor. The Damn water heater took a dump on us. Spent hours mopping up water last night. I swear I just can't win sometimes. I had to shut the water off to the whole house, as I found out the shut off valve on the cold water line going into the water heater is bad. Off to home Depot I go this morning. I gotta get water turned back on today but it might be a few days before we can take a hot shower again.
That sucks Sorry Mate
Well all my plans for last night fell to the floor when I went down in the basement to find water all over the floor. The Damn water heater took a dump on us. Spent hours mopping up water last night. I swear I just can't win sometimes. I had to shut the water off to the whole house, as I found out the shut off valve on the cold water line going into the water heater is bad. Off to home Depot I go this morning. I gotta get water turned back on today but it might be a few days before we can take a hot shower again.
My heater is a 1997 model in my basement.

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