Island Of Misfits

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Morning. Took a PTO day today. After a long month of no A.C. in the house and garden, we are supposed to be getting a new unit installed today...finally. Fingers crossed, as they already put me back a day because they claimed they couldn't get here yesterday, due to the installer needing oral surgery. F.uckers better show today!
Good morning, Misfits. Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day here in the Mitten. Sun is out in full splendor. Yesterday was weird. You could look one direction and it was clear skies. Look the other and see forbidding weather ahead. It never did rain, but I'll bet it did somewhere close.

I hope I see my old buddy Bob at the gym this afternoon. Haven't seen him since two weeks ago. Turns out, he had a shingle attack. Weird. No external signs, yet he was running a fever and was delirious. His wife took him to the docs and the doc sent him to the hospital for a week. They claimed the shingles were on the inside, and that he was in danger of his organs shutting down or something like that. Zapped him up on antibiotics which seemed to be helping. At 75, he doesn't need that kinda crap.
Good morning, insomniac Misfits! Just finished smoking a couple of bowls of Gloss Boss. We also ate a couple of those Cheeba Chew 50 mg chocolate taffy for good measure, lol. Think I will pack a bowl of Moonshot, a nice potent indica bud that should put me right where I want to be
Sorry for your loss my friend.
I don't do funerals. If I love you or your my friend. I will show my friendship,love and respect while your alive and you can feel or see it.
I was made see my Dad in a coffin when I was 11yrs old. Most horrible shit I ever had to deal with. Never did it again and never will again.
To each his own. Everyone handles things differently.
Sucks losing a friend or family member. To me they are the same.
Lost my Sis a few weeks ago.😢
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Life with Air conditioning is wonderful. lol

Everything went great yesterday other than the amount of money I had to shell out yesterday. The installers both smoked and one of them used to grow so we had lots to talk about. They also free of charge upped me to the next size unit which actually cools my house more efficiently, and pulls the humidity out better than the old unit. All in All it was a good day. We went out for dinner last night in celebration. for the first time in a month I worked in my garden without sweating my off! HUGE DIFFRENCE

Today we are going to a memorial for my uncle who passed away on the 4th of July. I still can't believe he is gone.

You guys have a great Saturday!