Island Of Misfits

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Good morning Islanders. In the jungles of Central Illinois it shows a High of 51, low tonight of 31. It gradually shows a warming trend until Fryday and then gets cold again. Regardless of what that overgrown rat in Pennsylvania said the other day... This aint over quite yet.
Morning Graywolf, and Roster and the rest of the Merry Band of Pranksters. Looks like Hopper had trouble sleeping last night. Hope everything is OK in Texas. (I'm With Texas)
Good morning Islanders. In the jungles of Central Illinois it shows a High of 51, low tonight of 31. It gradually shows a warming trend until Fryday and then gets cold again. Regardless of what that overgrown rat in Pennsylvania said the other day... This aint over quite yet.
Morning Graywolf, and Roster and the rest of the Merry Band of Pranksters. Looks like Hopper had trouble sleeping last night. Hope everything is OK in Texas. (I'm With Texas)
Good morning Bugus Monkey!

I'm reminded of the summer and half a winter that I spent in Jolliet, Ill, where I learned about real snow, as well as how to drive in it after you've found your car and dug it out of a snowbank.

I got laid off at GM Electromotive division and halfway through the winter I got laid off again from Ruberoid, so moved back to OKC.

That was a most requested song at Northville.

Good morning folks. 33 and partly sunny. Partly sunny in Michigan = battle ship grey again. I just wanna know where the sunny part is. Got a full tank in the van, and I'll put the miles on just to see it.

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