Island Of Misfits

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Good morning brothers and sisters!

A mostly cloudy day here, starting at 39F and predicted to reach 49F.

Area Heating and Cooling failed to pick up my certified letter to them, so I am proceeding with the CLB complaint and did some research on filing a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency. My Grandson In Law, an attorney, has also offered his assistance, so we will see how long Area Heating and Cooling management can continue ignoring me. It's clear by their actions to date that this is a game they have played before and they take advantage of all the tricks.

Off to the gym this morning at 5:30 AM and to my semi-annual medical exam at 9:30AM.
My gym is free and pays me to work out. 😁
Im constantly on the go on my properties around the mall. I walk almost all day checking shit in the mall and hospitals. I'm up and down stairs in the mall and metal ladders going to the roof or chiller rooms. Ive lost so much weight, I lost my wedding ring.🤪
Now I'm single.😁
Hippie don't you tell Crissy or she will cut me😱
Good morning Graywolf, WeedHopper, Greenphene and the rest of the ragtag crew of misfits and fellow growers. 54 for todays high for the jungles of Illinois, 44 for tonight's low currently 32, cloudy and windy. Coffee and pinch hitters for everyone, I'm buying. I'm still not able to smoke yet or out of the woods with this rib deal. Who would have thunk it would take this long to stick back together.
Good morning Graywolf, WeedHopper, Greenphene and the rest of the ragtag crew of misfits and fellow growers. 54 for todays high for the jungles of Illinois, 44 for tonight's low currently 32, cloudy and windy. Coffee and pinch hitters for everyone, I'm buying. I'm still not able to smoke yet or out of the woods with this rib deal. Who would have thunk it would take this long to stick back together.
Good morning Bugus Monkey! Passing left!
Morning all 🙌🏼
This up at 4am shit is getting old.
Back in my working days (shudder), I set an alarm clock. I'd always wake up and shut it off so it didn't wake up the Old Hen. I'm over it. No watch on my arm, no alarm clock next to my head.
My gym is free and pays me to work out. 😁
Im constantly on the go on my properties around the mall. I walk almost all day checking shit in the mall and hospitals. I'm up and down stairs in the mall and metal ladders going to the roof or chiller rooms. Ive lost so much weight, I lost my wedding ring.🤪
Now I'm single.😁
Hippie don't you tell Crissy or she will cut me😱
Why, I'd never........ ;)
Good morning Graywolf, WeedHopper, Greenphene and the rest of the ragtag crew of misfits and fellow growers. 54 for todays high for the jungles of Illinois, 44 for tonight's low currently 32, cloudy and windy. Coffee and pinch hitters for everyone, I'm buying. I'm still not able to smoke yet or out of the woods with this rib deal. Who would have thunk it would take this long to stick back together.
Busted ribs suck and seem to take forever to heal. A cough, sneeze, or even stepping off a curb wrong are good for putting you in a world of hurt.

32 with a promise of 50 today, and tomorrow is supposed to break a record. I'll take it.
Gotta get my arse up and make a Vassar run to pick up another auction win.
Back in my working days (shudder), I set an alarm clock. I'd always wake up and shut it off so it didn't wake up the Old Hen. I'm over it. No watch on my arm, no alarm clock next to my head.

Why, I'd never........ ;)

Busted ribs suck and seem to take forever to heal. A cough, sneeze, or even stepping off a curb wrong are good for putting you in a world of hurt.

32 with a promise of 50 today, and tomorrow is supposed to break a record. I'll take it.
Gotta get my arse up and make a Vassar run to pick up another auction win.
Back in my working days (shudder), I set an alarm clock. I'd always wake up and shut it off so it didn't wake up the Old Hen. I'm over it. No watch on my arm, no alarm clock next to my head.
Yeah im definitely quite tired of it.
9 years of this garbage and i dont sleep well to begin with.
So i get in bed like 12-1am and the alarm goes off at 3:43 every day but Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
And friday the alarm just goes off an hour later so its really not much different.
I go to sleep nowadays when I used to wake up. The squawkers wake me up when they're hungry.
I always woke up before the alarm went off. If I showed up on the job less than a half hour early, I was late in my mind. Had enough time to calm down from the race to work. Some of those knuckle head's driving would make the Blue Angels puke. Best one I ever saw was a gal passing me (I was doing 85) with her dome lights on, steering with her knee, putting on makeup in her rear view mirror.
I go to sleep nowadays when I used to wake up. The squawkers wake me up when they're hungry.
I always woke up before the alarm went off. If I showed up on the job less than a half hour early, I was late in my mind. Had enough time to calm down from the race to work. Some of those knuckle head's driving would make the Blue Angels puke. Best one I ever saw was a gal passing me (I was doing 85) with her dome lights on, steering with her knee, putting on makeup in her rear view mirror.
Just wait when everyone relies on self driving cars
Got some more seeds today.

1 pack Bubba Kush- unknown breeder
1 pack Grandpas stash R2- Ethos
1 pack Lemon Jeffery- Irie Genetics
2 packs Garlic Stash V21- Dragons Flame Genetics 🔥

Have more coming too.
1 pack Double Dose- Irie Genetics
1 pack Hot Glue- unknown breeder as of now.

These were all gifted to me, and i couldnt be more thankful 😌🙏🏼

I also got 3 triple cheese autos from Anesia😁
Good morning brothers and sisters!

A mostly cloudy day here starting at 37F and predicted to reach 48F.

My doctor's appointment went off without issues and I am certified for another six months or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first. Except for my back of course, which continues to grieve me, and it is another month before my next pain clinic appointment.

Breakfast out this morning with Grayfox and Nutrition Magician at Gravy.
Glad to hear your mileage report is good, GW. As for the spine, if we put both of ours together, we'd still have a bad one. I had my daughter with the idea she'd be a parts doner, but alas she's two inches too short.
Sadly the things I always wanted longer or taller are getting shorter with age and the things I wanted smaller are getting bigger.

Aside from that, instead of losing hair I grow more fertile with age and am now producing it in my nose and ears at the same growth rate as my beard, as well accelerated growth of silver hairs on my back.
Sadly the things I always wanted longer or taller are getting shorter with age and the things I wanted smaller are getting bigger.

Aside from that, instead of losing hair I grow more fertile with age and am now producing it in my nose and ears at the same growth rate as my beard, as well accelerated growth of silver hairs on my back.
Well,,,we know what isn't getting bigger with old age.😂😂😂 Especially if it's cold outside.😋