Island Of Misfits

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Carmen Miranda got blacklisted in true Hollywood hypocrisy because a picture of her was taken dancing with Cesar Romero just as her skirt swirled... and there IT was...

Damn it! I tried finding the uncensored pic to no avail.

Yeah, I'm a perv.
I had to explain to so many people who thought it was some kinda scam... The limits of analog TV had been reached. There was no way to put more information (eg: picture detail, refresh speed, yada) on analog.

But advances in computers (thank you, Unca) exploded the whole world of television.

"Exploded" is not hyperbole. Think of your montrous 26" (diagonal) color TV set. It weighed a ton, the picture was fuzzy. It was very expensive.

Now lookit your 6-foot across, thin, lightweight, inexpensive movie theater screen with the picture sharp enough that you occasionally freeze the picture to read a small sign in the picture background.

And instead of having a wonderful choice of Lawrence Welk or Arthur Godfrey, now you have access to essentially any movie or event that was recorded

Technology exploded. There was no more reason to build Conestoga wagons when the Interstate was completed. But that doesn't mean the Conestoga wagon owners were getting scammed.

They were just left way, way behind.

I do not care about any of the technology used much less actually understand it…i gots moar important things to do in what little time I have left on this flat earth

analog , digital , transponders , reducers , ..holy cow!..where does it end!?

for me it was all about the money..I felt used and insulted…feck ‘em and I tossed the one eyed monster to the curb
Damn it! I tried finding the uncensored pic to no avail.

Yeah, I'm a perv.
How about my dance instructor?
Dunno where to put this... but it is timely hot.

At 6:45 this morning, Bank Of America must publish its quarterly earnings. The cheaty-semi-legal way they've covered up their losses won't work this time.

Start Right Here: Government bonds have lost 23% of their value since 2020 due to the Fed’s interest rate hikes, creating hundreds of billions of dollars of losses for big banks.

A 23% loss for US government bonds is unprecedented, and it’s never happened in modern financial history. Government Bonds are classified as Available For Sale (AFS) or Hold To Maturity (HTM).

Bank of America used to classify a standard 17% of its bonds as HTM.

Well, today, 83% of their bonds are now HTM. It’s a HUGE difference.

And the ONLY reason why they would do this is to avoid recording over $100 Billion in losses.

Bear in mind that Bank of America only has around $200 Billion in total capital. So if they were honest in their accounting, they’d have to write down roughly HALF of their capital. Maybe more.

Major banks in the US have suffered more than $500 billion in bond losses, wiping out a substantial portion of their capital. Despite some banks’ attempts to cleverly hide those losses with accounting tricks, the problem is obvious.

This same problem has affected the FDIC-- whose Deposit Insurance Fund is invested primarily in US government bonds… and has hence also suffered massive losses.

It’s also affected the Federal Reserve, which now has roughly $1 TRILLION in losses from its bond portfolio.

What this comes down to, Pilgrims, is that in exactly one hour from the time I finish typing this... the irrevocable fuse will have been lit.
Good morning brothers and sisters! Topless Tuesday yet again!

A mostly clear day here, starting at 54F and predicted to reach 60F.

I replaced the thermostat at one of the rentals and it turned out to be highly tedious, in that the terminals were ultra small and lighting was minimal. A five-minute job took closer to thirty minutes, amidst much colorful elocution. Luckily the tenant was not present.
for me it was all about the money..I felt used and insulted…feck ‘em and I tossed the one eyed monster to the curb
(*snork*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

...Sez the man lookin' at his light, thin, flat DIGITAL screen on his computator which, partially due to his Unca, works at Ludicrous Speed rather than Teletype Speed. In flawless color and microscopic clarity.

Why not pull up a video of race cars or a movie? Did sumbody pull a fast one on ya and get you to trash your Conestoga wagon and unknowingly swap it for a far cheaper, far more reliable Lamborghini? Yup.

Gotcha, Brother. :cool:

Signed: One Of The Sinister Insulters

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