Island Of Misfits

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no word from Boo

rain here this afternoon so i better get at it , gonna till up the 30’ x 60’ garden with all the volunteers

but nothing will be planted , gonna give me and the garden a rest this year

although Swede did plant potatoes , we have garlic from last fall , she is gonna throw in a couple of squash and tomato plants , but that is about it

off to the salt mines!
no word from Boo

rain here this afternoon so i better get at it , gonna till up the 30’ x 60’ garden with all the volunteers

but nothing will be planted , gonna give me and the garden a rest this year

although Swede did plant potatoes , we have garlic from last fall , she is gonna throw in a couple of squash and tomato plants , but that is about it

off to the salt mines!
Sounds like there is gonna be a garden anyways.
Reload. Lot's cheaper. Fun, too.
I'm a huge reloader, just bought these to test out the firearm, hasnt been fired since built it. Just wanted something, and this brand used nice brass. .458 SOCOM brass and bullets 300-400+ grains are not cheap.

I might go out and shoot a few hundred rounds of .556 on an outing, not so much the .458!

Shitfire, lad... thass easy 'splained:

Common, easy, simple languages like English, French, Spico, or Mandarin are used by a MINIMUM of more than two three billion people. You agree, right?

So I can talk to, and unnerstand more than two three billion fargin people here on this earth. Beats the crap outa any youngun here, I wager. Still wiv me?

But there is an enclave of Shaolin Monk Equivalents spread thinly across the whole of the US. They speak a language they have developed within the last generation.

It is one of unique words that relate to processes or seed germ plasms and the all-encompassing "insider-speak" of second-level slang code.

An example of second-level slang code -- There was an immersion group of us with Chinese instructors instructing us in Mandarin from 8AM to 9PM every day.

But within a short time, we could speak perfect Mandarin that was undecipherable by native Mandarin speakers.


"Pengyou" (pronounced "pung-yo") translates to "friend". Taking another word in Mandarin, "chwan" (pronounced "chwan") translates to "boat".

So an example of second-level slang would be to use: "Pengyou chwan" in a sentence. To one of us, it comes out "Friendship". To a Chinese, blank: "Friend boat"?

Just to let you know there is a TRIPLE-level slang code. Natch, the Chinese thought of it first about a thousand years ago.

An example of Triple-level code -- One speaker could make a statement to another within the hearing of yet another Mandarin speaker, and only the one he was talking to would understand.

He indicates the enemy and says, "A stone falls in the well." <-- Doan mean nuthin' to anyone not in the loop.

Think of the sound a stone makes when dropped in a well. "Budung" <-- In Mandarin, "bu" means "negative/no" and dung (doong) means "understand".

"A stone falls in the well" means the other person listening in on your conversation does not understand what you are saying to your buddy.

Anyway, I would have to be immersed for a while -- there is a monumental gap between the written word and genuine conversation.

And you guys speak second-level slang the majority of the time.
Stone in well = pearls into wine.

Good to know. Butter always has a bit of water in it. Except the real stuff that comes from the cow out back maybe. Don’t know if there would be water in that but I’ve churned enough of it as a kid. The ghee is a good tip if it keeps the chlorophyll out. The worst thing about edibles imo.
I have not tried this with butter, but I was reading to keep adding it back to water, bring up to heat, put in fridge to cool, remove butter from water, over and over. Allegedly, the green is slowly washed away.

One good thing about living on this side I guess. I got Cherokee purples in the vine now too. So excited it isn’t cold anymore. Having doubts about two of my outside weed plants getting enough sun tho. I hope Mother Nature is good to me this year.
I won't get tomatoes until August....worth the wait though. Won't have time today but will get back to planting tomorrow.
I have not tried this with butter, but I was reading to keep adding it back to water, bring up to heat, put in fridge to cool, remove butter from water, over and over. Allegedly, the green is slowly washed away.

Chlorophyll is a C-55 molecule that is hydrophilic on one end and hydrophobic on the other, so doesn't dissolve in water, but clumps together in micelles which are transported by water.
If you use ghee and the extraction process outlined above in my link, it is not necessary to remove chlorophyll, because there is very little present.
Chlorophyll is a C-55 molecule that is hydrophilic on one end and hydrophobic on the other, so doesn't dissolve in water, but clumps together in micelles which are transported by water. Micelle - Wikipedia

If you use ghee and the extraction process outlined above in my link, it is not necessary to remove chlorophyll, because there is very little present.
Does ghee have a taste? What’s it made from if I dare ask… they sell it in my grocery
Chlorophyll is a C-55 molecule that is hydrophilic on one end and hydrophobic on the other, so doesn't dissolve in water, but clumps together in micelles which are transported by water.
If you use ghee and the extraction process outlined above in my link, it is not necessary to remove chlorophyll, because there is very little present.
That explains it well. Have not tried ghee, but do "clarify" the butter, which I think is close to same qualities as ghee?


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