How Many Times?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
How many times do you allow yourself to click back and try again when you get the Server Busy message? How directly related to the chronic poster condition is the number?

What do you do when you finally get tired of it, go somewhere else, do something else? Sure, I know what you BHC members do, but after that, when your way fried, what do you guys do then?
I guess I would sit there all night trying :D. Funny thing is, it seems to me all that retrying adds to the server load - the server would be better off just handling my post in the first place.
pcduck said:
:rolleyes::bong2::bong2::bong2::bong2::bong2: I do that till I forget what helpful information i was about to supply to one of our newbies. Pretty soon I think I may just leave and not come back

Gotta give best answer so far to PCDuck. Love the cold crap--it's already hot in the state that dribbles pee on Cuba--keep it coming. Where's BuddyL?
Whats busy? (...... I hit back and pretend it didn't happen, while I stare out the window contemplating world domination....)

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