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Heard that Giggy !-- If it ain't the Po-Po it'll be the rippers that get U if the weather, ants and deer haven't wiped U out maybe there will be something left in the fall !
I'm indoors for the foreseeable future !-- I'm successful at the Tetra Project I'll have one shot at one plant !--Something like that outside --especially if there are only a few copies ! --It may have to be propagated from cutting !
good idea Keef, on sharing cuts of harlequin with you guys. you sure wouldn't want one now, but harlequin trastes kinda nasty to me and the bugs don' t like it much either. I was such a snob about cbds. Never realized how powerful they are. In the spring lets do that clone thing.
I have never had blue crab DD. Cold water vs warm water?

Glad ya'll got your heads bad.
Goodnight giggy, rose, keef and the rest of the clan. I'm calling it a night too.
I'll finish this bowl, and its lights out for me.
Good night Giggy !-- Rose it is in my best interest to share anything I might want to keep !--Po-Po could have me in cuff tommorrow making me watch them totally destroy my grow and lights everything !--Or a hurricane could wipe me out !--If I have taken the precaution of spreading my stuff out to other parts of the country --Maybe someone to hook me up with a cut of what Iost !--Get me some more lights and get back to work !--If I don't do that-- they will be lost ! I make a tetra !--I have to share it !
Hey All .... I say that the Dungeness crab is by far the best crab out there...King is great lots of meat but if it is frozen? I've had crab everywhere and I will take the fresh dungies..Anyday ...4.5 pounders tonight little on the big side.....Just My opinion....

Rose glad that things went well with your neurologist...{ sounds like "no stress" Right?} I miss mine he moved to alaska..We were buds I looked fwd to my Appointments...Just a great Doc..
I'm smellin popcorn:) Lets Puff :48:
Helicopter ! Again!--Coast Guard been working today!--Dam smugglers !

Yo bud we live right over there flight path every day, twice a day and low...I just wave.......:)

Y.D. Mojo on the Little ones.....Hope that you git fellin better...
It's hard to be stressed out when U lit up like a Christmas tree !-- I'm great at stress control !-- Hey Rose I just found an accidental seed in one of those high CBD west coast varieties--I'll be putting that thing in the dirt for sure !-- I still amazed at what CBDs can do too !-- I decarbed a little bit of that high CBD stuff and made caps like I do and I found a new friend !--I can work with something like that !
Some days I amaze myself. Other days I put laundry in the oven.
I think this is one of the "other" days!
Good morning ofc.

Hippie, i hope your appointment is over quickly and you get back to your pipe and van stat.
Morning you's guys. I'm excited to have some foliage in the grow room. Getting close to the weekend!
Morning O.F.C. Hippie good luck with the Doc...Watch out, every time I go, he tells me to Quit something else.....
Morning O.F.C.!--Last visit to the dentist --I told him --We're not gonna hurt each other are we ?--
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